Mauritan lawn - choice, sowing and care Plot.

Mauritan lawn is a miracle of horticultural art. He appeared for a long time. Noble sheikhs, when they built their palaces, dreamed of beautiful gardens and lawns and tried to use all the space near the Palace with benefit. They covered the ground with plants that were constantly blooming. And now the flowering lawn has not lost its popularity.
A feature of the Moorish lawn is primarily a beauty and the opportunity not to spend a lot of time to care. Lawns with blooming plants are unpretentious, just one or twice a year to cut the flowering field. The highlight of the beautiful-flowing lawn is its property to change the flower carpet during the summer season. Different flowers bloom in different periods, which creates a special unique beauty of the Mauritan lawn.
Benefits of Moorish Lawn
The creation of a flowering lawn occurs by sowing on the free plot of land of special seeds of those plants that grow up, create a unique beauty of the natural meadow field. Most often, practical gardeners amateur seeds in such sites that are less fertile. Unpretentious care is the main advantage of lawn. Decorate your free space on a homeland area or a country house, even for a novice dachanik will simply.
What to sing seeds
To this issue you need to approach with full responsibility. So that the lawn always looked beautiful and blooming, the composition of seeds consisting of meadow flowers and wild herbs, which will bloom from the beginning of the spring and before the onset of the first autumn cold.
The ratio of herbs and colors should be like this:
- Grass 80-90%.
- Meadow flowers from 5 to 20%.
Do not forget that different flowers bloom at different times and have its own period of flowering.
Color and wild herbs can be a lot. The most popular and practical plants are meadow mint, wildfish, red oatman, meadow Timofeevka and Rungras. From the flowering plants, tulips, daffodils, crocuses, proleski, rims and other bulbies are planted.
All blooming plants are impossible to list, the most beautiful is a chamomile and all kinds of flax, cornflower, marigold, poppies, clover, forget-me-not, daisies, carnations, chrysanthemums and others.
An important rule when preparing a mixture for Mauritan lawn, seeds combine with meadow herbs, and the colors need to plant about ten different species. It is necessary to adhere to the rule of constantly blooming meadows.
Example of plant landing:
- From June to late autumn, calendula flowers.
- In June and July blooms flating.
- From June to October blooms of Vasilek.
Features of plant planning
So that the lawn does not lose attractiveness, it is mainly located in small sections, between the trees. Place a mixture of seeds in advance fertilized soil. When plants go up and gain strength, they must form a "floral carpet". The main plants that are well combined with each other and have different colors shades:
- White, pink - gypsophila, blooms one year.
- Orange, yellow, red - uncomple.
- Pink, red, blue, purple - Visiting.
- Blue, purple, pink, blue - cornflower.
- Yellow, pink, red with orange - poppy alpine.
- Red - flax.
- Velhets, calendula - orange-yellow.
- Green - Mint.
This list of plants forms a beautiful floral carpet. Buy Moorish lawn - you can make a ready-made mixture in specialized stores and online stores. The price of Mauritan lawn varies from 200 to 300 rubles. A mixture of herbs and flowering plants is sold in packs of 1, 10 and 20 kilograms. According to the instructions attached to the mixture of seeds, it is necessary to drain them at the rate of 3-4 kilograms per 100 square meters. Mowing lawn you need twice - in spring and autumn.
How to prepare the soil
To dry the lawn, any, even non-frozen soil is suitable, but experts recommend to prepare the soil. Works have a little: to clean from dry and drainage, to easily fade and overworked. Give the time to stand out, and before hanging out the lawn, to help the ground with nitrogen fertilizer and peat.
In order not to spoil the appearance of the future floral carpet, you need to carefully clean the soil from weeds. It is advisable to switch the place under the lawn, with the help of a shovel, not deep, and also completely choose all the rhizomes. After these actions, the soil compacted and leave to relax for several days. So you can see the remains of weeds that need to gradually pull out along with the root.
Principle of sowing lawn
It is best if the lawn is expected in the winter. If it was not possible to prepare the soil in advance, the Mauritan lawn can also be in spring. The optimal time is the beginning of May. Sow seeds better in dry weather, without wind. The soil must be moistened, seeds will deepen 5 millimeters. Then, with the help of a robber, carefully walk along the ground, as if correcting sowing and slightly seal. With the help of a handheld watering can pour a future lawn, not very pouring so that the seeds are not flushed with water. It is advisable to cover the lawn film. After two weeks, the first seeds will go.
If you purchased a ready-made mixture for the Mauritan lawn of many years, seeds can be seeded using several different packages in two ways. In the first case, you can mix all seeds together and sang, the second option is to alternate different seeds and hang out at different times, creating unique patterns.
How to care for lawn
The lawn care is very simple - it is mowing. Performed the laws of lawns for the first time you need after cereal plants come up and before floral will appear. The second lap after the flowers are swinging, that is, in October. The meadow should be rigged correctly, leaving the plants by 10 centimeters in height.
There is one nuance. During the bowl of bulbous plants in the fall of the disk, after the leaves of the bulb completely disappeared.
Care for summer and perennial lawns is somewhat different. In the first year of the flowering lawn, they will fight the same, then the long-term lawn mows after repeating the perennial plants. Perform a year two pcs - in the summer and at the end of the autumn.
So from year to year the lawn looked attractive, mowed plants after the seeds completely mature and tremeted. Such a scheme allows you to get new plants for the next year.
Sewing seeds must be performed every year, as well as feed and loose soil, remove weeds, water.
What Mauritan lawn looks like, you can see in the photo.
Features of blooming carpet
Moorish lawn will bloom in summer and autumn. When the seeds ripen, they dissipate on the lawn, so the seeds for the lawn next year do not have to purchase. Such a single sowing and competent care and the Moorish lawn will serve for many years. In the fall, when the lawn is already bezed, you can easily eat the ground with a lawn fertilizer "Nitroposka", it is used economically: 25 ml per square meter of lawn.
The Moorish lawn will decorate any country and household plot, as well as the area near the school, kindergarten and other institutions.