Decorative Decoration of Metal Doors Doors

Installing metal entrance doors prefers most, because they are durable and more reliable than doors from other materials. The only minus them is a rather simple appearance. Of course, you can resort to artistic forging, but it will be very expensive. There are several ways to make a metal doors of aesthetic appearance and improve certain properties that will cost much cheaper. We will discuss them in more detail in this article.
What is the purpose of the decorative decoration of metal doors
The prerequisites can be the most different, for example:
- decoration of a metal door, giving it a more spectacular view;
- the desire to increase the thermal insulation properties of the door;
- disguise injury and mechanical damage obtained during operation;
- after repairing in the apartment, the door finish ceased to be combined with its new decoration.
Types of finishing of metal doors
To select the view of the entrance door finish is preferred for you, you must first determine the functions and requirements that they must perform. Think about whether you want to use natural material for cladding or artificial imitation will be satisfied; Do you need an increase in the quality and strength characteristics of the door or you just want to protect it from moisture and corrosion.
The most common materials for this purpose are:
- plastic panels;
- veneer;
- pVC film;
- powder spraying or paint;
- mDF panels;
- laminate;
- kervinil or artificial leather;
- lining;
- wooden panels.
Consider each of the options separately:
- The plastic finish is most often used to fabricate the doors of offices, firms and other non-residential premises. It provides minimal protection, neat appearance and does not hit the budget. The disadvantage of this material is a small strength and appearance of far from natural. That is why plastic is practically not used to cladding doors in apartments and houses.
- If you just need to give the door with a visually look, then your option is a veneer or PVC film. These types of finishes, due to the low thickness and lack of a rigid layer, do not perform any function except decorative. In this case, the veneer has a natural origin and the structure of the tree, and the PVC film is artificial and only imitates it. Also, both of these material are inexpensive, the most economical is PVC film.
- Powder spraying exceeds all the listed types of finishes. In fact, it is a layer of ordinary paint, only it is applied at the production of a special method that allows you to maximize the strength characteristics and service life. Also, the usual painting also has a good effect, but adhesion in this case will be worse, and the period of operation is less.
- Metal doors are very popular with finishing MDF. But it is not worth using this material for the street. The fact is that under the influence of moisture and other adverse weather conditions, it will deteriorate and lose its appearance. It is best to apply it for the interior decoration of metal doors. In this case, this material will fit perfectly, in addition to beauty and strength, it will also increase thermal insulation.
- Metal doors with laminate decoration due to fear of water, are also suitable only as the entrance to the apartment. All attempts to protect them from moisture with the help of resin and water-repellent paper remain in vain, because the ends of the material do not cover in any way, and the moisture will inevitably fall through them. But if you separate the laminate the door in the room, for example, in the entrance, then this is a very good option and in quality, and from aesthetic considerations.
- Kervinil or artificial leather. Excellent material, along with the beauty of the appearance and lowest possible, has excellent strength characteristics, it is difficult to erase, not afraid of the effects of moisture and detergents, and is also not susceptible to burning. The only minus of the peel is that he can suffer from the hands of vandals or cat claws.
- The metal door finish is also very available at a price. It is an unbroken wood lamellae, which covers the door leaf. The lining provides good heat and sound insulation, has strength, it is easy to paint and lacquer. Such indicators as resistance to moisture, fungus and fire resistance depend on the breed of the used wood. In most cases, the material has to additionally process special means.
- Another option is to finish the door to the valuable rocks of the tree. It, of course, cannot be called economical, but it serves such a material for a long time, is durable and has nothing comparable appearance, and also provides good thermal insulation.
Self-finishing tips for metal doors
Work on facing in one way or another material differ significantly from each other. But there are several general rules that need to be guided to achieve the best result:
- If you have chosen MDF, laminate or wood for finishes, then before it starts to process the surface of the door with a primer or dye to eliminate moisture and air to the metal.
- Any type of solid finish collected into a single array can be attached to the doorway with a special corner. In this case, when the finish is tired or is noticed, it can be removed and replaced with another or the same, only new.
- Fix finishing elements are better with glue. It is easier, and traces either on the door, nor on the facing will not remain.
- In addition to the listed, it is necessary to meet the properties of the selected material and the specifics of its installation, and after that you can solve whether you can perform the work yourself.
Decorating a metal door with their own hands
Consider the sequence of decoration of metal doors on the example of materials such as laminate and veneer.
Facing sequence with laminate:
- Before starting work, remove the door with the loops and put it on a flat plane. After that, unscrew all the convex elements of the accessories, for example, the eyes, a handle, protruding the lock.
- Using the glue "Liquid nails", plundes the perimeter of the door leaf with wooden slats, toned in the desired color.
- Take the laminated panels and connect them with each other with the help of locks into a single shield.
- Carefully measuring the distance between the rails, glued along the perimeter of the door, apply to the shield from the laminate and cut the rectangle of the specified size by the jib.
- After that, guided by the instructions, squeeze the entire surface of the laminate shield and hide into the space between the slats. Put the load on top and do not touch the complete drying.
- When the glue is finally driving, install accessories in place.
Facing sequence with veneer:
- Purchase veneer on adhesive basis, the sticky side of which is protected by a paper coating.
- Door, as in the first case, remove from the loops, put on a solid and even base, free from the protruding elements.
- Material strips First simply put and dock on its surface. Pick them in each other according to the selected pattern, go to do not accidentally confuse.
- First of all, do the shoal of the door leaf ends so that after applying the material to the ends of the veneer itself and thus give a neat view of the door.
- Observing the order, place the strips on the decorating surface, remove the paper layer from them and, imposing the fabric from above, glue the heated iron.
- Carefully make sure that there are no cracks in the joints of the jacks, otherwise the view will be spoiled. If it all happened randomly, do not be discouraged. Again, spend the hot iron on the desired strip, pitch it with a spatula and give the right position.
- Work should be started from the middle and move to the edges. To do it as soon as possible, pre-draw the markup on the surface of the door canvase.
Last bar - Finishing of slopes
The slope is called the wall area surrounding the perimeter of the door. If the door is lined, and the slopes remained in a untouched form, then the overall impression of the finish will be spoiled.
To update the slopes and give them a beautiful view, you can choose one of several ways. Consider more each of them:
1. Watching is the easiest and most economical option. In order for the angles of slopes to be clear and smooth, you will need a template.
- there will be one bag of plaster or cement mixture on the finishing of slopes of one door;
- check it according to the instructions. Stucco works Start from the top slope, then proceed to the side. After they are completed, you need to wait until the time is completely drying and after it is expired, pollut the sandpaper before smoothness;
- now you can cover the finished slopes of the primer to paint or enclose wallpaper.
2. Also, plastic or plasterboard can be used to finish slopes. It is first necessary to decide whether such a finish will be combined with adjacent walls. Gypsum Ducks are usually trimmed from the side of the entrance, and then paint it. Plastic is used by the apartment.
3. But the most harmonious look turns out when the door and slopes are separated by the same material. If you decorated the metal door with any wood material, then the slopes are best issued as well:
- first, close all the seams by mounting foam, and when it dries, cut the surplus;
- clean the wall and upload, attach to it starting strips with a dowel;
- install the top slope. To fix it, use either good glue, or self-tapping screws whose hats will then need to be hidden under decorative plugs;
- seams Complete silicone-based transparent sealant and close plastic corners;
- if there is a desire, insert point lights that respond to opening the door. It is more convenient than by entering the street into the dark apartment, stumble on the corners in search of the switch.