Snaps and application of solvent 646 Building materials

Solvent 646 is usually used to work with nitroquartes, nitroemals, glyphthala and epoxy primers. Thanks to him, the dried layer of varnish or paint becomes even more brilliant. This solvent has great activity, therefore, working with it must be extremely attentive, otherwise the bottom layer of the coating can be spoiled.
Solvent 646: Characteristics, Advantages and Disadvantages
Solvent 646, GOST 18188-72, is a liquid or not having colors, or painted in a pale yellow shade, eating an unpleasant odor. It serves both for industrial purposes and for domestic use. In everyday life they dilute paint and degrease the surface. Mixing with him, varnishes and paint acquire optimal consistency.
The solvent 646 consists by 15% of ethanol, by 10% of butanol, by 50% of toluene, by 8% of ethyl cellosolva, by 7% of acetone, by 10% from butyl acetate. Such a rich chemical composition makes it most effective and universal in comparison with the rest of these substances.
Unrelenting demand, which uses R-646, is due to the following advantages:
- can be used in many areas, suitable for almost all types of paint materials;
- is in free access: solvent 646 to buy possible at any point trading in building materials;
- ease of use, lack of fatty spots;
- solvent 646, the price of which is small, is very cheap, although it is used often.
But, despite all the advantages of this solvent, it has several pretty serious drawbacks, for example:
- extremely fire hazard;
- it has a strong, unpleasant smell;
- selects toxins. Working with it, it is necessary to protect the respiratory tract, eyes and skin.
Parameters and solvent properties 646
This solvent has volatile organic substances and has the following properties:
- at a temperature of +403 degrees, self-burning may occur;
- at a temperature of -7 degrees, a flash may occur;
- at a temperature of +59 degrees begins to boil;
- not susceptible to freezing;
- does not change the consistency;
- the density of the solvent 646 is 0.87 g / cm cubic.
The substance also has the following parameters that are usually indicated in his passport:
- the mass of the water contained is 0.09%;
- acid number is 0.06 mg of con / g;
- volatility on ethyl ether is equal to 12;
- the number of coagulation is 40 g / o;
- after removal, the stains does not leave dull and whiten traces;
- the proportion is 0.68 kg / l.
Solvent 646 - Application
The solvent 646 is used either for the manufacture of nitrocellulose, melaninoamide, acrylic and other paints, including it in their composition, or is bred already ready to paint before work. When using this solvent, the film on the coating is formed by much easier, and after its evaporation disappears the unpleasant odor and the shine appears.
Receive for the soil of some names of varnishes, enamels and putty. When carrying out internal works, it is used constantly. Almost all actions with ceilings and walls require the use of solvent 646. The consumption of it, for example, during repair is quite large.
Even an old dried paint can be brought into a working condition using a solvent 646. It is mixed with small portions to it and interfere until the paint does the necessary consistency.
Also, it greatly rubbing the building tool and paint brushes and contributes to the removal of some spots.
Storage and safety rules when using P-646
For industrial use, the 646 solvent is poured into a special metal container, and for use in everyday life - in bottles, cans and small barrels.
When transporting and stored, it is necessary to strictly observe certain rules, remembering that the substance is volatile and faster:
- the container in which the solvent is located, should always be tightly closed, it is impossible to make moisture, exposure to high temperatures and direct sunlight;
- the room in which there is a solvent container must be equipped with a ventilation system or simply constantly ventilated. It needs to ensure the absence of sunlight and compliance with all fire safety rules.
In order to maximize themselves, working with a solvent, compliance with the following standards:
- it should always be remembered that the substance is extremely toxic;
- in no case should it be allowed to fall into the eye;
- while working should use overalls and personal protective equipment, such as glasses, gloves, respirator;
- in the case of a substance from entering the skin, you need to immediately rinse it with soapy water.
Refusal to use protective funds entails the following troubles:
- irritation of eyes and respiratory tract by couples;
- damage for CNS, kidneys, liver, stomach, intestines;
- solvent pairs are able to penetrate the body not only through the respiratory system, but also sucking the skin;
- with a debt to contact the skin, dermatitis develops;
- also, a long impact of a substance may affect the condition of blood and bone marrow.
Fire safety rules when working with solvent 646:
- the substance has a high class of fire hazard, so it is impossible to allow you to stay near the places of its use and storage of open fire, sparks, sources of heat, lit cigarettes;
- a mixture of vapors and air has explosive properties;
- the accumulation of a dangerous concentration of vapors in the air can occur pretty quickly if the container is to keep open with it;
- because Couples are heavier than air, they can be directly above the surface of the earth or floor;
- ignition can occur at a distance;
- upon contact with acetic and nitric acids, as well as with hydrogen peroxide, explosive mixtures may be formed;
- there is a reaction with such substances as chloroform and bromocorm, which can entail fire and explosion;
- solvent 646 is aggressive in relation to several types of plastic.