Asol as fertilizer: Composition, application Useful advice,Plot.

The modern market for gardeners and gardeners offers a wide range of chemical fertilizers. Many people stop their choice on such goods, and natural fertilizers were used and 50 years ago and it was quite possible to do without chemistry. Popular fertilizer used by our grandparents - manure. Also, along with him, wood ash was widely used. It was obtained in different ways, therefore the names of this natural fertilizer may be somewhat - straw ash, wood and stove.

Now it is unlikely that someone will be interested in advertising natural fertilizers, since the cost of wood ash will be significantly higher than the price of chemical powder fertilizers.

In addition, it was previously widely used wood ash, it is also necessary to recall such useful natural fertilizer as a shale and peat ash. All types of natural fertilizers are perfectly coped with their tasks, namely, ensure proper care of plants and soil.

What is a natural fertilizer

The ash is the residue that is obtained as a result of burning organic materials. For example, wood ashes can be obtained if you burn firewood and old wood. To obtain ash, you can take contaminated branches, which can not be put on a compost bunch for the formation of natural fertilizer.

The ash of straw is also obtained by burning dry plants and dry grass.

The "furnace" ash is obtained from wood, dry branches, bitch and building waste (without paint). Thus, you can get a useful fertilizer for soil and plants. When in the fire at the same time with wood, plastic burned, household garbage and newspapers, then such an ash will not be considered useful. A similar "dirty" fire will only harm the soil and plants, adding even more heavy metals.

Ashadowed as soon as the ashes cooled so that she does not have time to have a moisture. The wet ash does not have useful properties, so immediately after cooling, the ashes are collected and laid into containers or lay out on bags. It is important to store ash in hermetic capacity and not allow moisture.


Composition of wood ash

Himsostav ash rich in potassium. Depending on the plants from which the ash is obtained, its composition may vary. So, the main elements in wood ash - phosphorus, calcium and potassium. In addition, if they burn the deciduous species of trees, then the ash will contain a large number of potassium. Sunflower is rich in potassium carbonate (Potash), and peatlands on calcium.

In addition to the main elements, in wood ashes contains:

  • iron;
  • manganese;
  • molybdenum.

All these components allow you to enrich the soil and fill the flaw in trace elements. Thus, you can simultaneously feel the earth and get a good harvest.

If we compare wood ash with chemical fertilizers, it is worth noting that it does not have chlorine. Since such cultures like strawberries, raspberries, tomatoes and potatoes may die even from a small content in the fertilizer of potash salts and potassium chloride.

In addition to advantages, the ash has disadvantages: there is no nitrogen in powder, which accelerates the growth of plants. Special fertilizers will help replenish the stock of nitrogen - they can be bought in specialized departments together with wood ash.


Add natural ash simultaneously with chemical fertilizers, according to the rules not to get the opposite effect.

Ash like fertilizer

Ashadow in neutral soils for feeding vegetables, perennial plants, fruit and decorative trees.

To protect the cabbage from a fairly common disease "black leg", the ashes of wood should be made into the soil. In addition, fertilizing the soil ash, you can get a good harvest of zucchini, cucumbers and patissons. Add ash 2 tbsp. l. In every well or in a box with a seedler. You can make feeding and before boarding, during the rescue - on 1 m 2 The lands add a glass of wood ash.


Having planting eggplant seedlings, sweet pepper or tomato, prepare in advance wood ash and add 3 tbsp into each well. l. ash, and it is necessary to mix well with the soil. You can easily prevent the soil and make 3 glasses of ash per 1 m 2.

Natural feeding has a good result on plant growth. It is necessary to make ash to the landing jam, mix it with the soil and plant fruit trees. For perennial fruit trees (cherries, apple trees, pears and plums), it is possible to make a good feeding and once every 3 years make ash in the rolling colors.

How to properly make natural feeding:

  • prepare small grooves (depth of 10 cm);
  • pour in the deepening ash (for one "adult" plant will require at least 2 kg);
  • prepare the solution (scientific term "olod"), consisting of 2 glasses of ash and water bucket;
  • after making the fertilizer, the ditch must be closed with a layer of land.

A good crop after feeding wood ash gives black currant. Under each bush, make 3 glasses of fresh ash, immediately cover it with a layer of soil.

You can prepare a liquid fertilizer, thus, the fertilizer and moisture is introduced at the same time. No more than 100-150 g of ashes are taken on the water bucket. The feeding is introduced into the water and is gently mixed. Do not stop stirring, the liquid is poured into pre-prepared grooves and immediately plunge the earth.


Each plant "requires" a certain amount of fertilizer. For example, to feed the tomatoes, cabbage and cucumbers, it is enough to make 500 g of liquid fertilizer to one plant.

In addition to enriching the soil and obtaining a good harvest, the ash can be used as spraying plants from diseases and pests. Sprinkle plants ashes preferably at dawn, when the dew is not "left" (effectively in the fight against the tool). If there is no dew, then before processing plants, it is advisable to spray well with clean water with a sprayer. How to prepare a solution: 300 g of ashes are taken and sieved through a sieve. Powder is poured with a glass of boiling water and put a container on fire. From the moment of boiling, the solution continues to keep on the heat about half an hour. Then the liquid is removed from the fire and wait, when the ash is imagined (8-10 hours), after which they are filtering. In the resulting solution, water is added (about 10 liters) and 50 g of chopped on a large grater of the economic soap.

Wood ash frightens snails, ants and slugs. It is necessary to scatter ash on the ground or pour some ash near those plants where the snails are usually located.

Tight, heavy soil fertility 2 times a year - at the beginning of spring and at the end of autumn. Lightweigh soils are enough to harden once a year - with the onset of spring. The rate for such soils is no more than 200 g per 1M 2. Since the introduction of ash in the soil, its action has been actively over 2-4 years.


How to find out how many grams of ash need to add:

  • the tablespoon contains 6 g of ash;
  • in a standard glass (grades) - 100 g of ash;
  • in 500 g bank - 250 g of ash;
  • in 1000 bank (1 l) - 500 g of ashes.

Wood ash is stored only in a dry room, since moisture getting into the loss of useful trace elements.

Wood ash like fertilizer

If we compare wood ashes with other natural fertilizers, the effectiveness of natural fertilizer increases significantly if mixing ash with humus and peat.

It is necessary to know that not all plants can be picked up wood ash. These include cultures growing on acidic soils: cranberries, camellia, blueberries, azaleas and others.

Norms of making feedcasters for different slicing crops:

  1. Cucumbers - one handful of ashes (2-3 centuries) is poured into the prepared hole for seeds or seedlings.
  2. For pepper, cabbage, blue and tomato ash in one hole - 2 tbsp.
  3. Red and black currant is better to fertilize early in spring. 1 cup of powder in a hole under the bush is made, the ashes of the earth are covered on top.
  4. To fit strawberries and strawberries, the ash is distributed between the beds, then the soil is bass. On 1m 2 Land takes 1 cup of ash.
  5. The feeding rate for fertilizer can be used to grow radish, beets, carrots and parsley.
  6. Before planting potatoes, the fourth part of the ashes cup is added to each well and mix well with the ground.

Also very dangerous oversaturation of soils wood ash. If you make a fertilizer in excess, then you can get a reverse reaction - an excess in the soil of trace elements and the occurrence of the alkaline reaction. This causes strong harm to the soil.

A good example of the effectiveness of wood ash is potatoes. If you make only 1 kg of ash 100 m 2 (1 weaving), then you can raise the harvest by 8 kg.


What else do you need to know

  1. It is impossible to make ash in alkaline soils, because plants will not be able to receive beneficial substances and become quick to die.
  2. To perform compost sick, then the lime is better to replace ash. It will help maintain a good medium for microorganisms.
  3. It is impossible to use ash with urea, associate and manure (fresh).
  4. Nitrogen is allowed to be made in the soil month after fertilizer ashes.
  5. While working with wood ash, all security measures should be observed - protect your eyes, mouth and nose from dry dust.
  6. Collecting ashes from the fires, it should be remembered that even the cooled as the uola can be deceptive. Therefore, in order not to burn and do not spoil the garden inventory, it is best to collect ash in gloves and exclusively in metal containers. Plastic buckets are better not to use, the ashes can burn plastics.
Asol as fertilizer: Composition, application
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