Heat-insulating mats for a warm floor Floors

Warm floors today are relevant products, which every month is increasingly used to create cozy dwellings. It should be noted that it is often for the hosts, warm floors are not so cheap pleasure, but they still acquire this product. Thanks to a small layer present at the floor level, we get warm and comfort at home, even if the ferocious frost and ice wind outside the window.
In addition, the heat-insulating mats are increasingly used, with which one and the same temperature regime is most suitable in the room. Often, similar thermal insulation, as well as warm floors, are used in private houses, but the apartment-smoked spaces have too few space to arrange all the necessary resources.
In this article we will understand the features of thermal insulation mats, as well as in the use of warm floors within the home. In addition, we analyze all the features of the heat insulation, as well as the problems that specialists and lovers are usually faced with such repair processes.
Features of floor insulation
First of all, it is necessary to say that the warm surfaces are the most important part of modern private dwellings. Nowadays, people with good money revenue safely install warm floors on the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe house. Obviously, this is a reasonable investment, as comfort and comfort in the house are the most important things, without which it is simply impossible to get a maximum of their pleasure from staying in a spacious home.
Separately, I would like to note that in the case of a limited budget simply, there is no need to establish a full-fledged system of warm sex throughout the house. It is enough to cover all those zones that can be used for walking barefoot. This is primarily a bathroom and a bedroom. It is often under the tile and in the kitchen laid warm floors, but it is worth remembering that at Warm Periods of the Year, ceramics can create not very pleasant feelings for the feet.
Indeed, the insulation of the floor - the pleasure is not cheap, so the question of the location of this system should be as serious as possible.
At the same time, when planning the creation of a warm floor, you need to take care of a certain efficiency of using all purchased resources. For example, in the event that we have acquired a high-quality heating system, it is required to carry out the heat insulation of the walls so that the heat does not leave the room limits.
Approximately the same situation with the insulation of the floor. We need to do everything so that heat is most effectively used within a particular space. It is worth keeping in mind that it means not only to increase the comfort in the house, but also to do everything possible so that the resources are spent most efficient. For example, with low thermal insulation in the house it will be necessary to maintain a high temperature of the warm floor system. This, in turn, means not only the wear of the equipment, but also consuming electricity consumption. With the proper level of thermal insulation, we have the opportunity to save on it. It will only be enough to warm up the surface to feel the necessary level of comfort.
The main advantages and disadvantages of a warm floor
As an example, we will use the most common modifications of aqueous warm floors. This product is improved all the time, however, the significant differences between the available copies on the market is unlikely to succeed.
Thus, the advantages of this warm floor are the following:
- Savings on coolants. Experience shows that with the help of warm floors, it is possible to significantly save on the main heating, and in some cases the benefit is about 60%. Of course, it all depends on the specific space and features of the heat insulation of the home, so before you begin to arrange a warm floor, it is necessary to calculate everything. Often, those professionals are engaged in this, who supply these warmest floors. If saving on the main sources of heating is truly significant, then install the warm floor is really appropriate.
- Comfort. With the help of a warm floor, comfort is created even if we have too large and poorly heated space. Be a barefoot on the warm floor in the cool period - the present pleasure. It is most important to keep in mind that this installation provides uniform heating of the floor. Even at low temperatures of the warm floor, we get a sufficient level of comfort. Manufacturers indicate that for the feet is enough and + 18 °.
- Safety use. The warm floor is securely hidden under a certain coating. Thus, we can be confident in high safety installation. Children will not be able to affect the performance of the installation, and in the event of faults, you can simply turn off the warm floor from the power supply. Often, the settings are set to the most acceptable temperature for the feet, which even on the delicate children's skin will never leave marks. In most cases, specialists engaged in the installation of warm floors conduct a comprehensive analysis of the installation of the installation, and only after it becomes clear that there are no problems that are allowed to be fully operational.
Few of the warm floor:
- Mounting complexity. The process of installing a warm floor is really not as simple as it may seem, so most of the owners attract specialists to this case. By itself, the installation is quite expensive, so if you have serious problems with my own installation, there will be no major money losses. Thus, it is better to spend extra money, but be confident in the high quality of the work performed.
- Pipeline leakage. As is known, the water system of warm floors consists of a small diameter pipe. On these pipes and launches warm water, which heats the floor. In the event that for some reason the leakage will occur, you will have to completely dismantle the flooring (and it can be laminate, and even a ceramic tile). This is an extremely responsible process that may entail serious problems and inconvenience.
- Low efficiency. Sometimes it turns out that the owners who decide to establish a full warm floor, believe that this system will be the main heating equipment in the house. Of course, to ensure complete comfort, the warm floor can not, therefore it is advisable to use other systems in parallel. Despite this, some experts responsible claim that the warm floor may well be the main heating system, but for this you need to warm the floor, walls, ceiling, as well as provide excellent sealing of door and window openings. It is extremely difficult to achieve this result, since for comprehensive insulation and sealing will have to spend enormous money and a lot of strength, therefore it is more expedient to take care of the installation of full heating.
Thus, if you analyze all the information provided, it becomes clear that the systems of warm floors are not the most unambiguous solution for installation in the house. Accordingly, if we have a modest on the dimensions of the house and a limited budget, the installation of a warm floor is a serious risk.
Features of heat insulation of a warm floor
First of all, when we thought about installing a warm floor system, you should analyze the effectiveness of its functioning. We have already told that without ensuring the necessary level of efficiency, we will get a fairly disadvantageous situation at which too much energy resources will be used, and there will also be no positive effect on the use of a warm floor.
At the same time, hundreds of manufacturers all over the world offer thermal insulation products, which, in a pair with a warm floor, will demonstrate the highest level of comfort and coziness. Such thermal insulation materials may have different forms and characteristics, but the most important thing in this situation is high thermal insulation properties.
Polystyrene foam mats for a warm floor
The most relevant new in the market is polystyrene foam mats for a warm floor system. So far, they are not so active, but there are some prospects for this product. It is important to note that some authoritative companies are engaged in the production of this product, so the prospects for such a product clearly have.
Positive ash insulation mats based on polystyrene foam:
- Dimensions of the material. The optimal dimensions of the mats allow you to carry out the process of laying as simple as possible. For this event, it is not even necessary for too many working hands, so the entire volume of work can be held one. The leading manufacturers are doing everything possible so that the size of the heat-insulating materials in the best way under the standard dimensions of the rooms of the houses.
- Fastening system. As is known, the heap system consists of small pipes for which warm water passes. It must be said that manufacturers of insulating materials over this long thought and created a practically the perfect system for fastening pipes to isolation. Accordingly, mats have special recesses that are best suited for uniformized pipe placement. Moreover, this system is arranged in such a way that the pipes can be carried out exactly as the owners want. Also, such mats allow you to mostly pave all the pipes, even if there are a lot of them in the system. For such work, it is not even necessary to attract specialists, since the entire process of furnaceing the warm floor becomes almost elementary. The fastening system is designed for a variety of pipe diameters, which is also very convenient.
- Material thickness. Again, manufacturers offer dozens of width of thermal insulation mats. Accordingly, this product may be freely used in large frequent houses (here you can use mats with the greatest thickness, which will provide excellent efficiency), and in small apartments. Of course, the effectiveness of the material depends on this issue, and attention should also be paid to.
- Low price. Unlike many other insulation materials, such mats will cost the owners really cheap. For example, last year the average price per unit of production was about 200 rubles. Thus, this material is a profitable solution, especially if you compare it with many other products present in the insulation market.
As for the shortcomings, these products are available. For example, it can be noted that the polystyrene is far from the most environmentally friendly resource. However, it should be borne in mind that on sale you can find many other products created on the basis of alternative materials. If the owners want to be confident in the high ecology of the resource, they will have to overpay a little.
In addition, it should be borne in mind that polystyrene foam differs not the highest thermal resistance. Thus, if the warm floor is heated too much, there may be negative consequences for thermal insulation. Fortunately, modern fiberstate panels withstand temperatures up to +80 degrees Celsius, and while the aqueous warm floors are limited to +40 degrees. Separately, I would like to note that the polystyrene feels perfectly at negative temperatures (up to -65 degrees), but this advantage during operation has no applications.
Also, it is impossible to bypass the fact that the polystyrene foaming should be reliably hidden under cement layer, or under a different reliable coating, since the properties of the material may not be the best way to influence the well-being of tenants.
Basalt heat-insulating mats
While polystyrene foam mats are an excellent contemporary solution, basalt material has been used for many years, and it also has a lot of advantages. First of all, it is worth noting its effectiveness, which certainly cannot be compared with the possibilities of polystyrene foam.
Often this material is used for the insulation of large industrial buildings, however, and for warm floors it is also a rans. It is worth noting the following advantages:
- Security. Obviously, the basalt insulation resource is actually an excellent decision, given that it consists exclusively from natural materials. In addition, this product is non-combustible and has a good level of vapor permeability.
- High operating temperature. As we have already spoken, polystyrene is capable of interacting only with low temperatures. But basalt thermal insulation is almost perfect options if the warm floor is heated to high temperatures. Of course, we are not talking about a water field, but about other varieties of systems. Many manufacturers indicate that their basalt thermal insulation mats can easily withstand +700 or more degrees Celsius. Accordingly, it will even be extremely difficult to set the melting that, again, it has a positive effect on its safety.
- Efficiency. As already mentioned, basalt thermal insulation is characterized by high heat conservation efficiency. This is probably the most important advantage that will be decisive for many owners.
Often on sale you can find mats based on this material quite large dimensions, so the question of compactness here immediately disappears. Manufacturers note that, in contrast to many other insulation resources, the material has the stability of geometric sizes. The bottom line is that mats will not be deformed even under strong loads. Of course, this strength of the material is the most relevant when creating large buildings, as well as industrial premises.
Well, at the end I would like to note that it is most likely to lay the laying of this material, most likely, each owner is, however, the complexity is to fasten the pipes of the warm floor system to the isolation resource. Accordingly, for this case, it is necessary to purchase special fasteners and additionally analyze the location of all installation elements.