How to choose the right tank for the summer soul Useful advice

Summer shower is one of the most important and necessary facilities in the country or country house. Summer shower is simply indispensable when the street is very hot and after a labor day in the garden, so I want to feel a pleasant freshness and coolness. Agree, because it is much more convenient and more comfortable to take a full shower than to try to refresh yourself with the help of water from the bucket.
At the cottage, it will not be much difficult to establish an independent summer shower. Moreover, it can be supplemented with the necessary elements: hook for towels and clothing, stand for soap, washcloths or buy a tank for the summer soul with everything you need.
Summer shower is a construction with a large tank in volume - this is, in fact, the water storage capacity, as well as the economical water heater, because in the tank in the summer most often the water heats up itself on itself from solar energy.
Choosing a tank
The tank for the summer soul is primarily selected from certain requirements, but some design parameters for the summer soul should be taken into account - this material.
Regardless of the material of the tank, you should pay attention to such moments:
- The weight. Water container should not be very heavy.
- Strength. The tank must withstand a sufficiently large mass of water.
- Colour. It will largely depend on the water temperature. If the container has a light shade, then the water will be predominantly cool in the tank. If the tank has a dark or black color - warm water in such a container will be faster and evenly.
- The form also matters. Water tanks may have a square, rectangle or circle shape. The most common and practical variant of the shape of the shower tank is a flat container, which has high stability on any surfaces. Such a flat tank is easy to install even on a sloping roof.
In the construction market there are such containers for shower:
- from black steel;
- of stainless steel;
- from plastic.
Tip: Do not purchase a cheap tank, as it can last for a short time.
Consider in detail the pros and cons of each tank.
Of steel
Steel tanks for the soul used our grandparents, when they lived in the villages. Such a tank can have any form. For example, even ordinary bark can serve as a shower capacity. Also for the summer soul, the tank can serve as an ordinary metal barrel or other similar tank. The main advantage of such a tank is water that is inside will heat up with solar energy.
The steel tank is a reservoir in the form of a flat square, which has a hole for filling the tank with water. Standard tank volume - from a hundred to two hundred liters. So that the tank does not give up corrosion, choose a container that is additionally covered with enamel.
Advantages of metal tanks for the shower:
- Strength.
- Reliability.
- Durability.
- Affordable price.
- Over time, corrosion are subjected and together with water on human skin can fall rust particles.
- Volumetric and heavy containers that are difficult to install.
An important moment when choosing a steel tank - you need to pay attention to the steel brand. The steel tanks for the shower of such species are presented on sale:
- stainless;
- galvanized.
Galvanized bak
When choosing a galvanized tank, you should select a container in which a thin layer of zinc is applied on the layer, which will protect the corrosion tank. But, according to the manufacturers, the tank can also be covered with corrosion over time, so it is desirable to paint it.
The service life of galvanized tanks is about ten years. The sale containers for the soul of the square shape are presented, as well as round or flat. The volume of the tank is from 40 liters to 200.
One of the most durable and practical tanks for the summer soul. It will last for more than ten years, it is protected by corrosion. The volume of the tank may be different, but mostly on the market are presented high capacity - by 200 liters. Among the minuses there is only one - a high price. But if you look from the practical side, it is better to purchase one tank, which will serve 15-20 years, than to change cheap tanks every five years.
Plastic Capacity
One of the most popular shower tanks is a tank for the summer soul plastic. Plastic tanks are considered the most durable, since their service life is more than 50 years! At the same time, they are low weight and large volume.
Among the disadvantages there is a high price and the fact that water in it in a couple of years will begin to pollute. When choosing it is worth paying attention to the tanks, which can be easily cleaned and washed well, and also to be treated with special preparations that do not allow bacteria to accumulate on the walls of the tank.
For the manufacture of plastic tanks, special material is used - polyethylene (more often occurs on sale food). It is resistant to direct sunlight (ultraviolet), has high strength, environmentally friendly.
When choosing a tank of plastic, pay attention to such criteria:
- The tank on the summer shower should be durable, but not heavy.
- The most comfortable shape is flat in the form of a square. It will promote rapid and uniform warming of water. Also, the flat shape of the tank can simultaneously serve and the roof for the shower.
- The color of the container affects the temperature of the water, so choose a light or dark - to solve you.
In addition to the tanks for the shower of plastic on sale you can find a container having a flat shape. It is made of special polymer fabric. Its feature is that such a container is used to arrange drip irrigation on the garden, as well as for storing a large stock of water. It looks like a water tank in the form of a large "pillow" with holes for pouring and draining water. The design of such a container also provides for a special "breathable" valve so that water in the tank is not stored. The volume of such a tank is quite impressive, it can store about 200-400 liters of water.
The uniqueness of the water tank made of polymer tissue is that water can be used, and the tank itself is folded and put a flat suitcase. Convenience lies in the fact that with the onset of cold weather, the tank is easily folded and transported.
- strength;
- capacity is not deformed when water heated;
- the fabric keeps the form well.
Heated tanks
When choosing a tank for the summer soul in the country, you should also pay attention to the heated containers. They will serve hot water at any time of the day and with any weather. When installing electric tanks for water heating, such moments should be considered:
- high-quality wiring;
- proper connection;
- insulation;
- installation of temperature sensors;
- installing filters.
Advantages and disadvantages of electric tanks:
An indisputable plus is the constant presence of hot water in the tank. The water temperature is controlled using special devices - sensors and thermostators.
The minuses include the impossibility of stable work of the tank when the water is unstable. Also, the electric tank must be connected to electricity, water supply or in case of water intake from the well, connect the pumping equipment.
This photo presents a plastic tank for heating the water using electrical tanks.
The presented capacity of water heating for the shower has a number of disadvantages, in particular, it is necessary to follow the filling of the tank with water. If this moment is missing - the heating elements can burn. Such a tank, like other electric tanks for water heating, must be connected to electricity and water supply.
Tuning summer soul with plastic capacity can be seen on this video: