How to make a cesspool with your own hands? Construction

What distinguishes the cottage or grandmother's private house in the village from the apartment? That's right, convenience, they won't feel comfortable without them, especially if the trip to visit is delayed. Water pipes can be used far beyond the borders, it is worth only to solve the issue with a place for waste. The cesspool in the country will ideally cope with this task.
Cell whale - advantages and disadvantages
At first glance, there are little minuses: only the process of its implementation itself seems to be difficult, but it is not so terrible, like a little one. Next you will see how to build a cesspool with fewer costs and efforts. It is the simplicity of installation and a relatively small cost of building attributes to the advantages.
• construction duration (no less than one and a half weeks);
• risk of soil pollution;
• unpleasant odor near the pit;
• Cheap service (waste pumping).
Almost no one else's question arises, why do you need a cesspool in the site. Waste is a lot, to the standard toilet and the soul are added the cost of water from washing (and from anyone from the dishwasher) machine.
Realization of cesspools in the country
If you decide to do everything yourself, get ready for small difficulties. The phased distribution of daily responsibilities will significantly simplify the whole process, and soon you enjoying the comfort, forget about this period.
First Step - Primary Territory Survey
The first thing you have to do is to choose a place under the hole. And this stage is not so simple. Any place that happens at all is not suitable. The cesspool must comply with all sanitary standards and rules: the distance from it to the fence - at least 1 m, to the residential premises - at least 12 m. Also check the distance to the water intake points - wells both their own and neighborhood. It is at least 30 m for clay soils and 50 m for sandy.
Immediately assemble the volume of the pit and the ability to entroach to it. Decide with form and sizes. The most common volume of existing holes is 2 m³, but many do not really focus on it. The shape is chosen round, square or rectangular.
The first one is more practical. From the corners of the square and the rectangle it is difficult to pump out waste. Do not recommend choosing huge sizes of cesspools, because when changing waste, you pay for a challenge, and not for the volume. If he is big, you have to pay twice, because everything does not fit into the assessment reservoir.
Second Stage - Copk Kotlovan
Before you take for a shovel, make the poster of the pit. Copk Kotlovana - the work is complex and scolding. But after all, you ourselves decided to build a cesspool in the country with their own hands, so the sin to complain. Although the seven sweats come down, but you do not have to spend money on specialized cars.
Do not hurry to part with duck up the earth. Part it is advisable to put on the bed, if you or your relatives in the soul are also gardeners. A little soil will be needed at the end, and the rest is all export.
Next - the bottom and walls of the pit
The bottom is condensed with concrete solution. It is preparing simply: crushed stone, cement and sand in proportions 6: 1: 4, water is added gradually until the consistency becomes thick. If the ground is sandy, it does not hurt the bottom of the crushed stone layer, and on top of concrete. In some cases, this is optional. Many leave a cesspool without a concrete bottom. The reason for this is the permissible location of groundwater. After all, there is a considerable risk of their pollution, so experts advise to make a concrete bottom. In order not to do one job twice, make a lid out of the remaining solution. Concrete will dry up for a long time, the ideal option is a week.
As walls are used:
- purchased tanks;
The least worries with purchased factory tanks. Those who do not trust plastic products consider the last two options. Concrete rings suggest the round shape of the pit, they are durable and reliable. The only difficulty is their weight, it is about 400 kg, so without a specialized crane, it is not enough.
Laying brick walls for a long time and not easy, especially if the sump is round. But this particular option fell in love with many. If the brick is put in a checker, the ground will easily suck water through the spans. In addition, so you will save the material and your time.
Lid - special attention!
When the bottom and the walls are ready, it is too early to admire the cesspool, the work plan is not fulfilled until the end. It's time to start the slab overlap. Buy a finished product or, on the contrary, do not look for easy ways. So, in order to build the lid yourself, run away the boards, giving them a form, and from above you already use the fill (the concrete solution will remain after creating the bottom of the pit).
Observe the size: plate thickness - at least 10-12 cm, the diameter of the cover is 20-30 cm larger than the diameter of the pit. Make a small dope throughout the circumference. It is necessary so that the lid relieves not only on the walls, but also to the earth itself. Do not forget about the hatch, leaving a hole in a plate with a diameter of about 70 cm. On the cover, set the hooks that simplify the task of its uplift.
Pipeline Side - End Stage
You can already share secrets with neighbors about how to make a cesspool in the country, but to start to bring the case to the end. It remains to bring a pipeline that for many years will transport waste to the sump. For this use PVC pipes. Install them under the tilt so that all contents are easily moving in gravity.
Park of tips finally
You already know where to make a cesspool, how to calculate the sizes and bring the pipeline, but you wonder how to reduce the waste to call the assessing agents. If the soil is clay, then these comrades have to be called too often. How to reduce costs?
There are many chemical preparations (formaldehydes, nitrate oxidants, etc.), which are capable of influencing the contents of the wells in such a way that it is possible to call the waste machine for pumping waste.
Do not believe such tricks: waste will really become less as a result of chemical reactions, it is possible that the smell will disappear. You can even pay less for cleaning the sump. Only here your total costs will not decrease, but even increase. Just count how much you will spend on this kind of drugs, because they are not cheap.
Difficulties arise - look at the photos of cesspools at dachas on the Internet. Perhaps they will be accepted on their own idea or will give answers to the remaining questions.