Dismantling of smoking pipes with your own hands Construction

To date, many territories can be found pipes that have not been exploited for a long time. Of course, almost in any cases you need to get rid of them. It can be some old venture or boiler room. On similar objects, which are used after their primary purposes are used by private traders, each square meter of the territory is extremely important. Accordingly, it makes sense to pay attention to the fact that without any problems there is the possibility of dismantling the chimney pipe.
Obviously, it is pre-evaluating whether there is a need to dismantle the pipe. In some situations, it may be on the contrary, useful. We can talk about those cases where the owners who purchased the territory reveals the desire to create their own boiler room.
If the place must be saved, and the pipe itself is absolutely not needed, it is worth thinking about dismantling. Immediately it is worth saying that the complexity of this process directly depends on the dimensions of the pipe. Already after analyzing this aspect, it is possible to roughly understand whether it is possible to make dismantling without unnecessary financial costs and many assistants.
Interestingly, today, many owners make a decision to entrust the dismantling process specially trained. There are even special organizations that guarantee a qualitative result of the work performed.
In this article, we will consider the process of dismantling the chimney pipe. Also, we will not wage the difficulty and the main details of this process so that everyone has the opportunity to personally hold most of the necessary events.
Features of dismantling smoky pipe
First of all, it is worth noting that the dismantling of pipes occurs in various ways, and everything can depend not only on the characteristics of the pipe, but also from the surrounding factors. Often, people who do not have enough experience in this business take the wrong decisions, since there were no enough small features of the territory.
Thus, to reset the responsibility of not the most positive consequences, it makes sense to use the services of third-party specialists. Today, work related to the dismantling of chimney pipes is quite common, since after various enterprises the very objects remain, which are advisable to demolish or get rid of some other way.
It is most important in this matter to note the fact that if there is no need for dismantling the pipe, it is better not to do something like that. The bottom line is that the dismantling work can bring many problems, as well as large financial spending. The pipe itself, which is not used, does not bring any inconvenience. On the contrary, many owners who have acquired the territory see the benefit in the area purchased place with the chimney pipe.
I would also like to say that the particle size becomes often a decisive factor. Most often, small pipes are subjected to dismantling, while from too large objects to get rid of too difficult, so it makes sense to leave everything as it is. It is also important to note that based on legislation, the chimney tube must be either in good condition, or it must be simply dismantled. Accordingly, if there are no plans for its operation, it makes sense to make dismantling. In the event that operation in the future is planned, then, of course, it is worth supporting the pipe in an acceptable state.
The main reasons for dismantling smoky pipes
It should be borne in mind that the reasons to demolish the chimney pipe are quite a lot, and each of them is worth considering in detail:
- The high density of industrial areas. As we said earlier, a person can acquire territory in the industrial area, and at the same chimney pipe occupies a lot of space. Out of this problem is quite simple - it is necessary to dismantle the pipe, thereby freeing up useful area.
- The presence of communication. It often happens that the available area can find a lot of communication that a large chimney pipe can create great difficulties. In most situations, the only solution is, again, disassembly of the pipe. However, if the situation is not too severe, you can leave it in its original form.
- Emergency state of the object. Often it turns out that the chimney pipe, which may even workable, it is necessary in the territory of the enterprise, but its condition too dire. Thus, it is necessary to dismantle the pipe to then organize a new arrangement. By the way, today for the construction of pipes used some other material than a few decades ago, so the installation and subsequent dismantling will be elementary.
It is also worth mentioning that in the case of high-density industrial area, we have the impossibility of elementary drift tube. Accordingly, it is necessary to look for entirely new options that will leave an area of \u200b\u200bintegrity. In the case of communications still very difficult, as simply carry the pipe does not work, because there is a chance to touch some important object.
Speaking directly on the production, it is worth paying attention to the fact that the enterprise chimney pipe may need. Thus, just as it can not be dismantled, because the company will incur losses. Such situations arise in those cases where the original tube, working at the moment, is already on the verge of an emergency condition, so there is a need for immediate removal.
Basic requirements for dismantling chimney pipe
The obvious is the fact that the dismantling of the pipe is quite a complicated process, which also includes in-depth analysis of the existing situation. Thus, often it starts with the following steps:
- First of all, it is necessary to inspect the pipe. To do this, explore the external part of the pipe, and then internal. An analysis of the condition of the pipe allows you to determine how much percent is the pipe. At the same time, experts are often recommended to assess the state of the nearest buildings. It is important to note the fact that externally pipe can be quite reliable, but in certain situations the structure can hide a sufficiently many problem areas.
- Next is the analysis of the entire nearest territory. For example, if it is decided to dismantle the work by an explosion, then certain problems may occur at the nearest buildings. For example, the walls can be covered by cracks if the explosive wave is too powerful. In the extreme case of explosions, a banal glass loss can cause.
- If we are talking about dismantling pipes that are in disrepair, it is worth paying attention to the possibility of the ricochet of fragments. It can not only damage the nearest buildings, but also harm people. Therefore, it is advisable to assess the situation so that no surprises do not happen.
- In addition, specialists pay special attention to communications around the pipes. When dismantling, you can easily damage the coming communications, and thereby create enormous problems. Thus, if it is planned to simply dump the pipe, you should carefully study the territory, and to do everything so that there are no inconvenience after dismantling.
And, of course, all experts first of all recommend ensuring the safest environment for people who are near the object being dismantled. It is worth saying that disassembling the pipe is actually a dangerous thing, since even the most insignificant in first glance the item can create incredible problems in scale.
Ways to dismantle the chimney pipe
Next, we will consider all the most common options for dismantling the pipes, which are currently actively used all over the world. Obviously, in a particular situation, you should choose the simplest and cheap way.
Truck roll
Of course, with the phrase "dismantling of the pipe" among the majority of people relating to industry and similar issues, the most banal roll of the object comes to mind. It is worth admitting that this is one of the most efficient and budget options that make it extremely easy to get rid of the pipe.
- It should be borne in mind that often the roll occurs quite small pipes, but there are exceptions. If the territory is large, the roll occurs extremely simple, it is enough just to determine the direction in which the tilt of the pipe will occur.
- Valka often occurs with special equipment. It may be excavators that, with the help of buckets, slightly tilted the construction structure. In addition, a lifting crane can be used, with which the top of the pipe is coming up and pulling out in some direction.
- As for metal pipes, which are also extremely often found, then the fasteners are disconnected here, which are available between the pipe sectors. After that, you can tilt and pour it to the ground. In the event that the pipe sectors succumbed to the welding compound, it is necessary to arm special gas welding equipment.
- If the area on which you need to sow a pipe is quite large, you can make a roll of metal design right in place and for the whole length. To do this, you must write the base, thereby asking the direction in which the pipe will move when falling.
Industrial alpinism
Immediately it is worth saying that industrial mountaineering is the best option when it comes to dismantling the chimney pipe. Despite the fact that today we have many other opportunities, for example, the explosion of construction, with the help of mountaineering everything is much civilized.
- It is most important to pay attention to that in many cases it is extremely difficult to achieve permission to explode the pipe. With rollery design approximately the same situation. Often, a colossal paper work is done, and not in all cases it comes out approval for certain events.
- Directly the essence of industrial mountaineering is that specialists are taken to the top of the pipe, who begin to gradually dismantle the pipe. For this case, it is often used by a jackhammer, which gradually destroys the design. Accordingly, the dismantling process can significantly delay, especially if we are talking about too large pipes. It is important to focus on the fact that dismantling is often brick or reinforced concrete pipes. In other cases, industrial mountaineering is not an option at all.
- Most often, industrial climbers are located somewhere in the middle of the pipe and carry out all the necessary events. It should be paid attention to the fact that when dismantling a part of the material (brick, concrete) can fall to the ground, sometimes there is a threat for people in close proximity to the pipe. Thus, it always makes sense to take into account safety standards, and if necessary, it is worth protecting the surrounding area. In certain situations, when there is a need for a safe dismantling, special grids are equipped around the pipe that do not allow to fly out of the narrow zone.
- It should be borne in mind that due to the emergency condition of the pipe, problems may arise, due to which it is easy to climb on the design. Thus, it makes sense to use the autotower. This specialized car will be a safe option not only for the people around us, but also for the workers themselves who decided to make dismantling.
- As for the time that will need to spend to dismantle the pipe with the help of industrial mountaineering, this process often takes at least 10 working days. Sometimes the event can delay at about a month. Practice shows that such services of specialists are extremely expensive, so with a limited budget will have to look for a way out.
Separately, I would like to say that for the optimal result, at least 2 workers should be used, and the frangments of the pipe dropping into the structure are best.
Explosion pipe
As we said, the explosion of the pipe is common practice. Most often, this option comes in the event that the work on the dismantling needs to be carried out as quickly as possible and better. In this case, an explosion occurs, and then cleaning the territory. All this will have to spend a minimum of time.
Immediately it is worth saying that in this case there are some difficulties, and first of all they relate to the exact calculation of the path of falling the pipe. Obviously, any error can lead to tremendous consequences, as close to the pipe that needs to be dismantled may be important buildings or other objects.
If you contact the standards that are officially used in the world, then often the radius of the incident pipe must be 1.5 times greater than the height of the structure itself. This allows you to be confident in complete safety during an explosion so that no consequences are certainly not.
As for the explosion itself directly, in this case everything is carried out exclusively by special services that have access to explosives, and which independently install them in the right places. After careful calculation, it becomes clear how much explosives needed, and there is also an exemplary idea of \u200b\u200bthe effects of the explosion. Real professionals are done extremely quickly and efficiently. Sometimes the work passes with so jewelry that immediately after the explosion remains only to remove the remnants of the pipe.
An extremely important question associated with explosive dismantling of the pipe is the full security of the nearest objects and people. It is worth noting the fact that during the explosion all the staff, which may be in the enterprise, or next to it, should be evacuated for a safe distance. Obviously, at the same time it is necessary to stop production. Often, such preparation continues quite a lot of time, and the explosion itself goes extremely fast.
Dismantling with robots-manipulators
As you know, today the robotics achieved the level that these very devices can carry out enough difficulty events without any help. If we are talking about dismantling the pipe, then special manipulators with ease starting to disassemble the design in pieces, starting from the top and ending below. It is worth saying that this requires the installation of a mast vertical lift. Accordingly, control is performed using a manipulator. The person who is at the bottom must see the work process.
It is worth saying that the dismantling of the concrete pipe is an extremely complex process, so it often trusted by specialized technique, since the strength of concrete does not allow all the amount of work personally.
Most often there are firms that provide services related to the use of robots-manipulators. If you need to work as high quality and quietly, the choice is obvious. Of course, for such services again they will have to pay a lot, but almost all the ways, not counting the elementary rolls itself, it will be expensive.