Garden border - views, features, useful tips. Photo examples Plot.

Garden border is not only the decoration of the household site. It also depends on how much the tracks will serve and whether the grass will not grow. Choosing the material from which garden borders will be built, it is necessary to devote the focus of the fact that it harmonized well with the general design of the garden.
What is a garden border
In order to protect the bed from scattering and give a nicely beautiful and completed view, a curb is used. It is necessary to approach the choice of material and location of the fence with full responsibility. Before making a choice of a border of the garden, it is worth viewing the photos and examples of ready-made frameds to understand what you need your garden. Next you need to decide how much you are willing to spend on the borders, and start work.
The main thing is what it is worth emphasizing attention is a harmonious combination of material for garden tracks and fences, since the border can, like being one of the landscape decorations, and become an imperceptible application. The choice of material is quite diverse. It can be:
- Brick.
- Decorative or natural stone.
- Metal.
- Plastic.
- Plants.
- Wood.
Each material has its own properties. Therefore, you need to choose from what it will be designed in the garden.
Border of plastic
This is a versatile material that combines well with all the variants of garden paths.
Benefits of the curb:
- Due to the fact that the garden curb plastic, it is not striking, and almost impaired.
- Lawn grass does not go beyond their limits.
- Fits all types of landscape design.
- Well withstands different temperatures.
- It has simplicity of installation: no need to dig a trench, or fill the foundation. And he does not require special fasteners. It is connected by anchor pins, which very well hold the design.
- Thanks to small sizes, you can put such a border not only exactly, but also to bend.
The disadvantages of plastic fencing include:
- The material is not environmentally friendly.
- Not a garden decoration.
Metal border
To create a metal edge of the paths, copper, aluminum or stainless steel are used, so this border garden and the price is higher than that of the plastic. But she fully justifies himself. Advantages of a metal border:
- It is remarkably harmonized with paths from rubble.
- Does not give grass to germinate on the tracks.
- Clearly defines the pathways.
The main disadvantage of the metal border is similar to plastic - it is not an element of decor. In the soil, the metal enters by about 10 cm, and above the ground the border should be seen no more than 2 cm.
Bordeur of wood
This type of border is a decoration of the garden, especially if all it is made in the style of "Country". It looks great on narrow bulk or wooden tracks. Varieties of wooden border:
- Ordinary boards, which are laid out along the track.
- Wooden bars.
- Pegs.
- Designer processing of wood in the form of figures.
Of the advantages of this border of the garden, you can allocate what you can buy inexpensive in the store, but the original border sets from the tree.
The main disadvantage of a border from the tree is a short time. They can stop no more than 10 years. And then, it is provided that wood will be treated with special antiseptic drugs. And there will be a border on waterproofing.
Bordeur of bricks
This kind of border is perhaps the most popular with the fence of garden paths. It greatly harmonizes the sites that are made in the English manner, as well as those in the style of Country. It looks good on the tracks with a paving and boulders.
Bricks need to burst into the soil at an angle so that they look like teeth. For the border it is correct to take a facing brick, as it is less susceptible to destruction due to weather conditions.
In addition to the tracks, artificial reservoirs and flower beds still fencing such a curb.
Bordeur of Natural Stone
If you have a natural design of the garden plot, and you are good for all natural, then this kind of fence will have to do with you. For its construction take granite, seven, marble and other stones created by nature itself. Border will wonderfully look with a paving, paving or granite path. The grass through such a border will not leak.
Stone Bordeur Styling Technology:
- Spanbond fastened on Earth.
- Choose from stones identical in size.
- Put the border stones.
- Between large stones, lay out small stones.
- Purplify with dry cement lumets.
Among the shortcomings, the main is the high price of the material. But it looks like such a border very effectively.
"Green" border
Such a border is wonderfully combined with any garden design and is suitable for any coating tracks. But at the same time, the construction of such a fence is a labor-intensive process. The material costs are not high, but time to spend enough. The plants are planted along the entire length of the garden path, they should be:
- Not high.
- Grow in this climate.
- Be not very capricious in care.
- Beautiful look.
Greens for such a border should not exceed 30 cm height and is similar to the width. If the border is higher, then it will then become a lively hedge, which is the height of more than two meters. Often, flashes or a kislist are planted for the construction of such a border.
Construction of garden border
An example of a brick curb with your own hands:
- It is necessary to designate places where the garden decorative curb will be located. To do this, you need to put the rope on the ground, where the lines are smooth, and where the curb will bend, you can outline the garden hose.
- On the edge of a flowerbed or beds, you need to pull out the trench, the width and depth that you need.
- Almost to the top to pour the trench with a solution. And leave for a couple of days for good frost.
- On top of the solution, lay out bricks in this direction, in which you need. They can be put as across and along, and at an angle. You can make several rows. The main thing is to retreat from the edge of the lawn somewhere centimeters at 10, so that the lawn mower can drive.
- The lumens between the bricks, as well as the indentation between the border and the lawn, should be filled with a solution that was left for a lawn mower. It should be one level with a lawn.
- On the lumen between the flower and border, pour land to be a harmonious general view of the garden plot.
Over time, the plants on the lawn will grow up, and the border for garden tracks will not be so bright in the eyes. Unless this is the goal of the gardener.