How to make a playground in the country area Plot

Do you have children or recent grandchildren appeared? Then you definitely need to take the corner on your summer cottage and build a playground on it for children.
We were all small, and in the warm season we were interested to spend time in the fresh air. We built the houses of them all that falls at hand: from branches, dry sticks, large burdocks, old blankets and sheets. Often, such toy tents were unstable and dangerous. To no longer be such a building amateur and children did not bored in the country area, among the beds with vegetables, we will build a playground with their own hands.
Such a platform may not be perfect and not quite exactly the same as they sell ready-made complexes in building supermarkets. We will try to attach their fantasy, pick up building materials and build a beautiful and functional playground for cottages yourself.
If your child is still quite small, the platform will be built easier. For kids, 2-3 years old is enough to build a sandbox, install an inflatable water pool, some swing, a slide, as well as a table, bench and a canopy from the sun.
In the playground, such elements must be present:
- sandbox;
- swing;
- tent or house for games;
- trees and shrubs;
- inflatable pool or other water source;
- bench.
Sizes of the site
If the place allows, the playground for children should be spacious. When arranging space, it is necessary to consider:
- Number of game elements.
- Dimensions of each element.
- Distance between elements.
According to the rules for the construction of playgrounds, the area is calculated based on the age of the child. For example, up to seven years, a child needs a space in 9 square meters, and children from seven to twelve years need more space - about 13-15 square meters.
If the project provides a slide setting, stairs - it is necessary to leave more space. Around the swing and other swinging items it is necessary to provide a safe zone, a distance of at least two meters.
To set one element of the swing, you need to highlight about 15 square meters of space. If the swings are installed on the springs, enough ten square meters. For the slide leave 15 square meters.
First stage of the site
First of all, before proceeding with work, you need to decide on the place. It is very important. A place for children's games should be equipped in a secluded place, which will be protected from the wind. Also, the playground should be located in the shade of trees.
Choose a place that has a smooth, spacious, open area. If the sunlight will fall on it - it is not scary. In this place, you can install a sandbox with a canopy or put protection from the sun - awning or a large umbrella.
Features of choosing a place for the site:
- It is impossible to place the playground away from home. Parents should always see where their children are and what they are doing.
- It is impossible to install equipment for playgrounds near workshops and those places where tools are stored, building materials, heavy, large items and tools.
- It is undesirable to have a zone for games near the greenhouses, as well as next to the windows.
We prepare the territory
Before proceeding with the construction, the place under the site must be prepared to prepare:
- Align the surface.
- Pull all the weeds.
- Remove dry branches.
The most perfect coating for the playground is a lawn. For such purposes, a mixture of herbs and plants is suitable, which are resistant to heavy loads and will not die when pulling out. We pay close attention to plants that are planted next to the playground. Plants like lily of the valley, jasmine, honeysuckle, bubble, and tees are considered to be poisonous. It is not superfluous to pull the nettle and remove or disappear other spiny plants - roses, ate, blackberry, hawthorn, gooseberry and others.
If it happened that you did not have time to pre-prepare the site and laying her lawn grass? You can put in order ordinary grass that grows on your site. It must be mounted and check that among the blades there are no spines, dry branches and wands, and a poisonous plant did not grow up - toast. This plant has beautiful berries that their attractive species can harm the defector.
If in your plans to put a special soft coating on the site, try to limit ourselves to those plates where you plan to install sports equipment. Beautifully look and serve dozens wooden playgrounds.
Choose site elements
After determining the place for the site and its preparation, it is necessary to determine the elements. In this issue, boldly consult with the child. As a rule, all children love to play with sand. Let's start with the site of the site, which will be glad kids.
Baby from one and a half years old and almost until the middle school age will be happy to build castles from the sand. School children can be saturated with sand more so that they create real masterpieces from sand - sandy sculptures. Kids will be happy to sculpt the gums and cook sand and leaves soup, twigs.
The stages of the creation of the sandbox can be read in detail in this article ( https://recn.ru/detskaya-pesochnica-svoimi-rukami-kak-sdelat.).
All that can be said about this amazing element of the children's playground is that it can be built from any material that has each owner in the country area.
According to the materials of the manufacture, the types of sandboxes can be divided into the following:
- Created from a large car slide.
- Built from wooden boards.
- From a large round, square or rectangular tank.
It is also possible to arrange a sandbox by applying a smelter and fantasy. For example, if your sandbox is made of a car wheel (by the way, you can get two sandboxes from one wheel), it can be painted with multi-colored paints or with stencils to draw figures.
For wooden sandbox, board build:
- From the old cut dry logs - children will be happy to not only play with sand, but also jump on logs.
- Perform a fencing by lining the boards with ceramic tiles, brick or any other building material. Also using the residues of building materials - the brick battle, the tiles can be postponed using a cement solution mosaic ornament.
Sand requirements should be high. Sand is also important as the choice of space for the construction of the sandbox. The sand should be small and clean, without extraneous impurities. Try not to acquire the sand with the addition of clay, it will be very painted hands and clothes.
Little tricks:
- Squake small sand through a sieve to sew garbage.
- Before pouring sand into the sandbox, shook it with a bottom with a film or any other dense material. This is necessary so that the sand is not stirred with the Earth.
- It would not hurt to immediately think about to build a lid for the sandbox. When it is not used, the sandbox is covered with a lid. She will protect the sand from getting garbage, leaves, will be a barrier from visiting cats and dogs.
- Make work on conscience using high-quality building materials. Even when your child becomes an adult, you can always build a beautiful flower bed from the sandbox.
Common swing
According to the project area, we set the swing. The most basic and first rule in this business is to ensure the safety of the place and fastening of rope, chains, etc.
It is necessary to measure the distance accurately, in accordance with the movement of the swing. The standard minimum distance in front and rear is two meters.
After the swing is installed, check them, they must be strong, withstand your weight and not roll over when swinging. If the sample has passed successfully - the weight of the child swing will also withstand.
In order to build the most simple swing, you need to find a tree on your summer cottage, which has a thick branch growing horizontally. It should be durable. Buy a durable thick rope in the construction store (preferably for alpine equipment with a diameter of 15-25 mm) and a wooden board for seating. The board must be taken wide, since when skating the child will hold on to the rope and it will be inconvenient to sit on a narrow seat.
Make a swing:
- We will cut the rope. The length of the rope will depend on the growth of the child and the height of the branch.
- The board must be preloaded to coat with oil.
- Using a drill in the board we drill holes, the diameter of which will be equal to the diameter of the rope.
- Take the rope through the openings of the future seating.
- The ends of the rope are attached to the branch.
- To the rope does not slide on the branch, you can take no chicks in the tree.
The second version of the structures of the swing: the rope is cut into two parts, the same in length, it is loaded through the drilled holes and is tied to a strong node.
If there is no suitable tree on the summer site, the swings are constructed from two logs and a metal pipe or a thick log. We will get acquainted with the phased performance:
- In the logs there is a small hole, so that the pipe or log in it.
- I dig two pits for logs. The depth of the holes near the meter.
- The logs of columns set at a distance of one and a half meters from each other, sprinkle the ground with 25-30 centimeters and fill with water.
- Publishings leave for a couple of days so that they are well established and not swinging when riding.
- We strengthen the crossbar with a pre-prepared rope and seat.
- For safe riding, it is necessary to provide space about two meters from both sides.
Chalash or house
This element of the playground must be present at the site, and it is suitable for children of any age. The kids will like an ordinary folding tent tent purchased in the store. Also, kids can be built with a shalashik from the old covered, securing them on a metal frame or wooden bars. The main thing was smelled in this matter - to provide a sufficient influx of air.
The house built on top - as in children's films - on the tree, is the dream of many school children. This task is not from the lungs and its implementation will need a lot of strength, as well as the development of a drawing of a children's playground, where the drawing of a house of a tree will be drawn up in more detail.
Construct a hill
For kids skating on a hill delivers a huge pleasure. For the smallest you can buy a plastic slide in the store. It is light and does not take up much space. For the winter it can be removed into the placement of storage, or, if the place allows you to install in the children's room.
The height of the slide for children up to three or four years should be up to 70 centimeters, have a smooth descent. Highlights are required.
The staircase must be equipped with wide, comfortable steps. It is desirable that the steps are often located and not slippery.
The staircase slides must be equipped with comfortable handrails.
Slide height requirements:
- For children of preschool age, the slide must be no higher than one and a half meters.
- For children of younger school age - from two meters and above.
Handrails must be installed on any hill. For the older children, it will be more interesting to go on a straight skate, but by wavy or with a small springboard at the end. Another kids love to descend from the slides right into the water - you can install an inflatable pool right at the end of the skate.
To independently build a hill, such materials are necessary:
- Four wood bars (100 per 100 per 100 size).
- One 500-500 timber bar is 800 millimeters.
- Three floors for sex 40 at 130 to 600.
- Water-resistant plywood sheets - 2 pcs, size 1500 by 1500 per 120.
- Five boards (grip), 40 to 130 by 600.
- Two round racks, 30 to 1200.
- Saws.
- Drill.
- Screwdriver.
- Lobzik.
- Mill.
- Paints.
- Mastic.
- Tassel.
All wooden parts need to cut and polish so that the children are hurt. The tree is better to take their coniferous rocks.
Phased description of the work:
- In Earth, you need to make two pits under the racks. Depth of yam 60 centimeters.
- Ends of future racks need to be smeared by mastic.
- Make a recess at racks (groove 20 millimeters).
- The board is inserted into the groove, to connect with self-draws. It will be a frame.
- At the ends of two bars, cut the grooves and attach them to the frame. It turned out the racks to which the side parts of the staircase and the skate will be screwed.
- Playground for the floor make from the genital board. You need to lay them with a gap.
- The side part of the staircase must be screwed to the racks.
- Bruks to attach at the same distance and set the steps using self-sufficiency.
- Balaasins are screwed, and railing is joined to them, their ends need to be fixed on the support rack.
- From plywood, walls are cut and installed in the grooves (they are already made in the side faces of each rack).
- Rakes are screwed between the wall and the floor, and the rear wall is sewn plywood.
- Skat is made of boards, they are filling tightly without clearance.
- The slide is painted paint.
Simulators, labyrinths and hammocks
This equipment equipment can be built from any rebuilt material: old rubber tires, marine grid, stairs, etc.
Maze, which are so loved by children, can be built from a large marine grid, adding decor elements. For moving games, you can install a basketball ring, a tennis table, a small football gate. Not superfluous will be a small horizontal bar, as well as a ladder for climbing and hammock. By the way, the hammock will have to the shower, both babies and older children and even adults. Running, the bastard can always relax in the shade of trees, read the book and even arrange a "quiet hour" in the fresh air. The main thing is that the hammock is suspended not high and secured qualitatively.
It may be a bench, a small wooden table, followed not only to play, but also to eat. Children love to draw, glue and sculpt. In order for the wooden table to not drink moisture, it can be confused by a solid polyethylene film.
A wonderful place to relax for the child will be the corner of the Earth, in which he will be able to plant the grains himself and grow his first crop in life. Watching the work of adults, the child himself gradually adapts to work.
Perhaps the most wonderful place to relax is a water pool or other source of water. Children love to splash in the water, and an inflatable water pool installed on the playground will become a real holiday for them.
Ideas of playgrounds can be visually seeing in the photo: