What a heated towel rail is better Plumbing

Have you decided to make repairs in the bathroom? Then, in addition to choosing a bath, toilet and other plumbing, you need to buy a heated towel rail. Immediately you will have a question, what a heated towel rail is better - water or electric?
The underlying condition that strictly must be observed during the arrangement of the bathroom - convenience. You should be comfortable to take shower, wash and dry towels. Therefore, it is not necessary to acquire the first-cut device for drying towels, it is necessary to understand the models in more detail and their differences.
What is a heated towel rail in the bathroom?
Before you start choosing models, you need to figure out what is this device.
We all remember since childhood Babushkina bathroom, where every centimeter of the square was used for its intended purpose. And the role of the heated towel rail was assigned a metal zigzag pipe, which was located on the opposite wall from the bath. The pipe was connected to the heating system, so in winter it was warm in the bathroom, and the wet towels were not dried. In the summer, in the absence of centralized heating, the pipe remained cold, respectively, no one dreamed of the drying of bath subjects. In this case, we remembered the water heated towel rail.
Recently, there are other heated towel rails in Plumbing stores, which work not from the presence of hot water in the pipe, and from the mains. Therefore, if your apartment has interruptions with hot water supply or heating, it will be more expedient to choose the second option.
Appointment of towel rail
The very name of the device suggests that it will be used in direct appointment, that is, to dry wet bath towels. Many budget owners may argue than it will be worse if you allocate for towels, say, crossbar, or stretch over the bathroom rope? In fact, the differences are available. Usually in the bathroom, the humidity level is always higher than, for example, in the kitchen, so the towel will not be able to quickly dry on the rope. And if you send the volumetric terry towels to dry the warm coil of the towel rail, then they can be dried for a short time.
In addition, the device serves not only for drying towels, it creates a comfortable room indoor. This means that if you only accepted a shower, then you do not have to be covered with "goose skin". Also, if you choose a heated towel rail to all the rules, it will help get rid of condensate formation on the walls and a bathroom mirror.
What are views
There are two types of heated towel rails:
- water;
- electric.
Water heated towel rail is a design of a long curved pipe that needs to be attached to the wall in the bathroom. Hot water, passing through the pipe, gives heat into the room. Thus, the maximum warm-up of the bathroom is ensured, and it is also possible to always use dry towels.
Electric heated towel rail has different power and design. Installing such a device is very simple - no need to connect to the system of heating and water supply. It is necessary to simply attach the unit to the wall and turn on the outlet. If you do not want to depend on heating or hot water, then you should choose electrical heated towel rails.
How to choose a towel drying
In order not to have any questions, which is better a heated towel rail, electric or water, consider each other.
Electric heated towel rails, if compared with water devices, have a number of advantages. First of all, the unit works from the network, it is easy to install it and operate.
- no need to obtain permission from the communal service (housing) for installation work;
- there is no need to invite a specialist to carry out the cutting into the hot water supply system;
- the heated towel rail always works and does not depend on heating and having hot water;
- install the device easily yourself;
- does not consume a large amount of energy.
Many people, having familiarized themselves with positive reviews about the work of electric heated towel rails, choose this type of heaters. In addition to basic advantages, separate types of models may have a built-in thermostat, which allows you to independently adjust the temperature and minimize electricity costs.
This function has an Energy heated towel rail:
But before purchasing the unit, you must familiarize yourself with the disadvantages. Thus, manufacturers noted that some models in the installation require compliance with such requirements:
- when connected, you need to display a separate power line;
- it is necessary to install an additional outlet with a high level of protection;
- pour the ground in the bathroom.
Despite these requirements, you can always choose a suitable towel rail for the bathroom.
Which company is better to choose a heated towel rail
The designs of electric heating units may have a different form: in the form of a ladder, a serpentine and other design models that will take a worthy place in any interior.
In addition to forms, heated towel rails can be made of different materials and have differences in color.
So, popular models of aggregates are made of:
- bronze;
- chromium;
- metal with silver and gold spraying;
- stainless steel.
The photo shows a sample of stainless steel heated towel rail:
Electrical devices are powered by a network, 220 volts, maintain a temperature of sixty-five to seventy degrees.
To fill the internal space of units, ordinary water, oil or antifreeze can be used as a heat transfer fluid. There is no essential difference - each of the liquids is well heated and kept heat. The only thing to pay attention to customers is the price of heated towel rails, it can be a little different.
When buyers wonder what a bathroom heated towel rail is better, it will be necessary to remind you that when buying it is necessary to pay attention to the power of the unit and the type of the device of the heating element.
If you saw an inexpensive model in the store, then the cable is installed as the heating element inside the reinforcement. This will mean that such a device will not work for a long time.
If a TEN is installed as a heating element, its durability will depend on the material from which it is made. Thus, the casing of ferrous metal is considered the cheapest, it will be rapidly corrosion faster than a similar element made of stainless steel.
The presence of thermostat is welcomed, which provides heated room. If you decide to purchase an aggregate with a thermostat, then its cost will be higher for twenty percent.
By type of fastening, electric heated towel rails are divided into such types:
- Stationary.
- Turning.
The first species is characterized by the fact that it has four installation points. Installation is performed by special fasteners.
Rotary types of aggregates during operation can be rejected from the wall. The advantages of the rotary units are that they can be installed in small areas.
If it is not worth a goal to continuously exploit the heated towel rail, you can purchase a model with a timer to turn on the heating device when necessary.
Such requirements are responsible for terminus heated towel rail.
It is made of stainless steel, reliable and durable. Will last more than thirty years.
What are better heated towel rails: water or electric?
Water instrument for drying towels must be embedded in water supply system or heating. His principle of operation is such: Hot water passing along the pipes evenly warms the heated towel rail, providing a comfortable temperature in the bathroom. The advantages of water heated towel rails are that it is not necessary to spend electricity, which means that it is possible to save on energy resources.
Among the minuses it is worth noting that the unit must be connected to a hot water supply system or heating. If we take into account that hot water can turn off, and the heating season lasts six months, then he will not be demanded half a year.
In addition, to install a heated towel rail, it is necessary to do a great job and attract specialists.
The photo shows a requested model of a water heated towel rail to Sunzherzh:
If we compare water and electric heated towel rails, it can be noted that each type of unit has both advantages and disadvantages.
What to choose a heated towel rail, look at the video: