Finishing base house: material selection, work features Construction

So that the house is truly durable, reliable and well protected, requires high-quality trim of the base. This part of the design consists of the lower part of the exterior walls of the building and the tops of the foundation. Since it is here that direct contact with the ground occurs, the load on the base from the adverse effects of moisture and other phenomena is much higher. That is why come to the choice of finishing material competently, given not only its financial capabilities, but also the quality of protection that it will provide. In this article, you will learn about all the advantages and disadvantages of all existing options today.
Constitution materials
The modern market of building materials is quite diverse. Therefore, the choice to make at the same time easily and at the same time is not so simple, because I want to create not only a durable house, but also a single, harmonious architectural ensemble.
Important! What does one or another material look like when finishing the base, you can look at the photo of the ready-made projects. This will be useful to you with the final one.
To date, the choice you have to do from such materials:
Important! Before deciding than to separate the base of the house and purchase the material, accurately mark your requirements for such characteristics:
Natural Stone Finish
This material is used to finish the base longer. The breed of a suitable type is:
- River and sea stone. Such a group of rocks is characterized by very high strength and absolute moisture resistance. In addition, the appearance of such a finish is not only attractive, but also very original. There is a possibility to create a fully unique pattern of any complexity.
- Limestone and sandstone. These stones are popular due to the fact that their value is very low. In addition, light weight and simple processing, cutting individual elements provides the highest possible and convenient installation. Wide textured and color palette - important advantages. But there are flaws that necessarily take into account if these breeds have chosen the main option for finishing the base of the house with their own hands - this is not very high strength, as well as the need for additional processing of each part by moisture-repellent solution.
- Dolomite - according to its technical characteristics, it is very similar to a quartzite, but it is cheaper at times. That is why even in the expense of a very long period of operation, even in difficult conditions, dolomite often choose the owners of cottages.
- Marble and granite. These are the most solid, dense and durable rocks that differ in absolute resistance to mechanical effects, the influence of moisture and frost, attractive structure and variational spectrum of colors. The only drawback is in a large weight, which determines the high demands on the bearing capacity of the entire base and eliminate any compromises regarding the quality of the adhesive solution. Otherwise, either the slab will disappear, or the base itself collapses.
Important! All kinds of natural stone are primarily an environmentally friendly material, durable and steady practically to any aggressive impact, in the second - always beautiful, presentable and elegant. To achieve the desired result, when installing plates, be sure to consider the following requirements:
- all finishing work is carried out no earlier than a year after the construction is completed, that is, after the final shrinkage of the building occurs. If you finish earlier, the likelihood of the fact that the walls and the top of the foundation are cracking;
- to install, choose consumables of very high quality with the corresponding indicators of the carrier load and adhesion;
- develop a design scheme in advance and follow the sequence of plates when finished.
Laying a natural stone for cladding. Video
Watch how to properly lay a natural stone for cladding the base in the proposed video.
Finishing base with artificial stone
Synthetic stone is an actual analogue of natural rocks, which in its popularity today is practically inferior to them. The reason for this situation is a wide range of advantages that are as follows:
- low cost;
- the ability to complete the complete installation with your own hands without attracting specialists and additional training;
- long service life, which is calculated by several 10th anniversary;
- low weight, which reduces the burden on the design;
- resistance to temperature changes;
- the possibility of absolutely accurate imitation of natural stone or other material.
Important! If we decided to decide the trim of the base with panels from artificial stone, consider that concrete and gypsum usually use for their manufacture. How strong will be the material, wear-resistant and durable, depends on the brand of the solution itself and production technology. Therefore, give preference to a proven brand or company that you can really trust so that you don't have to redo the work in a couple of years. To increase moisture resistance, immediately before installing additional, process the parts by a hydrophobic mixture.
Facade finishing at home or cottage with artificial stone.Video
How wide you can use artificial stone with facade works and finishing the base, find out right now from below the proposed video.
Decorating the base of siding
Siding for the base is one of the most interesting materials. Most often, it is the basis of its durable polymer composite, but other modifications are also possible. It appeared on the market relatively recently, but during this time it managed to gain very wide popularity.
The main condition is to use siding, designed for cladding precisely. In this case, you will definitely appreciate its advantages that consist of:
- absolute resistance to moisture, even in conditions of harsh climate;
- very light weight, which makes it possible to use on structures of any type;
- a wide species series is a wider palette of colors and textures, up to simulating natural stone, it is impossible to find in any other embodiment of the base decor;
- a wide range of operating temperatures;
- long exploitation.
Important! Since it is necessary to take into account not only the advantages, but also disadvantages, take into account the fact that siding is subject to deformation with direct mechanical exposure, and also does not provide a good level of thermal insulation. Therefore, during the installation process, you will have to make a crate for fastening panels, and the formed hollow space is filled with insulation. In this case, ventilation should be competent to prevent the disposition, rotting and reproduction of mold. If all these conditions are observed, the siding fastening itself will be very simple.
How to mount siding on the base. Video
How to assemble siding on the base in detail in this video.
Plaster base
Plastering of various surfaces is the most ancient way to finish. Despite the emergence of newer types suitable for finishing the base of technology and materials, this option still remains in demand.
This is facilitated by such advantages of plaster:
- the cheapest decor method;
- the maximum dense grip of the solution with the base surface;
- extensive features design not only with respect to shades and textures, but also recreate complex artistic drawings;
- strength;
- frost resistance;
- moisture resistance;
- durability.
Important! It is possible to achieve such a result regarding the technical characteristics under the condition of the use of modern compositions on silicone, mineral and silicate basis. Polymer additives are an excellent binder and also significantly prolong the service life of the coating. If you do not comply with such recommendations, it is possible to peeling and cracking a solid coating over time. In the process of installation, be sure to follow the technologies and install the plaster grid - it will provide maximum strength, wholeness with the surface of the base, as well as high-quality thermal insulation.
Video about plaster for base. Video
A visual example of an excellent solution for the plaster of the house is shown in the form applied below.
Tile trim
The tile for the base is made of a low-faceted concrete. Such material is also distinguished by a number of advantages, including:
- minor thickness of elements and weight that create a small load on the building;
- simple installation principle while using glue for external work;
- wide palette of shades;
- availability regarding pricing policy;
- variety of textures, colors, forms;
- very low moisture absorption level, which provides high-quality frost resistance.
Important! The service life of such a tile is not so long, as in other materials described. In addition, a clear compliance with the installation instructions is required. Such drawbacks can be completely stopped, if you use a more perfect heat-resistant clinker base tile. It corresponds to the usual ceramics in all characteristics, but additionally provides high-quality thermal insulation.
Video about facade work with clinker tiles
How are facade work with clinker tiles, browse in the detailed video instructions.
Finishing metal profile
Metal profile is not so common to solve the problem of protective cladding of the base, but still applies. The main advantages:
But at the same time, the professionalist is more than other options to form corrosion.
Important! This material is used mainly when making buildings of non-residential fund, and the installation requires an additional framework from a wooden or metal profile.
Now you know about all the advantages and disadvantages of each material suitable for cladding the base of your own home. Competently and thoughtfully approach the choice, correctly calculate the quantity, read carefully with the installation instructions and only then proceed to perform the work. In this case, the successful result is guaranteed!