Sand career: characteristics and properties Useful advice,Building materials

Among the beginners in the field of construction there is an opinion that to purchase sand - the task is light, you just need to make an order and expect delivery. This opinion is erroneous, since this material is not suitable in each particular case.
In nature, there are many sand varieties. Each material is different not only with its properties, but also used to keep various construction work.
Career building sand. Description
Sand is a universal material used in construction and finishing. Is mined in different ways. Natural or natural sand loose, with embedded materials. It may be mica and other minerals. For construction, you can use the breed, mined from the bowels of the earth - career or taken on the coast of the sea sand. For the construction of buildings and structures, you can use both career and sea.
There is another type of sand - river. It is distinguished by purity and good ability to skip water. The fraction is a maximum of 0.5 mm. Used to build drainage, cement screed. The beginners need to know that in the finished cement mortar such sand quickly settles on the bottom, so it takes it from time to time to mix. The cost remains stable, its popularity is in the level with career sand.
It is mined in sandy careers, so this building material is accepted: career sand. Depending on the locations of the placement, it may have a different structure, composition and grain. In addition, the final result (presented on sale) affects production and processing methods: washing, sieving from extraneous enclosures, as well as an open or closed method of mining.
Career river sand differs from marine grain size. In nature, there are several types of career sand with different graininess:
- small - grains up to 2 mm;
- medium - diameter of grains up to 3 mm;
- large - diameter of sands from 5 mm and above.
In addition, in each produced produce there are extraneous enclosures, these are impurities. Sometimes, in 1 ton of sand contains up to 7% of different impurities. On the one hand, it may be a disadvantage, with a friend - dignity. It all depends on the location of the career, the depth of the rocks and the number of extraneous impurities. For example, if the extracted sand in the career conditions contains clay inclusions, it is even better, especially if the sand is used to knead the solution. Then the building material does not give a shrinkage, and the solution itself is more movable and elastic.
Career mountain sand. Varieties
Sand mining - the task is not from the lungs, it is important not only to deliver the breed to the surface, but also to process.
- washing career sand - mined in quarries using hydromechanical device. Such a washing technology or washing the extracted sand with water allows you to get rid of extraneous impurities and other components. The sand is ultimately clean. How is the purification of natural material: directly during production, with special equipment, the sand passes several stages of cleaning. It is washed out of clay inclusions, as well as dust particles. Indispensable in the production of building materials. In addition, such sand is widely used for the construction of reinforced concrete blocks and highways;
- seeded career sand - breed is passed through special equipment. By sieving you can get rid of extraneous impurities. Such a building material is suitable for mixing solutions. Sand to the touch is very soft, literally weightless;
- soil sand is a mixed sand from a quarry with an admixture of foreign particles (up to 40%). The cost of such a building material is low, is used mainly for draft work: trenches and alignment of surfaces.
In the photo - a washed career sand.
How is the mining of career sand
A common, affordable and less cost method of mining of career sand is the production of the breed in an open way. To establish the production process, only a career machinery will need - these are excavators and heavy trucks. The cost of such mining is fully paid, since the extracted sand is in demand. There are some features, such a material is not universal, as it cannot be used everywhere to fulfill all construction work.
Open mining of career sand does not imply large spending, as the sand is almost on the surface. The only thing that you have to take earnings is to lay explosive materials to open the upper layers of the Earth.
Another thing, if the quarry is located in the waterproof area and flooded with water. Then without a powerful pump can not do to deliver sand from the bottom to the surface. The cost of mining work increases, as it is necessary first on the waterproof area to establish a floating pontoon or dredger to fix the necessary equipment (pulp channel) on its basis. Sand rises from the bottom and delivered to the surface on a special channel. In the process of supplying to the surface, the natural material is cleaned and is released from clay enclosures and small stones. This method of production is called hydromechanical.
The production process can be extended differently: instead of equipment, installed sieve or grid with large and small cells are used to cut off the sand from foreign impurities. Cleaning of career sand can be both fully mechanized and mixed. If the quarry is small, then sand is sieving even manually. Before proceeding with the mining of the career sand and the development of a new career, it is necessary to calculate all costs and coordinate settlements with civil services.
Characteristics of career sand
The main property for this material is purity, that is, the complete absence of extraneous impurities. Unprocessed sand up to 2 mm in size, with organic impurities and clay substances. If we compare with the rest of the material, then in this sand is present up to 8-10% of extraneous enclosures.
The color of sand mined in quarries is predominantly yellow, can have a darker or vice versa, light color. It depends on the composition and number of foreign inclusions.
Sand grain - uneven, porous and slightly rough. Just such characteristics allow you to provide good grip with cement.
- density;
- humidity;
- minimum content of strangers;
- specific gravity;
- the presence of radioactive components;
- filtration degree.
Let us dwell on the main points:
- The density of sand should be equal to the specific weight. In construction there is a concept as a bulk density. This means that the sand is not tumped. The density of the material may vary depending on the various factors: it may be an increase in humidity. Then the density of sand is reduced, since each sand is climbed into the water film and the distance between the sands will be greater. If there is such wet sand, then it is possible to increase its density by reducing the space between the grains. The density of sand mined by a career method may depend on the composition of the breed: the more in the sand of foreign inclusions (admitting, clay), the greater will be the density. And if the inclusions are smaller, then the density is lower. The size of the sandstone is also important - it is indicated as a fraction. Than the size of the grains or the fraction is larger than the density of the sand itself.
- The presence of extraneous inclusions - ideally in the career sand should not be organic substances (permissible mark - 3%), and sulfur and sulphides - no more than 1%.
- Which means the degree of filtration is the ability of the grace to pass water. For sand mined by a career method, this coefficient is from 0.5 to 7 m per day, depends on the presence of inclusions and grain fractions.
- Humidity - This indicator affects the weight of the sand. If the sand is wet, then the weight will be more and vice versa. Norm - up to 7%.
- The degree of radioactivity will depend on deposits. It is believed that sand extracted from mining developments "was awarded" a high radioactive background. For the construction of residential buildings and structures such sand is prohibited. The permissible class of radioactivity is the 1st, 2 and 3rd suitable for the construction of highways.
- The proportion is the ratio of mass in kilograms to the volume in Cuba. The interzraine space of the material taken from different sources may differ. For example, the weight of the career sand shallow fraction is 1800 kg / m 3, and coarse-grained - below the initial indicator for 200 kg.
The use of raw materials mined in quarries
Career Sand Neliques (Low Quality) is used in agriculture, for dumping roads, trenches and ditch, improving the soil composition. The coarse sand with splashes are stirred with rubble and used for road construction, plowing wetlands and flooded lowlands.
The career material is widely used in everyday life for sinking pedestrian sidewalks. Especially relevant sand in ice. Building material is used as a nutritional mixture for growing garden and indoor plants. Sands are mixed in the soil for growing seedlings. By the way, you can save the collected crop longer if you put fresh vegetables in a dry sand box. Vegetable stores and small product bases successfully use this method.
Sand from quarries is used and as a filter for cleaning equipment on sewage treatment plants, as the basis for leveling platforms before booking the foundation. Material of top quality, with a large quartz content is used in the glass industry.
Safety clean sand is used in various fields of activity. Such material is well connected with any surface, so it can be used in construction and finishing work (preparation of the solution for plastering and cement).
The washed sand is more suitable for mixing mixtures of dry components and for filling reinforced concrete blocks. Large sand is more suitable for the construction of roads. Sand shallow fraction after additional washing can be widely used for the manufacture of finishing putty, grout and other decorative materials. By the way, if you have conceived to do a mixture yourself for the filler floors, then you will have to buy the fine-grained sand of the highest quality.
If you still doubt what sand should be purchased, choose career. The cost of its low, and the scope is quite extensive. Just remember that you should not pay attention only to the price category, a lot depends on this material, so that before selecting the building material, do not be lazy and study its composition and characteristics.