Screw staircase made of metal on the central pole. Installation of spiral staircase Ladder,Plumbing

Owners of houses with several floors face the problem of choosing a suitable staircase in order to make it easier to integrate it in the interior. The optimal design in is a spiral staircase. It does not occupy a lot of space and has an increased margin of strength. Next, let's talk about how to make a metal screw staircase with your own hands.
The relevance of the installation of a screw metal staircase
Screw stairs appeared in the Epoch of the early Middle Ages. They were used in narrow towers, where it was impossible to place any other type of stairs. To date, the appointment has not changed - saving space. No other essential advantages have a screw staircase.
On the other hand, there are a number of weighty flaws:
- The first and most important is a spiral form. Lifting through such a staircase, there is a risk of dizziness. In the event of a fall on a person, the centrifugal force begins to operate, as a result of which it comes to the Niza himself, which will lead to serious injury.
- The second minus is the complexity of the installation. Although the design itself is quite simple, the manufacture of individual elements takes a lot of time and requires certain skills.
- Another feature of such stairs is vibration. It is completely impossible to get rid of it. Under the action of vibration, the fastening elements are constantly loosen and destroy the walls.
However, all these problems have solutions that allow them to minimize them. About them and talk.
Types of screw stairs
- The first type - screw staircases made of metal consisting of simple wedge-shaped steps, which are based on their extensive end to the surrounding walls, and a narrow end to the average support pole. The average reference pillar is made of stone masonry or thickened ends of the steps themselves. In practice, this is the cheapest way to install, but such a staircase is not reliable and destroys the walls.
- The second type is separate steps that console protruding from the average monolithic support pillar. This type of staircase does not need to be attached to the walls. The installation is advisable in large rooms, where the staircase does not only receive its basic function, but also serves as an object of decor.
- The third type is a steel screw staircase with an internal supporting rod. This is the most traditional and frequently used option. Since the central stand is the carrier structural base of the stairs, it must be performed from a thick-walled metal pipe with a diameter of at least 50 mm. It is worth noting that this is the most reliable way to install a screw leather, which makes harm vibration to a minimum.
Screw staircases made of metal whose photos are presented in the article, differ in the variety of various design options.
Development of a project of a screw metal staircase
Before starting work, you need to carefully think over all the nuances. To do this, make up a project consisting of the following paragraphs:
1. Choosing a place. Sometimes the screw staircases are installed outside the building or in unheated premises. This is categorically impossible to do this. In winter, metal freezes and becomes slippery, which will inevitably lead to injuries. In the summer, the metal heats up to such an extent that it is almost impossible to walk on it.
2. Creating a drawing. It is necessary to consider the type of stairs, width and depth of steps, as well as the height of the step.
3. Choosing materials. In addition, the decorative elements will also be needed for the framework. The most economical option is to buy a sheet with a thickness of 4 mm and with the help of a grinder to cut all the details. The design is better to make the floor, and the plane of the steps fill in a tree. This will reduce the total weight, besides, it is nice to walk even barefoot.
4. Preparing the tool. To work, you will need:
- bulgarian,
- welding machine,
- drill or perforator
- a set of dowels or anchors, depending on the type of wall and overlap,
- set of wrenches,
- roulette,
- level.
Main sizes of metal screw stairs
Drawings of screw staircases from metal are built according to the scheme:
1. Construction height. There are two values:
- the distance from the floor to the upper overlap. The support should be fixed from above, and from the bottom, otherwise the design will have only 50% strength;
- the distance from the floor to the opening is used to cover the number of steps.
2. Diameter of opening. A spiral staircase is a circle. During the rise, the person sees only half the area of \u200b\u200bthe stairs. Thus, for the minimum 50 cm of the width of the passage, the diameter must be 105 cm. It is necessary to take into account the diameter of the support pillar. If you plan to wear furniture, the diameter of the opening should be at least 305 cm.
3. Width of steps. The steps of the spiral staircase have a wedge-shaped form. It is desirable that the width in the place of the fitness is at least 10 cm, otherwise it will easily become cool and fall.
4. Step height. The smaller the step height, the easier it is to go. However, this significantly increases the consumption of material and the overall weight of the design. As a rule, this parameter is calculated mathematically: divide the distance from the floor to the opening to the numbers ranging from 5 until they come to the whole. Step 0.5.
Example: 312/5 \u003d 62.4; 312 / 5.5 \u003d 56.7; 312/6 \u003d 52; those. For this height, 52 stages of 6 cm high are optimally made.
Production of metal spiral staircase details
Consider several options by dividing them in price categories. It is worth noting that the main varies not in quality, but in appearance.
1. The cheapest way:
- according to the drawing, the total area of \u200b\u200bthe staircase is calculated. To do this, use the formula: stage width in middle part * Step height * Number of steps;
- next, the sheets of metal with a thickness of 4 mm are bought. If the staircase is on the attic or a basement, then 2 mm is enough. It is worth considering that the steps have a wedge-shaped form, therefore there will be many trimming and one additional sheet is always taken;
- according to the drawing, the steps are cut. To save, the support pillar is often boiled from metal trimming. Make it square;
- for a longer way - the creation of hollow steps. To do this, cut strips 2 cm wide, 4 pcs - side and 4 pcs - end one-step. Next, the strips are welded into the corner. Steps are filled with wood or forging elements. As a result, a more aesthetic appearance and a tangible decline in the weight of the structure.
2. Medium investment:
- an essential lack of leaf iron is corrosion exposure. Galvanized steel helps to solve this problem. But work with it involves the presence of special welding equipment;
- it is easier to work aluminum, but its cost is even higher. But the weight of the design will be 2-3 times less. In addition, aluminum almost completely extinguishes vibration and does not destroy the walls;
- the assembly process itself does not differ from the above;
- argon units are used for welding.
3. Exclusive:
- the most expensive solutions will be forged or copper staircase;
- copper is quite lightweight and durable metal, not subject to corrosion and does not require decorative work. The service life of such a staircase is limited exclusively with materials from which the house was built;
- the forged staircase is even superior to the beauty of copper. If the manufacture has accounted for at the time of construction of the house, the masters will make the product solid. On the one hand, it will add difficulties when installing, but on the other it will look unusually beautiful. In addition, there is the possibility of creating forged elements in parts.
When choosing an adhesive staircase, it is appropriate to order her binding immediately. The process allows you to protect the metal from the negative impact of the atmospheric environment. Possible drawback - the staircase will be saturated black.
Installation of spiral staircase
The process is divided into four stages:
- installation of the reference pillar,
- installation of steps
- installing handrails
- decorative work.
1. Install the reference column:
- if the staircase is going on the construction stage of the house, the lower edge of the support pillar is concreted into the floor, and the top is attached to the overlap;
- the depth of concreting is at least 40 cm;
- when there is no possibility to concrete, you use a dowel of 150 mm.
Sometimes, the sleeves are put on the support pillar, which are later welded steps. They are made from a larger diameter pipe. In theory, it makes it easier to regulate the angle of lifting, but in practice only adds extra weight and difficulties in fixing the elements. Therefore, we will not consider this technology.
2. As soon as the support pillar is fixed, go to steps. If you can fix them not only on the basis, but also on the wall, then work begins with the installation of the clamps:
- for this, wooden bars 5x5 cm are suitable;
- bruks are cut into pieces equal to the maximum width of the stage, are displayed in terms of level and dowels are fixed in the wall;
- next, the step is welded to the support post, and the second of its edge firmly falls on the retainer;
- to reduce the vibration, it is desirable to fasten the step by screws to the retainer;
- even greater monoliths seek steps with each other. Metal strips are used in 1-2 cm wide. They are welded at a distance of 5 cm from each other.
3. The handrails are a useful, but not a mandatory element. They reduce the useful space of the stairs and are relevant only if the height is more than two floors. Mounted simply: the walls are attached to the wall in which the crossbar of the handrail is inserted. May be:
- wooden
- metal,
- forged.
The tree is most nice to the touch, but it all depends on the overall style of the stairs.
4. Decoration is the most important and painstaking point. By and large there are three classic styles of screw stairs:
- castle
- provence,
- forging.
The lock style is appropriate only if combined with the rest of the interior. It will take hollow steps to implement it. Walls around the stairs are made up with a decorative stone. Periodic protruding stone elements are used as handrails. Steps of the stairs are filled with shale or other natural stone. As a substrate use Phaneur. When this option is selected, it is important to immediately calculate the necessary width of the corner, the stone should be in the step.
Provence assumes the presence of a tree. In fact, this is the most elegant style, but it will require a lot of time and time. The snag is that each detail of the staircase is trimmed with a tree. It is convenient to use pine to work. With the help of Morilok, subsequently, it is attached to the type of more noble tree species.
As can be seen from the name, the forging assumes the presence of forged elements. This style is quite expensive, but it looks spectacular. For implementation, it is necessary to draw a future staircase and attribute a sketch in a blacksmith workshop. When all items are ready, it will only be welded.
Final strokes
The metal is quite coarse material, so after the welding work will remain a lot of defects that need to be eliminated:
- scale,
- borrowers
- slops.
Okalina is removed immediately after welding. To do this, the seam must be made to cool at least five minutes, and then catch it with a hammer. It is done in order to avoid the appearance of rust.
Burzes appear in the metal cutoff locations. They are easy to cut down, so grinding is necessary. Not only burrs, but all sharp edges are polished.
Slops welding are possible if the arc did not go from the first time. They also need to grind. The payload is not carried, and the appearance spoil.
Another important moment is the defense of the stairs. The metal frame is treated with paint with the effect of anti-zero, then color in the desired color. Even if all items are hidden, it is necessary to paint.