Drainage pumps for water Useful advice,Plumbing

Drainage pumps represent devices that consist of an electric motor, as well as the hull itself, in which the impeller is located, the rotor, fixed on the shaft, seals, which is the pumping part.
Drainage pumps are widely used to perform a wide variety of tasks not only in everyday life, but also in construction, agriculture, various industries, etc. In particular, such devices are actively used to pump water from wells, swimming pools, ponds, pita, wastewater from basements and cellars, for watering and irrigation of vegetable gardens, water supply to fountains and other purposes.
Advantages and disadvantages of drainage pumps
The popularity of drainage pumps is easy to explain the presence of the mass of their advantages, among which, above all:
- low weight of devices, mobility and reliability of work;
- ease of installation and convenience in operation;
- high performance and ability in a short time to pump a large volume of fluid;
- the ability to pump water with various impurities and any degree of contamination;
- affordable cost;
- low noise level;
- efficiency in terms of energy consumption and many others.
At the same time, drainage pumps are designed to raise water for a short distance, since in their work they are not able to create a large pressure. It is also worth considering that such pumps are quite complex in terms of maintenance and repair.
Types of drainage pumps
Drainage pumps for water can be different types.
Household and Industrial Drainage Pumps
First of all, depending on their scope and application and appointment, such devices are made to divide into household and industrial pumps.
- Household drainage pumps are used to pump water from flooded premises, emptying of various tanks, including aquariums, pools, etc., for watering the garden and water supply to fountains.
- Industrial drainage pumps are usually used to pump sewage waters, industrial plots, rainwater and other tasks.
If we talk about the material of the manufacture, today the drainage pumps for water are cast iron and made of stainless steel.
Submersible and outdoor drainage pumps
In addition, drainage devices are:
- external, that is, those that are designed to work with a suction height of no more than 8 meters;
- submersible - completely immersed in water and capable of pumping it out of the well, trenches, etc.
- semi-grade - are necessary for pumping fluid, which has a temperature above 60 degrees.
It is also worth clearly separating the drainage pump for pure water and a drainage pump for dirty water, including a drainage-fecal pump that has a reinforced housing.
More detailed about the current existing types of water drainage pumps can be found from the following video:
The main characteristics of drainage pumps
When choosing such an undoubtedly useful in everyday life and on the production of a device, as a drainage pump for pumping water costs mainly to pay attention to its main technical characteristics, namely:
- pressure that such an apparatus is able to create at the output, which is measured in the bar;
- the rate of pumping water in meters of cubic per hour.
Manufacturers of drainage pumps
To date, the pumping equipment market offers a huge range of drainage and drainage-fecal pumps of various manufacturers, including both domestic and foreign ones. Devices of such brands such as Grundfos (Denmark), Pedrollo (Italy), Wilo (Germany) and many others enjoy the greatest demand among buyers. Consider in more detail each of them.
Grundfos drainage pumps (Denmark)
- The products of this brand are distinguished by high European quality and reliability, as well as long-time work, high wear resistance, convenience of its transportation, wide model.
- Basically, all models of Grundfos water drain pumps are devices made of high-strength stainless steel, both submersible and external for pumping clean or dirty water of different temperatures.
Pedrollo drainage pumps (Italy)
- Pedrollo (Italy) has long been one of the leaders producing high-quality pumping equipment of various types, including drainage pumps for pumping clean and dirty water and feces.
- They differ between themselves in different speed of water pumping, appointment, material manufacturing, etc.
- These are reliable and wear-resistant devices, which, despite its cost, has gained a lot of positive customer feedback on the world.
Drainage pumps WILO (Germany)
- The German Brand Brand Wilo For a couple of dozen years, successfully offers its products on the domestic market, which is characterized by excellent quality, modern design and technologies.
- The company is one of the leading European manufacturers of pumps and heating equipment, air conditioning systems, ventilation, water supply and drainage.
- Wilo drainage pumps are reliable, economical and highly efficient devices.
- They are manufactured in accordance with advanced achievements in the field of science and technology.
- Wilo manufactures submersible and surface drainage pumps, which are used to pump clean and contaminated water, as well as fecal masses at an affordable price.