How to set the oven in the bath brick Baths, saunas and pools

Metal ovens are the most popular for Russian baths. This is explained by the fact that they are reliable, hardy and economical. This design is easy to install, it has an attractive appearance and is quite satisfactory in price. Only specialists note that the iron furnace itself has low inertia. Therefore, for high-quality heat exchange and to extend the service life of your oven, experts recommend to wait for her brick.
Why plan the furnace in the bath brick?
Metal - affordable and cheap material. It has residual heat resistance. Despite such indicators, iron has a number of shortcomings:
- The thermal radiation, which comes from the metal surface, causes a person discomfort and it is unsafe for health.
- To maintain the optimum temperature, the furnace must be constantly drowned, because the metal also cools up as quickly as heated. This leads to high fuel costs and requires constant control.
- The iron surface is necessary to isolate due to the high probability of overheating.
As soon as you indict the metal furnace with brick, immediately make sure the benefits of such work. The brick oven has a number of positive properties:
- Brick is better preserved heat, which saves on the fuel.
- The furnace for a bath of a brick evenly distributes heat in the steam room. Such heat is more like pleasant for a person - it is soft, even and saved up to several hours.
- Brick - safe surface for humans. The metal heats up so that when contacting him, a person can get serious burns. There will be no similar injury from touching the brick.
- Brick accumulates heat from metal and slowly, gradually gives it.
- Cover, hot walls of the iron stove will not dry the air. A wet beneficial couple will persist in the steam.
Important! Another argument in favor of a brick for a furnace in the bath - you can equip your steam room so that it will become beautiful and cozy. Brickwork looks more stylish and solid than a metal design.
How to put the iron furnace bath bricks?
The sequence of work when cladding the furnace in the bath brick has a standard scheme for any finishing work:
- Selection of suitable materials for all processes.
- Preparation of the foundation - in this case, the fill of the foundation.
- Directly laying brick.
- Decorative furnace finish.
Important! None of these processes are distinguished by complexity, but still has its own characteristics. Familiarize yourself with them before starting work.
Selection of materials for work
Before you decide how the brick is planted the furnace, you should know that the material should be refractory. In general, for a complete laying of the furnace in the bath brick you will need:
- Sheet asbestos. It must have high fireproof properties.
- Refractory full-length brick. It retains his high characteristics over long years of operation. The brick for masonry the oven is sold both smooth and with a decorative textured surface.
- The fastening solution where cement can be included with chamotte clay or glue for ceramic granite, as well as sand.
- Grout.
- Instruments:
- master OK;
- plumbers;
- capacities for the preparation of solutions;
- hammer;
- mixer for kneading.
- If the foundation for the furnace is completed without the future brickwork, the reinforcement grid is needed to strengthen the design. Cut it before strips of the desired size.
Important! Be sure to place the brick before laying into the water. This will improve the clutch with the solution.
Preparation of solution
The solution is the most important component of the masonry. From what you use the components to prepare a binder mixture will depend on the reliability of the entire structure. Select a convenient option from the following:
- Cement mortar with the addition of chammed clay.
- Classic sand and clay solution. This mixture is triggered by a plasticity: from the solution, the harness is rolled and folded into the ring, after which they are examined for cracks. If there are many of them - add sand for plasticity.
- A mixture based on cement with the addition of glue for ceramic granite.
Important! All presented options possess all the necessary fastening properties, they are durable and reliable. Therefore, choose the one for which you already have in stock ingredients. This will significantly reduce the process of facing the furnace in the bath brick.
Base under the oven in the bath
A very responsible type of work, because the sustainability and durability of the entire structure depends on the base. If you are unsure of the reliability of the plane on which the furnace is located, then it is necessary to establish the foundation for it. In other cases, the base of the oven is easier.
For the construction of the foundation, spend such preparatory work:
- Determine the size of the future foundation.
- Stop formwork in which the mixture will be poured.
- Prepare the solution - suitable such as for a regular screed.
- Fill the foundation.
- Give him to dry completely.
Important! Only after the absolute setting of the solution can be processed to subsequent stacked work.
Laying bricks
To properly set the iron furnace with brick, carry out more preparatory work:
- Make marking of how brick will be placed for masonry.
- Calculate the optimal brick distance from the metal surface (from 3 to 5 cm). Too close location will provide strong heating and reduce the service life of the brick. A large gap between the surfaces will prevent rapid heating and optimal heat exchange.
- At the edges of the markup, bring a metal sheet. It will protect the surface from overheating.
- Place an asbestokarton on top of the sheet. It protects surfaces from wear and tolerates very high temperatures. Material refractory.
Now we proceed directly to the stacking of a brick furnace with your own hands. To accurately adhere to the technology of the process, follow such instructions:
- Mix the first row of bricks. Shake the pre-clumsy brick from the water.
- Apply a fastening solution on the entire surface of the first row.
- Place the reinforcement grid - it should not be outside the masonry.
- In the corners of the mesh strip, roll soft wire for additional strengthening.
- The second row stacked in a checker order.
- Align the hammer handle with insignificant tapping knob.
- Immediately set the seams with a solution. Have you to go, after finishing, the brick will cleanse the marks of the solution and will look more attractive.
- For the device, the windshield will strengthen the top edge of the hole with a metal corner. This is done to harden the masonry. The main condition is a hole convenient, and the laid brick should not interfere with the opening of the furnace door.
- Make holes in the masonry in the penultimate row. It is necessary in order to ensure good air circulation around the stove. This is done like this:
- place one row across the previous one;
- on each side, make four holes: from above for the output of heated air, from below - for the receipt of cool;
- all laying is carried out in this way to the top of the furnace.
- The finishing row can do differently:
- decorative - put a brick with a textured surface;
- pour just stones - they improve heathotist indoors;
- save tile or do not decorate anything.
Important! In addition to basic technical requirements, there are still a number of nuances that need to be considered when laying a metal stove with bricks.
Additional recommendations for laying a bath furnace:
- Do not forget about the dressing of the brick.
- Hold the seam size within 3-5 mm - this will provide additional strength and durability of the design.
- Do not forget to poke the brick before laying.
- After the installation is completed, be sure to dry the solution. It goes, on average, 2-3 days.
- Before the decorative brick stove finish, remove from the surface of the surplus solution. For this type of work, a drill is suitable with a brush-nozzle. Do it carefully not to damage the main surface.
- If you do not wait for a brick, you can leave a beautiful brick "fur coat". To do this, clean the brick from the solution and pass the brush moistened in the soap solution. Red brick will acquire a beautiful saturated shade.
- Calculate the first furnace. Do not cross the oven, give the solution to finally dry and get the necessary strength.
Decorative decoration of the furnace
The oven in the bath carries not only practical value. For a full rest and aesthetic satisfaction, the furnace is recommended to be beautifully arranged. For this there are many options:
- Use smooth multicolored brick.
- Decorative factory material can benefit from emphasizing your outstanding taste.
- The top is made in the form of arches or ledges.
- Wrapped and covered oven will look very careful when you paint it. Over time, the color of the stove can be changed.
- Brick can be chopped by tiles for every taste.
Important! To choose the option that you will be most interesting and in terms of volume, and work, and in terms of design, look at a few photos of a brick furnace, which have already made homemade craftsmen with their own hands. Take yourself on the notes of original ideas and try to implement them alone or create your own unique composition from different elements.
As you can see, put the furnace with brick, with your own hands it is not difficult. It is important to comply with the main technical requirements of the work and choose high-quality, environmental materials. We must not forget that in the bath we not only give our body and the mood in order, but also take care of our health and well-being of our loved ones.