Design of well: photo, interesting ideas Plot.

Even in areas where there is centralized water supply, often there are wells. Some dig out just in case, and it happens that they are not at all carrying any functional load, but serve just an element of design. Regardless of whether this is a source of water supply or simply improvisation, it is better when this object looks attractive. In our article we will share with you interesting ideas for the design of the well.
Design of wells in the country
The landscape design of the site is perceived harmoniously, when all the elements in it create a single composition. So, making up a well, you should first take into account the design of the coupling, and not just implement the picture you like. What style do wells are issued in the country, now consider.
Country or Rustic Well
Country style is such a hut from the tree, even if there is even an amenities and equipped with the most modern household appliances. The solution for the design of a real or improvised source of water here suggests itself. You can beat it in different ways, for example:
- superstructure in the form of a log rectangle or hexagon;
- breed supports;
- canopy, repeating the shape of the roof of the house and made of the same material.
Aerial parts and decorate a house, completely or partially covering the hole and repeat the architecture of the main building, in these samples, design of wells, a photo of which you can see:
The rural landscape fits shadoof or shadoof, from which emanates a deep antiquity. It differs from the previous embodiment device water recovery mechanism. While in the first case it has the shape of a drum with a wound on his chain or rope, there is a bucket lowers and raises the lifting-lever mechanism. Of course, the water should not be very deep - a limit of 5 m, otherwise this option is not acceptable.
Schematically, the design looks like this:
Structural elements of the crane are:
- base or rack;
- arrow or the balancer;
- cargo;
- rope, pole or a rope;
- bucket.
Stages of the well device with a crane in the modern interpretation of the following:
- Set support using it as a material for wooden beam section length 270, and 5x10 cm or thicker logs. In this case, the tree in the ground is not rotten, isolate it with 2 metal tubes.
- Determine the amount of space between the above-ground part of the well and support structure and note position under digging the pit.
- Digging a pit depth of at least 1 m.
- Fasten to the pipe support, using mounting studs and omit construct in the appropriate place.
- The embedded pipes and concreting. Set for fixing pipes and the struts waiting until the concrete hardens.
- We carry out installation of the balance (arrows). It is a bar section or a log 5x5 cm. For compounds of the balancer and reception using the hinge assembly, consisting of two segments angle steel attached to the base by means of four mounting studs.
- To one end of the boom fastened a weight of about 18 kg, and another rope and bucket.
It remains to decorate the support climbing plants, and the whole structure can serve as a decoration, if come up with some original form for her.
Well, chalet-style
If the house is on your site resembles a chalet somewhere in Switzerland, a match he will be well trimmed stone, even artificial.
Well in oriental style
If you are a fan of exotic, bright and cheerful oriental style and have issued it own garden, the same idea is to support and design of the well.
The oriental well well necessarily has a canopy. Often it is decorated with overama-carved figures of mythical beings. The head board is made of large stone or tree. The roof of soft tiles with highly elevated corners characteristic for the east - Pagoda. One of the indispensable elements of the composition is a wooden bucket.
Modern style of a well
If the house has a modern design, then the well is performed from the corresponding materials:
- polycarbonate;
- metal;
- brick;
- concrete;
- tiles.
We make a well do it yourself
There is an opportunity to choose a finished decor of a well in the form of a house in a shopping center, order in a specialized workshop or execute it one of the projects that are so many online. But many prefer to make a well with their own hands. Especially since the home master may not come up with generally accepted style solutions and he will want to embody his own designer decision.
If you are satisfied with the central water supply, and the well is needed only as an decoration, then still try to look at the most reminded it. Optimal dimensions are reduced to this table:
Consider the process of making a portable house.
Materials for work
For work, such materials are needed:
- the logs or the cutting board of hard breeds of centimeters width 10-15 and a thickness of about 4 cm;
- bar is the same thickness as the board;
- nails, selflessness.
Tool for work
Tool for the design of the well will need the easiest:
- hammer;
- lobzik;
- hacksaw.
Production algorithm
The defold of the well attached to any form for what:
- on a sheet of plywood or drywall, we indicate the perimeter of the future house;
- process the wood by antiseptic;
- we carry out the bottom strapping from BRUSEV using a spike-groove compound;
- perform an angular racks.
It remains to perform a decorative design of the well, for example, by maritime:
- collapse the frame of the carcass house with a rope or thin rope;
- form artificially boards intended for the obstruction of the head or buy already upwards;
- decorate the boards shells, anchors;
- suspend on the chain bucket in the form of a beer mug;
- to fit the steering wheel instead of a pen.
The stationary well is originally and decorated in the same way, but at first it must be built for what:
- They dig holes under the racks to a depth of 0.3 m, pour into them a small amount of bitumen.
- We prepare a solution of 1 piece of cement and 3 parts of sand and pour it into pits so that it takes half the volume.
- We take the segments of the metal pipe with a diameter of a little big than racks. Prayes, insert into the holes with cement mortar.
- Fill the poultry with concrete to the top.
- Check the level vertical, until the concrete is frozen.
- We score wooden racks treated with a special composition or painted after the concrete becomes solid. Two of these racks should have such a length to fix the roof on them.
- We are cutting with frames, decorate.
If you want the headpoint well a round, do this:
- take the plastic or painted iron barrel, outline on the ground its perimeter;
- dig a round pit;
- align the bottom, pour sand;
- lower the container into the hole;
- set the perimeter of the rack, cover them;
- put the soil inside;
- square flowers.
Making roof
Start follow from the build of the frame. We do it immediately on Earth, and then put on the supports and we are wearing. The scheme is as follows:
- make a square from timber;
- we take two brus and connect them so that it turns out 2 houses;
- we connect these 2 structures with the help of transverse slats, having their dense rows;
- we establish the resulting design on the racks.
At the same time, if we enhance the roof of the board:
- choose quite thin;
- decorate its edges with curly or oblique cuts;
- come on the wood with a metal brush;
- cover the boards by Morilka, varnish or paint.
Gate for well
When we decided to create a complete imitation of the functioning well, then it should also be supplemented with a gate, for what:
- We take a rolling log and make a longitudinal through hole in it. If there is no appropriate tool, then we saw the workpiece in half along the axis, we make a groove with a chisel, glue.
- We harvest the metal rod of the round. Cut the thread at its ends, select the appropriate nuts.
- Dog the axis in the holes made in the log and racks on which the roof is held. Fix the design with nuts.
- Krepim to the chain chain, handle, complement the bucket.
Plants, painting, additional decorations in the design of wells in the country
If you plant the lawn grass around the well, the juniper, flowers, then it will give him an additional flavor. And even to emphasize on a certain style, it is enough to enter a well in the design of a certain additional element in the design:
- Rustic style will emphasize the fence, woven from the vine, mock layout, lightweight wooden bridge, if there is a small artificial reservoir nearby.
- The chalet well will be well complemented by a stone slaughterhouse.
- To the well decorated in a modern style, a platform paved paved with paving tiles or mosaic from a bit ceramic tile is suitable.
- If the ledge of your well is the entirely not a remarkable concrete ring, then it is possible to transform it. Just shuffled it with cement mortar and make a pattern under a brick, and when it all hardens, apply red-brown paint. Now he will look like the alien from the Middle Ages.
- Near the stone well, the figures of the gnomes will be relevant, the alpine slide, built from the soil, removed when the mine.
- An even ordinary galvanized bucket can be decorated, if you paint it, and at the same time and the headband, bright colors.
There are interesting solutions for registration of not only traditional wells, but also wells.
In completion, look at the video where all sorts of designers of the well are shown, maybe it will inspire you to create a masterpiece with your own hands: