Art painting of walls in the interior of the apartment Walls

In the desire to decorate their dwelling, people resort to a variety of trim methods, from the most simple to very complex and sophisticated. It is hard to argue with the fact that the artistic painting is the perfect way to create a unique, the original interior that does not have any other.
What is good art painting of walls in the interior of the apartment
First of all, it is worth noting that the artistic painting is handmade, and it is known to have a high value. The uniqueness and exclusivity of such a design is that the first comes to mind when it comes to such a finish. The pattern on the wall can be very simple or unusually complex, as a real product of painting. But in any case, such an interior becomes a distinctive individual feature of a particular dwelling.
The painting is applied to the wall on a predetermined sketch, and he, in turn, takes into account the mass of the nuances: the size of the room, its layout, the features of lighting, the height of the ceiling, designer design, etc. Taking into account all the above factors, you can create just such a drawing that perfectly fit into the style and interior of the apartment. Successfully made artistic painting is not just complemented by the overall design of the room, but also is its central accent.
Paints for art painting walls
For the design of the walls in a similar way, several types of paints are used:
- Oil paints are the compositions, the basis of which is vegetable or alkyd oil. The color of such mixtures give special pigments, and the solvent is the Skipidar or White Spirit. The advantages of oil paints include the fact that they are easy to fall on almost any base, well mixed with each other, creating the necessary shades, and after drying it does not change colors. Oil compositions have disadvantages: an unpleasant smell, a tendency to cracking, for a long time of drying. However, the latter quality can be viewed both as a dignity, since it makes it possible to correct the drawing for a long time.
- Paints of temperatures are water-soluble compositions whose components are powder pigments, as well as emulsions. Emulsions may have both natural and synthetic origin. Natural binders are chicken eggs or egg yolks. Artificial emulsions include polymers and oils in an aqueous glue solution.
- Acrylic paints - the most popular type of material today. Such solutions include pigments, polymer emulsions and water. Acrylic paints are characterized by brightness, durability, simplicity in work, good moisture resistance and elasticity. Over time, they do not crack and do not burn out. Such formulations do not have a sharp smell and quickly dry on the surface. It is necessary to work with them quickly, as it will be corrected after a few minutes after applying paint will be problematic.
For artistic painting of walls, luminescent and fluorescent compositions are sometimes used. Among the components of luminescent paints there are special substances - phosphors. They accumulate light energy and emit it in complete darkness. Such paints are charged from both sunlight and electric lamps. With such compositions, it is very good to allocate and emphasize some specific details of the picture.
Fluorescent paints are distinguished by a high reflection coefficient and are used for the same purposes as luminescent. A very successful fluorescent finish looks in bedrooms or in children's rooms, where, after sunset, you can enjoy, for example, a starry sky painted on the ceiling.
Fiction in the interiors of different rooms
Art painting of walls in the living room
The living room is considered to be the main room in the house. Here we invite friends and acquaintances, here we are going with a family for leisure or celebration of the celebration. Since the living room is the "face" of the whole housing, it is very important for it to create a comfortable and cozy atmosphere that will have a pleasant rest.
Choosing a drawing for decorating walls, it is important to take into account the wishes of each family member. Very often in the living rooms you can find sea landscapes, images of nature or urban life, paintings with animals. When making the walls of the living room it is worth considering such nuances:
- In a small room, you can try to expand the space using artistic painting. To do this, you should portray the wall on the wall, the terrace, a path or a road leaving in the distance.
- If there is no real fireplace in the room, it can be replaced by the corresponding pattern. This scenery will make the interior warmer, homemade, cozy. It is important that the painting fit into the general stylistic design of the living room.
- The image of columns and statues will perfectly emphasize the interior in baroque styles and classics. In addition, the columns are capable of visually raising the height of the ceiling.
Art painting in the interior of the bedroom
The comfort in the bedroom is no less important than in the living room. What a man falls asleep in which the person falls asleep in many ways to his mood and psychological state. The bedroom is a place of rest and conducting intimate evenings, so it requires a special relationship.
Deciding to resort to the artistic painting of walls and ceilings in such a room, it is very important to correctly pick up the color decoration of the drawings. Optimal shades for the bedroom are pastel, inappropriate, unobtrusive tones, looking at which, you will relax and relax. As for the subject of images, many choose drawings in the form of constellations, zodiac signs, night sky. In the married bedroom, you can decorate the picture with a romantic plot, and forest, hilly or sea landscapes will help to visually increase the room space.
Bedroom is the best place to use fluorescent and luminescent paints. It is in such a room on the wall that you can create a double drawing. One image made by conventional paints will decorate a room in a bright day of day, the second picture will manifest on the wall after sunset.
Art painting of the walls of the children's room
Children's room is exactly the place where you can show an infinite fantasy. With the help of artistic painting, a regular kid spoolly will easily turn into a fabulous kingdom or a magical country. Creating a sketch of the future drawing, pay attention to the passion of the child or ask directly that he would like to see on the walls of his room. Children of conscious age will like pictures with favorite heroes of books or films, animated characters, fabulous creatures. Bright funny images of animals, colors, nature are suitable for very tiny kids.
The prevailing shades in the nursery should be soft tender tones, complemented by bright accents. Psychologists do not recommend using in such a room an excessive variety of paints, as it quickly tires and nerves children. For the main decoration background, it is advisable to use white, beige, light yellow, sky-blue, gentle pink or light green tone. Details of the drawing can be depicted with brighter colors, while avoiding too dark and gloomy tones.
Art painting of walls in the children's room may contain many small elements that will attract attention, develop mental and creative kid's abilities. Letters, numbers, geometric shapes, various fruits and vegetables, images of animals and insects, can become such details, images of animals and insects, etc. More adult children will prefer to decorate their bedroom with paintings on a certain topic.
Wall painting in the kitchen interior
Art painting of walls can be used in the kitchen interior, while it is better that the kitchen was quite spacious and had a separate dining area. It is desirable to decorate the wall of the wall that least will be polluted by splashes, dust, particles of fat.
The subject for painting is also worth picking up appropriate. The kitchen will actually look at still lifes or images of appetizing dishes. A good embodiment can be various abstractions, and landscapes are generally considered a universal option and are suitable for almost any room.
To add a romance kitchen, as well as to expand the space slightly, you can decorate the wall by the image of a cozy French street, alpine meadows, an Italian terrace, etc. It is desirable that such a drawing occupied the entire wall, then it will look more realistic. And so that painting did not deteriorate under the action of steam, high temperature, moisture and fat, the picture should be positioned at the maximum distance from the plate and sink.
Wall clearance in the bathroom
Although the bathroom is not considered a good room for artistic painting, some designers still resort to a similar way to decorate walls. In this case, it is important to understand that high humidity and temperature fluctuations can be reduced to no effort of the artist, and so that this does not happen, you need to carefully select materials for the decor. Waterproof paint will be used to apply waterproof paints, moreover, the image will have to be additionally secured using a protective coating.
On the walls of the bathroom, traditionally, it is customary to depict nautical paintings and everything related to the theme of water. It may be marine or river landscapes, waterfalls, sandy beaches, inhabitants of the underwater world, etc. To give a picture of great realism and strengthen the decorative effect, it can be equipped with point lamps that will focus on the picturesque corner.
In spacious bathrooms, art painting of walls can be performed in any color scheme, without fearing to make the room visually closer or less. For small-sized rooms, it is still worth picking light shades: blue, white, turquoise, sandy.
Art painting in the interior of the hallway
The hallway is a place coming into which, people make up the first impression of the house. Most corridors and hallways differ in small sizes or not too well-planned, so it is sometimes difficult to choose the right finish for such premises. The advantage of art painting is that it can be organically enter in almost any interior. In the case of a hallway, a successfully selected pattern will not only expand the space, but also compensates for the lack of furniture in the room.
Making the walls of the corridor in a similar way, it is worth considering the following:
- A close and narrow room visually will increase due to the drawing with small parts, as well as the bright color scheme of the finish.
- Correct too low ceiling will help vertical stripes and lines. Horizontal strips will expand space.
- Lack of light can be easily compensated for correctly selected shades of the pattern: yellow, beige, light blue, pink, gentle-green.
- Spacious halls with a minimum number of furniture will not seem empty if you depict large items on a dark background.
Art painting of walls: species and features of various techniques
Traditional methods for applying artistic painting
Under traditional technicians, it is necessary to understand the methods of decorating walls and ceilings used by people over the centuries. The main feature of such techniques is to apply paint solely by hand with the help of brushes, no modern devices in this case are used by the masters. There are several traditional methods for decorating walls, consider them in detail:
- Technique "Fresco" is an artistic painting of walls in fresh plaster. Walls plastered with an admixture of lime, after drying are covered with a thin calcium film. This film protects the drawing for a very long time. Water soluble paints are used to perform mural. They are applied to the surface with soft tassels, work quickly and gently, because it is very difficult to correct the errors in this case.
- The Alsekko technique provides for the performance of the drawing on the already dried plaster, which before starting work is re-moistened. This method is used infrequently, since the lifetime of such a picture is significantly less than in the case of applying paints to a fresh plaster mixture. When performing the Alsecco technique, the plastered wall is grinning and moisturized with water, after which they leave for 24 hours. A day later, the surface is once again wetting and in half an hour they begin to perform painting. In order, the colors in the picture were brighter, many masters elect the wall additionally, and lime do not add to the paint itself. This technique is good because it allows you to hurry, perform work slowly and thoughtfully, and if necessary, correct the drawing.
- Technique "Sgrafto" is an artistic painting of walls in the relief. The literal translation of the name means "scratched", and the work itself is carried out quite complicated and interestingwise. Initially, the surface is covered with several layers of multi-colored plaster, giving each layer to dry well. Then the stucco with a sharp tool turn into the desired depth, thereby forming a bulk pattern. The simplest option of such a painting will be a two-color pattern. The feature of the Sgrafthito technique is that it is impossible to correct the flaws of the picture, so the artist must do work carefully and be a master of his case. To simplify the process, stencils are often used. The complexity and painstability of this work is justified, since the finished drawing is preserved for a very long time.
- Encausky technique is drawing with special paints consisting of pigments and molten wax. The process of work is carried out by dried plaster. Sometimes wax paints are applied with a dry tassel, after which they burn with something hot. Wax, melted, absorbed into the surface and securely hits with it. Despite the durability of such paintings, today such equipment is used very rarely because of its great complexity.
- Volumetric wall painting looks very effectively. The essence of this method lies in the fact that at first the workforce is applied to the working base, which is subsequently painted with colored paints or coated with wax.
Modern ways of painting walls
These artistic painting technicians include such:
- Aerography is a method in which the paint is applied to the surface along with the jet of compressed air. For such a work, a special tool is used - airbrush. As for the materials, it can be both liquid and powder dyes. Aerography allows you to create a beautiful, bright, visually volumetric and durable pattern. With the help of an aerograph, you can draw even the smallest details, the paint is easily falling onto any surface: metal, concrete, brick, plaster, paint, or even paper.
- Graffiti is another way to decorate walls with paints sprayed from aerosol cans. By the method of applying, this method is similar to airbrushing, but here the image quality is completely different. As a rule, graffiti allows you to get an abstract pattern without small details.
- Griezaile is a rather unusual technique, in which the picture is written by paints of one color scheme, as a rule, it is shades of gray or brown. Graduation of shades creates the visibility of volume, depth and relief. Such pictures are obtained realistic, and the main focus is made not on the color gamut, but to the item itself.
Art painting of walls, photo: