Correct marble flooring Floors

Marble is a beautiful expensive, but extremely sensitive material. Coatings from natural rocks need careful care using proven chemicals. Special pastes and mixes provide a glossy glitter stone, protection and practicality.
At the same time, spilled alcohol, coffee, ketchup stains should be immediately removed from the marble floor. It equally touches the dirt that is clogged in the seams and microcracks. Washing tiles regularly with the addition of special means, you can not take care of grinding and polishing for many years. We find out what preventive measures will save the gloss of marble.
What you can not clean marble
To begin with, we will list than it is categorically impossible to clean the surface. Household chemicals containing abrasives and weak acids included in the list of taboo. The coating is capable of threatening the acid-containing liquids like vinegar, wine. So, the full list is as follows:
- Household chemical cleaning products. Even weak acids are capable of violating the fragile structure of marble, and abrasive powders will certainly leave after themselves circular scratches. It is also ultimately not recommended to process material tools for cleaning ceramic tiles.
- Doubtful folk remedies like orange juice, cola. In the composition of beverages there are weaker acids.
- Acid-containing liquids. Vinegar, wine and various juices with a large content of acids can easily harm the facial coating of the stone. Therefore, the stains from Ketchup, the wine puddles are preferably immediately eliminated.
Than you can clean marble
For marble floors, there are special agents intended for such coatings. What is curious, for a specific type of pollution, experts use certain cleaning mixtures.
Choosing a chemical composition for cleaning marble, carefully study recommendations in product annotations. Only in extreme cases, the use of folk remedies is permissible. One way or another, it is recommended to test "chemistry" before surface treatment. For this, any piece of marble will come down, or a field of flooring under furniture.
If you have chosen concentrate, increase the "degree" smoothly as needed. Make sure ineffectiveness before increasing the concentration. In some cases, it should not be hurried, otherwise terrible spots are possible. The main thing is to understand the nature of the formation of spots on the surface.
Stains of organic origin
Sustainable pinkish traces remain from the following substances:
- tobacco;
- pollen;
- litter animals;
- bark;
- tea;
- leaves;
- coffee.
Under the action of ultraviolet rays, organic stains may disappear. In the premises, traces of the described substances are eliminated by means of a specially designed paste to remove contamination from the marble type of Manjia Makkia. The universal means is also used to clean ceramics, limestone, slate, granite.
Alternatively, you can use the folk bleach, namely the hydrogen peroxide and the ammonia alcohol. For this you need:
- Soak white soft tissue in hydrogen peroxide solution and ammonia alcohol.
- Put on a stain.
- Cover the matter with polyethylene and leave for 24 hours.
- Rinse marble with warm water and dry dry.
Despite the good effect of folk remedies, the selection of composures to purify the stains should be approached more. Trust by branded means.
Rust stains
In the area of \u200b\u200bmarble contact with metal elements, rusty stains are formed and lower. In the model range of means for cleansing marble there are special compositions like "Rust Eater". Clean the cleanup according to the recommendation and for a long time do not leave the substance on the surface.
Also remember that highly entered rusty stains are quite difficult to bring. Therefore, the situation should not be launched.
Spots of plant origin
Fat stains are easily derived using anti-rigging compositions. Highly efficient concentrates are coping with such pollution:
- oil spots;
- soot;
- wax spots.
Universal drugs can be replaced by the folk agent. For example, with fat stains perfectly coping with clocking paper. For this you need:
- Mix the stool paper in alcohol.
- Impose on marble with a fat stain.
- To cover with polyethylene and wait until the paper does not build fat.
- Water wipe the surface.
Yellow spots on bright marble
Light marble vulnerable before time. With a duty of ultraviolet irradiation, the surface is yellow. To eliminate the effect of yellowness, marble is interrelated by a mechanical manner. In some cases, a fairly simple soap solution. The foam is left on the coating and after a while thoroughly rub. The care of the yellowed marble floor allows the use of a hydrogen peroxide solution and several drops of ammonia alcohol.
It is important to remember that the ammonia pairs have a harmful effect on human health.
Ink and Rain Spots
The ill-fated spots from pencils, markers and ballpoints are easily removed by special means for cleaning ink. In case of hand, the branded cleaning product is at hand, to avoid further penetration of the stain in the structure of the stone will help the same hydrogen peroxide or acetone. It follows a short time to apply acetone or hydrogen peroxide to the surface, cover the matter. After some time, based on the degree of complexity, the solution was washed off with water. Be careful with these drugs, as they are able to leave behind the spots of light color.
As for rainpoints, they are eliminated by mechanical way. To do this, you need to pass the surface to the state of the glitter. In the extreme case, you can do with dry metal kitchen appliances. However, after it will have to polish the coating with special means, otherwise there will be barely visible divorces.
How to clean dull marble
Special poly rays help restore sweat marble floors. The photo shows how tools based on natural wax provide a stunning mirror glitter. From a set of folk remedies is best suitable beeswax. It provides not only mirror, but also reliable protection against mechanical impacts.
Sometimes an unforgettable Dedovsky method comes to the rescue - rubbing the marble to the brilliance of Skipidar. Despite the qualitative result, the restoration of the effect of the mirror is accompanied by a steady smell of turpentine.
Still, the best tool is a special paste or powder for cleansing stone. Such products ensures the protection of marble floor from mechanical damage, ultraviolet, water and other "enemies" of natural material.
Correct marble flooring
Competent marble flooring includes two main procedures:
- purification (grinding and polishing);
- protection (applying special fat and water-repellent means).
Sometimes these operations are produced simultaneously depending on the level of pollution. Recovery work provide for the following operations:
1. Dry washing.
Using a soft brush, solid particles scratching the glossy coating are sweeping.
2. Wet washing.
Marble coating is processed by a cleansing agent. Shampoos for cleaning natural stone with a wide spectrum of action act, not disturbing material structures. In the event that the stone is significantly contaminated, potent concentrates are used.
3. Natural drying.
4. Applying protective coatings. Several protection methods are distinguished:
- wax processing that gives shine and fine protection;
- impregnation with fat and water protection products, which prevents the formation of stains;
- washing and water treatment facilities (mixed method).
The third option looks preferable, since comprehensive processing provides multistage coating protection.
Outows often ignore recommendations for care of a capricious natural stone, which is incorrect. Only multi-stage marble processing increases the shelf life and gives the surface mirror effect. In the event that marble under the action of ultraviolet, potent acids lost their attractiveness, all sorts of chemical solutions or mechanical grinding come to the aid.
From natural substances, a wax that restores the attractiveness and the protective layer is deserved from natural substances. No less popular poly rays with anti-slip effect. As for the kitchen countertops from marble, care for them provides for the use of special cleaning and detergents based on high-quality wax.
Using this tool for cleaning the surface, you will never have a question than washing the marble floor. The universal product does not change the color of the stone and does not leave oil divorces.