Leveling the ceiling with your own hands Ceilings

Repair of residential or office space always starts with the ceiling. For its finishing there are several ways. Depending on which method is selected - painting or wicked with wallpaper, you must first prepare the surface.
The ceiling alignment is perhaps the most time-consuming part of the repair. Before you familiarize yourself with the methods of aligning the ceiling with your own hands, you need to decide on materials and tools.
What you need to align the ceiling
Regardless of the method of alignment of the ceiling, prepare such tools:
- several spatulas of different sizes, preferably with rubber handles (for convenience of work);
- capacity for kneading or putty (for fifteen to twenty liters). Board capacity should be straight and high. A wide plastic basic or trough is suitable. High sides will protect the room from spraying the solution, and from the walls it will be easy to shoot;
- a wreath for kneading a solution;
- painting brush;
- foam roller for liquid primer mixture;
- grinding skirt for grouting ceiling.
Prepare such materials for the ceiling alignment:
- When working with plasterboard, it is necessary to purchase fasteners, drywall and metal guides, as well as prepare an electric door, a marker and a greasy cord.
- To align the ceiling with plaster or putty, prepare the required amount of dry building mixture and primer liquid.
Preparation of the ceiling
Before leveling the ceiling, it is necessary to prepare it. To do this, clean the surface from old whitewash, paint, wallpaper or other types of coating. The longer you pay jobs, the better you will manage to repair. If you entrust these work to specialists, then the ceiling alignment will have a high price and depend on the ceiling area and surface quality.
Old paint or putty can be designed with a ceiling with a spatula or a special scraper. It will be faster if you pre-process the ceiling with warm water, and then open the windows and doors. As a result, the coating (paint, layer of plaster or wallpaper) will begin to bubble and then it will be removed much easier to remove it.
After removing the old coating, the ceiling is needed well. Now you can proceed to the next step and decide on the choice of the method of aligning the ceiling.
Methods of ceiling alignment
Distinguish two ways:
- Wet - alignment of the ceiling under the plaster, putty or water-emulsion paint.
- Dry - shook wallpaper or installation of plasterboard sheets.
Ceiling leveling technology
If your ceiling is critically uneven, then it will take more time and materials to align it.
When the drops on the surface are three or five centimeters, the only way out is to align the ceiling by plaster. You can process with plaster mixtures any surfaces - wooden, concrete and even steel. Before applying plaster on the ceiling, it should be prepared - to cover the primer mixture.
Available mold spots need to be treated with a disinfecting solution. The good recommendations received a copper cunery, "Ticcurylla" produced by Finland and a German solution "PUFAS".
If the fungus spread almost all over the entire surface of the ceiling, then it is necessary to produce it with a soldering lamp or apply the plasma welding method.
After coating the surface with the primer mixture, it is recommended to handle the ceiling with a sandblasting machine to improve the clutch, which will create roughness on the surface.
If your ceiling is made of wood or metal, before plastering, it is necessary to install a metal grid (cell size is ten to ten centimeters). It should be attached by special brackets.
How to plaster the ceiling
Lights are installed on the prepared surface. They will allow the ceiling plaster almost perfect.
If the beacons are correctly correct, it makes it possible to perform work correctly, which means that the ceiling will be perfectly smooth.
How to install lighthouses
- Perform the leveling of the room. On the wall should be made mark. With the help of a painting cord, the zero point is determined - the lowest part of the ceiling.
- In this place you need to install the first lighthouse.
- Then, in three hundred millimeters, it is necessary to perform a plaster mixture over the entire ceiling area.
- Try to mount the beacons so that their height does not exceed five centimeters.
- To control, use the construction level.
- After installing the beacons, you can begin to align the ceiling by plaster.
In this image, see the lighting scheme:
How to stucked by lighthouses
Prepare the solution. It may consist of plaster, cement or lime. Remember that each layer of plaster mixture should be applied only in twenty minutes after the previous one, and the cement mortar - two hours later. When working with a lime solution, you can wait until the first layer employs (it means it is already drying), and only then apply the next one.
- Apply a mixture for spraying ceiling plaster.
- After a certain time, when the solution entrenses, you can continue the ceiling alignment.
- Make sure that the construction mixture layer does not exceed the level of beacons. In addition, it is necessary to control so that air bubbles and other defects are not formed on the surface.
- Then the beacons should be removed from the ceiling. This can be performed only after the last layer of the primer mixture.
- Check how much the layer of plaster is distributed. If there are irregularities, they need to cut or on the contrary, increase the layer of construction mixture.
- At this stage, you can process the places for docking the ceiling with a wall, as well as internal angles. This can be done with the help of a special construction tool - half-sash.
- The last layer is the corner. It should be well distributed over the ceiling so that it is as smooth as possible.
If there are less than five centimeters on the surface, then in this case, the ceiling alignment is more advisable to perform a spacion mixture.
Leveling the ceiling with your own hands Look at the video:
Puttack ceiling
Alignment of the ceiling with spacious mixtures is almost no different from the ceiling plaster. If doubts arise, then before starting work, you can watch a video lesson to equalize the ceiling.
At insignificant differences of overlapping alignment method using putty ceiling. It differs from the amount of plaster in mortar. Putty best to remove small defects on the ceiling: the cracks and irregularities. After leveling putty mixtures can be prepared almost perfectly smooth surface.
Features work with putty:
- Before you get to work - from the surface of old plaster peeled off and bumps and other irregularities are stripped. To do this, use sandpaper.
- Then adhered to the surface with white glue masking grid. Recently, the DIY stores showed in selling self-adhesive mesh.
- After the preparatory work can proceed to the preparation of the solution. In this regard, each artist is guided by their experience. So, if you have to align the large area of \u200b\u200bthe ceiling, you can immediately prepare a large amount of the solution. At the thirty kilograms taken twelve liters of water. The dry mixture is poured water, and stirred. To putty mixture is homogeneous, without lumps, you must use a mixer with paddle building "beater" or a drill. Ready putty mixture consistency should be like thick cream.
- The prepared solution will rapidly solidify, so the work should be done promptly. Taken narrow spatula and a small amount of the mixture applied to a wide spatula. The mixture was then transferred to the ceiling is pressed against and is distributed over the ceiling. Putty layer should be thin.
- If there are stains - they do not waste precious time. They are easily aligned with the polishing surface.
- Layers of filler may be a few. Origin - starting layer should have a thickness of one centimeter. Subsequent two finishing putty layer must be applied thinly.
- To the mixture was quickly dried up construction, the temperature should be at least eighteen degrees.
- After drying of the last layer - the surface can be sanded. To do this, use a special tool with a fine mesh.
- After completion of the alignment of the ceiling filler, it is necessary to process the entire surface of the primer mixture.
- When you align the ceiling, it is desirable to use all construction materials (plaster, paint and primer), one manufacturer.
In order to avoid problems, how much is the alignment of the ceiling, to deal with these works, if desired, can be on their own. Watch this video tutorial on the ceiling putty:
Work with plasterboard
A dry ceiling alignment method provides for the installation of suspended structures. They can be made of drywall, lining or elastic web (stretch ceilings). This is necessary if you need to hide significant disadvantages on the surface and when the difference is more than five centimeters.
The installation of stretch ceilings will significantly affect the cost of alignment of the ceiling, and if working with plasterboard or clapboard, then you can cope with the task yourself. How to do - Watch the video for leveling the ceiling by plasterboard: