Safe at home. Features of the right choice Interior items

Even in the most secure durable house with a hack-resistant entrance door to store valuables, weapons or documents in a prominent place are unacceptable. For this, of course, you can use the table in the office or the cabinet. But it is best to buy a safe for a home safe that will fully meet your requirements and reliably protect all valuable and unsafe things and objects not only from intruders, but also from households. After all, small children or not very accurate guests can not only cause damage to you, but also yourself, and it is impossible to allow it. So, in this article you will find all the information about what safes are, which manufacturer is to trust, and how to choose the safe safe.
Classification of safes
Basic principles of differences in safes is:
- Class of burglar resistance. The main purpose of hack resistant safes protect the contents from unauthorized access. According to GOST, there are 12 classes, the higher the indicator, the more difficult to open the safe. If there is a "0" or "but" marking - such safes are not considered parole resistant. For the manufacture of safes with a high level of protection, manufacturers use steel sheets, a thickness of at least 3 mm. Multi-layer design from several walls - internal and external, so-called sandwiches, the inside of which is poured by concrete solution. Also on the class of hack resistance affects the type of locks. To date, several options are used - suvalid, code, electronic, key. Depending on the combination and the number of mechanisms used, the level of protection changes.
- Fire resistance class. This indicator mainly affects the quality of the material used and the features of constructive solutions. For example, many manufacturers of high-quality safes use non-flammable steel walls in combination with heat insulator, a stepped profile and seals near the rifle. Such details connected to the minimum number of holes provide maximum tightness. There are also 12 classes of fire resistance, each of which is determined when testing the number of minutes during which the content remains integer during the fire. This indicator varies from 60 to 120 minutes.
Important! Before you buy a safe for the house, you have to decide that more threatens your property - a fire or hacking. Based on this, give preference to a specific option.
Another principle of classification is the installation method. According to this principle, distinguish:
Safes vary by destination:
- for documents;
- for valuable things;
- weapons;
- combined;
- for office;
- bank cells;
- safes for home.
Important! A variety of such products on the market can make you doubt in the correctness of your choice. To solve the package of a safe for home quickly and competently, use the recommendations that are set out below and purchase consult with a specialist of your chosen company.
Choice of safe for home - criteria
The choice of a safe for the house has its own specifics, since in this case the goal is not only to maintain important documents or things, but also not distort the attractiveness of the interior and make the safe as inconspicuous for thieves and guests at home.
Therefore, the defining criteria are:
- the type of room and the size of the safe;
- appointment and method of placement;
- the number of things for storage;
- hack resistance class;
- fire resistance class;
- castle type;
- brand reliability;
- guarantee conditions.
How to choose the right safe size?
To buy the right safe, the first, with which you need to decide is the type of room where the design will be installed:
- Safes for the apartment. Here are more suitable options with small dimensions. The main feature is the installation procedure - the safe must be securely fixed on the floor, to the wall or in the niche selected to embed. For this purpose, fastening holes are present on the back and side walls, with which the installation is carried out by anchor bolts to the desired surface.
Important! As a rule, the safes are closer for the apartment, with an indicator of no more than 80 kg. These options are considered optimal for this room.
- Safes for a private house. The main advantage of your own cottage is, of course, its area. With a competent layout, you can easily use efficient tricks and install more than one safe, but several in different rooms. For example, one will be intended for weapons, another for documents, and the third for valuable small things.
Important! Such an approach will help maximize themselves to protect yourself from theft of all valuable things, even if the thieves managed to penetrate the house, and they found one of the safes. Determining with the dimensions of suitable safes, consider the amount and size of objects or weapons, and for money and documents the number of shelves inside and the availability of a cash cell - this will help properly sort all items and as soon as possible use the space in the safe.
How to choose a safe for the purpose and installation method?
In order not to figure out the type of safe for a long time, it is enough to decide in advance, which room the design will be installed, and what exactly you are going to store there. Then the case is for small - to familiarize yourself with the features of existing species and correct them to relate them to your requirements.
To speed up this process, consider the following recommendations:
- Furniture safes for home. An ideal solution if you plan to often use documents or jewelry. Features of this option is that the design is embedded directly into existing or new furniture and the safe has the appearance of a regular cabinet.
Important! This method of storing valuables helps not only hide from extra eyes the safe itself, but also not to break the harmonious, attractive interior in the room. By the way, the room for such a safe can be selected absolutely any.
- Weapon safes are specific structures designed exclusively for storing firearms and cold weapons. You need to choose them under the appropriate number of trunks and a pistol model or a gun. Such an option of the safe is useful to those who have already licensed or plans to buy weapons or those who have a hobby - hunting. Most often set such models in a specially equipped room or in the home office.
- Safes for magnetic media. Today, many preferred valuable information to store not in paper, but on disks, flash drives, films. A specially designed design of safes of this category allows not only to warn hacking, but also securely protect against fire.
- Built-in safe. Another way to qualitatively decorate and hide the safe from foreign attention. This option will be suitable if you have sufficient space. It is very important for installing such a safe to choose the right place so that it does not get into the eyes, it was possible to further close it with the picture or other elements of the interior decor, but at the same time, so that you always have free access to it.
- Mini safes for home. Such designs perfectly cope with the storage of jewelry and money. They are sufficiently light, compact, can be mounted anywhere, even if the room is small, but the quality of protection at the time is quite high.
What is the defense class to choose?
As mentioned above, there are 12 classes of burglary and fire resistance. What exactly to give preference, everything depends on you and your opinion regarding the value of things.
No matter what option you are going to choose, be sure to consider several useful tips:
- for household needs, there will be a more economical version of up to 3 class;
- for storing money and valuable documents at home, the optimal option will be the 4th grade;
- if it is assumed to store jewelry values, it is advisable to pay your attention to specially intended for this model 5;
- if the value of things is very high, make an individual order of the safe class of fire resistance and the hack resistance of which will be at least 6;
- regarding the type and number of locks, follow the following rule - there must be no less than 2, a different principle of operation, for example, Suwald + electronic or code + suvalid.
Important! Each of the castles has its advantages and disadvantages, so when choosing, consider not only the features of the mechanism itself, but also personal capabilities. If you are not able to remember the combination of numbers or letters, it is unlikely that for frequent use you should choose code locks. If you need the most effective way to connect to the security console, the electronic lock is perfectly cope with it. But if in your home frequent interruptions with electricity, it will have to refuse it, since it is completely dependent on the presence of a power grid.
What brand give preference?
Prices for home safes vary not only from the technical characteristics specified in the passport, but also from the manufacturer's brand itself. Today, you can identify several of the most popular companies, domestic, and foreign, which for a long time they supply their products and no complaints from customers on them. Among these are:
- Format (Germany). One of the world leaders in the production of metal furniture and safes. Among the most popular series of this brand are allocated: Orion with a volume of 38-85 liters and Topas Pro with a volume of 90-441 liters. Models of these lines respond 1 and 2 class of fire resistance and burglary resistance. Ideal for installation in private cottages. There are other series - Rubin Pro, PS Pro (universal), WEGA (embedded), WF.
- Valberg (Russia-Bulgaria). Production tandem, which has proven its reliability. The range of their products is currently represented by a very wide species nearby - these are metallic office, furniture, embedded, deposit and weapons safes of all protection classes. One of the main advantages is a fairly acceptable price and a detailed network of service centers. Popular series - ASM and FRS for storing documents and valuable things, weapons "Berkut" and combined firewall-resistant guarantor, granite, quartzite.
- TECHNOMAX (Italy). This company supplies wall, outdoor, embedded, furniture safes for storing documents, jewelry and weapons for more than a quarter of a century. To install in a private house, models from the compact GT series (wall built-in, weighing from 9 to 26 kg) are suitable for documents, weapons from the EAN line weighing up to 109 kg, with the availability of a cash cell and 1 class of burglary resistance.
- Ripost (Russia, St. Petersburg). Another domestic manufacturer who has gained popularity not only among compatriots, but also in European consumers. In the manufacture of safes, this company uses its own innovative design development and Italian castle mechanisms of the Potent brand. To install the safe in his own house, the optimal solutions will be models from the SP series (burglar-resistant for weapons and documents), walls hidden from the VMI line (for decorations, money and documents), op if necessary for weapons storage.
Important! Please note that the brand reputation for the production of safes is a rather significant factor to which it is necessary to pay attention to when purchasing. Unfair companies may not only provide you with furniture with initial incorrect technical characteristics, but also to contribute to the further hacking of the safe.
What to pay attention to when buying?
- In addition to the main criteria and rules for choosing a home safe, there are several more nuances who need to pay their attention when purchasing:
- Make sure the declared characteristics. For this, at least check the parameters of the design geometry, certificates on the inside of the door with standards and test results, the absence of visible damage - scratches, scratches on the surface, dents, etc.
- Specify the terms of warranty and post-warranty service - it is very important, since no one is insured against the loss of the key or forgetfulness. Specialists of the company, in which special purpose furniture were acquired, can be opened.
Important! By specifying the price of a particular model, you can stick to the unlawful rule that the safe must cost at least 1/5 from the value of things that are supposed to be stored in it.
Check out the proposed video review, in which specialists disassemble the principles for choosing a safe for home.
If you clearly decide to buy a safe for home, choose it in such a way that it fully responded to all the specified requirements. Only in this case will you manage to achieve the desired result and ensure the proper level of security.