Wall decoration with their own hands Walls

After completing the repair in the house, despite the new clothes in the design of the rooms, there is often no harmony, emptiness is felt, incompleteness in the interior. An ideal option for solving this problem for giving the premises of the atmosphere of a residential, bright and original room will be decorated with walls of decor. It is not necessary to spend a lot of money on it and seek unique items that would fit into your interior. Create decorations for walls with your own hands. Thus, the originality of the design will be indisputable, because you will bring a part of yourself into the atmosphere of the room, your feeling of style and comfort, peculiar only to your home.
How to correct the ideas of wall decoration?
To achieve maximum harmony in the design of the room's interior, some nuances should be taken into account. They will help achieve the desired effect and bring pleasure in the process itself.
Such factors are the following points:
- Decor variants a lot, but you must adhere to the selected room design style.
- To save essentially, use healthy items and means. Inhale the new life forgotten things. So you can easily make the original wall decoration, without spending at all.
- Think out good things to look like the final result of your work on the wall of a room or another room. You should not do many different decorations, because you can achieve the effect of disharmony and disorder with such design.
- Use ready-made photos of wall decoration. It will help you to decide on the type of decor and will expand the range of interesting ideas for you.
Important! Regardless of which style, the interior is decorated, what kind of materials you choose, technology and how much they are willing to spend money on the decoration of the room, the elements of the decor must match the size of the wall and fit into it by parameters. It is not always appropriate to be a large-scale panel, and in another interior, small parts on the walls may simply be lost.
Decoration of wall photos
The design of the walls of the rooms with the help of photographs originates from the previously distant 1822, when Nieps, Frenchman by origin, made the world's first photographic picture. There was a lot of time since then, and such a decor of the walls still remained relevant.
A variety of shapes and sizes of images depicting the moments of our life, beautiful landscapes, the works of famous photographers and photos of famous people are an exceptional element of the decor, which inspires and creates a special intimate atmosphere.
Ideas design wall photos
- Black and white photos, like an unshakable classic, every year more increasing popularity. The decor with such pictures is ideal for topping the interior of the living room, especially if you preferred the artistic direction "Retro" or modern "minimalism".
- For photographs, you can use the framework. Pick them in such a way that they are perfectly fitted to repair the room itself. For originality, you can put the photo so that it goes beyond.
- The photo can be enlarged and make a poster that will definitely attract a look in the room of people.
- If you want to make a song, you select suitable to each other in size and style photos. On the wall they can be placed chaotically, in parallel one to another or observing symmetry.
Important! For the simplicity of the implementation of the photo-composition, make an outline of a conceived idea on paper or initially spread them in different sequences on the floor, changing the order before getting the most spectacular result.
- Snapshots will be perfectly looked not only on the wall, but also on the floor, using the wall as a support. Shelves on the walls will also become a great place to accommodate the photo.
- For small pictures, the passport with the frame will become an excellent framing option.
- If the wall has already decorative items, then with the help of photos, make an emphasis on them. So you can form a clock, a mirror.
- If you have a child and you want to use its photos originally - create a staircase of the kid's growth with them. To do this, place his photo in chronological order in the form of steps.
- Wedding photos are very frequent elements of wall decor. With their help, you can make a unique collage on the wall. And if you have preserved wedding pictures of grandparents, moms and dads, add them to your pictures. Such an original historical photo reporting about the lucky moments of your family's life will be a bright accent living room.
Important! Options for placing and fastening photos on the wall set. The easiest and usual is the fastening of the frame to the wall. For more creative people, this option is too banal and simple, because for these purposes you can use a wide variety of things:
- In children's rooms, you can often see the garland from children's photos attached to the wire with multi-colored clothespins;
- In the room, a teenager photo is attached by ordinary stationery buttons;
- in the living room, the panel of photographs can be pasted on the wallpaper or fixed with a construction mixture of type "liquid nails";
- fasteners can be carried out with the help of tape and connecting decorative cords.
Decoration of walls frames
Frames can serve not only as framing pictures or photos. They themselves are an excellent decor element. For their manufacture, use pieces of wood, plastic, foam, paper. Spacious for your imagination is extremely great here.
Important! Frames are optionally placed smoothly and symmetrically. Incorrect and asymmetric placement of the frames will give the interior freshness and originality.
The ideas of making frames and their placement
- Frames can be made of dense cardboard. For this, it is cut out the desired shape and size, glue with cloth or paper and decorated at its discretion. Depending on the place of placement of the finished frame, the elements of such a design can be paper parts, buttons, cereals, peas.
- Inexpensive material for creating a spectacular frame is a ceiling foam plinth. It is convenient because it is easily painted in any colors and has the kind of deraight of stucco. The choice of such a plinth is very large, so whatever style is your room, you will definitely find suitable design for the manufacture of the original frame.
- The use of gypsum panels for making frames will be beneficial if you want to give a special grace and originality to the decor. Gypsum plinths can be given not only any shade. It is perfectly amenable to this material to create a relief firm pattern.
- The frame can be decorated with independently with threads, seashells dried berries or colors. This approach will make the execution of exclusive and give you pleasure in the implementation of creative ideas.
- Using an empty frame, you can focus on the wall wallpaper element. Highlight with its help a specific fragment that you would like to emphasize. It is perfect for such an effect for the room in the style of "minimalism".
- On a smooth monophonic wall, the framework of contrasting colors will be best. If the wall has a motley pattern, it is best that the frame be the same color as the brightest element on the wallpaper.
Important! Be sure to take into account the style of the interior when creating a decor on the walls of the frames:
- If your room is decorated in the style of "Country" or "Provence", then very by the way will be a wooden frame or with elements of textiles.
- For the style of "Modern" acceptable multicolored frames that will look contrasting on the wall.
- Beautifully looks composition, when one frame is placed in another. You can not be limited in this case by two frames, but to play with their number. Especially profitable will be such a decision for artistic directions like "Avangard".
- The bright or dark tones of the frames are best suited for classic design.
- From plastic or metal - for "High Tech".
Decoration of walls by paintings from girlfriend
Make a picture with your own hands will be able to every person inspired by this work.
How to make a picture on the wall yourself
- You can make the original and beautiful decor from the personally drawn painting decorated in the frame. But if you do not possess artistic talent, it is better not to risk and do not post your "masterpieces" for everyone to see.
- Children's drawings are a different thing. Beautiful and tastefully decorated children's drawing will become an excellent decoration of the wall of the room of a young inhabitant.
- Use old pictures to decorate walls. After placing them in the style of the image, you can enhance the interior of the hallway or the corridor.
- The picture can also be made volumetric, using buttons, coffee beans, small toys, glass and plastic. The main thing in this business is fantasy.
Important! In large rooms, the large paintings without frames are increasingly used in the design of the walls. In any case, it should be noted that the image and color gamut should not overload the interior of the room. The main thing in the choice of drawing is harmony with wallpaper and surrounding objects of furniture.
Using paper wall decorations
Inexpensive, but fairly spectacular design walls will be appliques or decorative elements made of paper.
How can I use paper in wall design
- If you are a lover to make newspaper clippings about important world events, then use your assembled materials to beautifully place the walls of the living room. Collect cuttings, make a collage or place them in a separate frame. Such an interesting approach will not only bring the originality into the room, but will also be the subject of studying guests.
- Old wallpaper can also be used to make a unique application. Use different wallpapers for this. The main thing is that the resulting picture harmonized with all the rest of the interior.
- The decorative panel of paper will be an excellent option for making a wall of any room in the house. Cut from color cardboard any figures. For example, fruits or vegetables will be relevant for the kitchen. For the children's room - butterflies, animals, transport. For an adult bedroom - hearts or even oriental symbols. Connect them with threads so that it turns out the vertical garland and place on the wall. Believe me, looks - amazing.
- Also from multicolored paper by origami technique, you can make many all kinds of colors or other figures. By decorating the wall, you will make new paints in the interior and make it more attractive and bright.
- An interesting picture comes out if there are pieces of different wallpaper to attach a box from under the candy. Such a peculiar canvas is very well attached to the wall due to light weight, and it looks beautiful and unusual.
Important! In the manufacture of appliqué or collage, PVA glue is best. In the choice of colors, always endure the room design. It is better to choose bright colors in the nursery, and more relaxed rooms.
Decoration of wall cloth
If the use of paper for the design of the walls seems to you banal and simple, then experiment with the cloth. Do not limit yourself with any one type of fabric. For this purpose, any matter is suitable - from tulle to burlap.
Ideas of fabric decor
- Fabric patterns are very exquisite and originally stated on the walls. For their manufacture, you will need a wooden frame or a tight cardboard and a monophonic fabric or a fabric with a favorite and suitable style to the entire room with a pattern. The frame can also be used as a framing, and as a frame that stretches the fabric. This picture can be decorated with any room in your home.
- You can also make a composition of similar paintings using the same tissue or different fabrics of similar colors. For such purposes, the canvas with a large pattern are excellent.
- Fabric patterns are amazingly look at the walls, if you simulate or repeat some colors or ornament of any element of the interior.
- The handkerchief is the perfect material for decorating the wall of the room decorated in the style of "Country" or "Provence". The boilers look original and beautiful.
Important! If you are an amateur to embroider, then with a fiber or beads suitable picture and place it in your own-made frame. Such a picture will delight you every day, because it will be to personify your work, creative and taste. And guests will be astonish your talents, because such pictures always attract attention and cause genuine interest.
Patterns for wall design
To create a beautiful decor, it is not necessary to be a superconductance person. It is necessary to just have a desire to make a variety of rooms in the interior. In the absence of ideas, you can use templates for decorating walls.
The modern market of Decor is taken by ready-made templates and stencils that will help decorate the walls of any room in your home. With their help, you can portray on smooth walls a different drawing or stripped ready. You need to just decide on the image itself.
Stencils can also be made independently, cutting them out of cardboard or old wallpaper.
The most popular template today is butterflies. The large amount of them, imitating the flight very effectively look both in the bedroom and in the living room.
Do not be afraid to experiment to inhale the new life in the already bored interior. Handbook made decor will be a unique decoration of your home and will bring comfort to it, harmony, a positive atmosphere of love and comfort.