Burgundy tape. How to glue border tape Building materials

Qualitatively to seal joints in the bathroom, to harmoniously connect two decorative canvases when finishing walls or ceilings, it is advantageous and reliably distinguished by the space on the site near the house or provide maximum roof sealing - all this is easy today. Relatively recently, such development as a curb belt appeared in the building materials market. A wide species diversity of this auxiliary decormaterial allows you to solve a number of tasks to create maximum attractive surfaces. From this article, you will learn about the types and advantages of using the most popular type - border tape for the bathroom.
What happens a curb ribbon?
Many European and domestic companies are engaged in the production of such material today. As the basis, PVC high-quality raw materials are used. After molding, the tape is additionally treated with butyl glue to eliminate its bundle. Fungicides are used as additional substances that contribute to the extension of the operating period and provide good resistance to any adverse effect.
The main criteria for the classification of border ribbons are:
- Ribbon parameters - length, width, thickness. The bath ribbon is produced in standard 3 sizes, the main difference of which is the width - it is 29, 40 and 60 mm. The length and thickness at the same time remains the same - it is 3.2 m and 2 mm.
- Color. Standard shade of border tape is classic white. But to solve special design tasks you will find beige, pink, blue, brown, gray and others.
- Fastening method. On this principle, 2 options are distinguished - the usual and self-adhesive border ribbon .
Important! Determining with a suitable material option, give preference to the one that exactly as possible will respond to the shade of the main decorative material and the seam size, which is supposed to be embedded. Too wide border tape will entail difficulty when installing and will not allow to give a very neat type of coating.
Where is the border ribbon applied?
Depending on the purpose, the material is divided into:
- border tape for the bath;
- special border ribbon for wallpaper;
- garden ribbon for laying out flower beds, beds, complex landscape forms.
Important! We consider the first variant of the material, the scope of which is not limited only to the usual bathroom. Such a tape is also used when finishing the sauna, baths, kitchens and other premises with alleged high humidity during operation.
What are the advantages of using it?
Border ribbon is a real find for those who want to make repairs efficiently, but quickly. The advantages of such a material are highlighted in a sufficiently long list - this is:
- high quality sealing - adjustment will be as dense as possible even with a relief or glossy surface;
- good plasticity that makes it easy to arrange not only straightforward, but also rounded areas or joints;
- simplicity and speed of installation, and there is no need to have special skills for this work - the technology is available even to the usual consumer;
- excellent moisture resistance;
- an excellent antibacterial property that eliminates the formation of molds, the reproduction of fungi and other harmful microorganisms for humans;
- infertility impaired integrity, for example, due to the formation of cracks or crunches, with mechanical and any aggressive impact;
- the ability to well disguise the irregularities of the seam.
Important! It is impossible not to note the fact that the finished surface looks very attractive and presentable. Ensure this personally, viewing the design of rooms with a curb ribbon in the photo of finished interior projects. The value of the material is so low that is available even in the case of a very modest budget for repairs. As deficiency, only one property is distinguished - relatively short exploitation of no more than 3-5 years.
How to glue border ribbon?
The process of sticking border ribbon, as already mentioned above, is very simple. To perform work, no specific inventory will be required and a lot of time. However, be sure to familiarize yourself with the rules described below so that the result matches your expectations.
General recommendations
General requirements for the installation of border ribbons are as follows:
- The room temperature should be above + 10c.
- The material itself should be qualitative - not overdue, not moving, in the whole pack.
- For cleaning and degreasing the surface, use only alcohol. The solvent in this case does not fit.
Installation technology - instructions
- Exactly determine the desired tape parameters and select the material from the quality manufacturer.
- Seat the gap using aquarium silicone using a building gun.
- Hold the technical pause to complete silicone.
- Purley the edges along the line of applying a painted scotch tape.
- Clean and degrease the surface.
- Squeeze the desired length of the cutting ribbons and cut off the knife, which is included in the material.
Important! When determining the desired length, make a gap of 2 cm.
- Sell \u200b\u200ba construction gun with liquid nails.
- Apply liquid nails with a thin layer along the ribbon sticking line.
Important! Use additionally liquid nails even when using self-adhesive canvas will allow you to not doubt the reliability of the processed joint. In addition, by this you will extend the overall exploitation of the material.
- Gradually, gently glue the strip along the trajectory ranging from the corner.
Important! If you use the self-adhesive web, remove the protective layer not immediately from the entire surface, but gradually small segments of 10-15 cm.
- As it is glued, do not stretch the tape, and tightly press to the surface for 15-20 seconds, smoothing the canvas.
Important! If you need to finish the joints, make a vertical small cut. Using such actions, you will be able to very gently perform pasting.
- Hold the technical break at 24 hours before operating the bath.
Important! During this period, it is undesirable to enter the ribbon of water, as the quality of sealing can decrease.
If, after reading the instructions of the blending, you have not clear moments or need more refinement of the procedure, browse the proposed video on how to glue a border ribbon. After that, any questions you will probably disappear.
Border tape is an excellent alternative to ordinary sealants that cannot guarantee such a highly artistic result. As when working with any other decorative material, in the process of sticking, be sure to be very accurate, do not rush and strictly follow the marked sequence of actions. In this case, you will be guaranteed to achieve a very spectacular result, and the adoption of the bath will be a favorite way of rest.