How to make a fence-paling in the country with their own hands Plot.

Fences - palisades since ancient times were set in Russia. The name of the fence says his device technology - "Often the stakes." Fence - Palisade set of logs, pointed upwardly and located close, or very close to each other.
Advantages and disadvantages of the fence - a palisade
Fences, palisades and nowadays often used for fencing of the area. As a garden fencing palisade fence, it is a good one for the protection portion, but has drawbacks.
- Fence-paling - a durable and reliable construction from intruders. Fence installed on all the rules, it is steady. Such a barrier difficult to overcome without having to stock a tool.
- In terms of work the wooden fence is quicker than other types of fences. At a cost cheaper.
- The benefits often include environmental friendliness. Wooden fence does not emit harmful substances. To be fair to say that concrete, cast iron, or fences of corrugated board are also environmentally friendly. The difference is that during the installation of fences, installation of which is associated with the use of cement building materials, the area is polluted more.
- Compared with concrete and cast-iron fences, fence-paling less durable. For tree requires constant care to protect it from moisture, temperature changes, frost and solntsepoka.
- wood fence can be set on fire, cut through, propylene - if the winter is not guarded dacha - a wooden fence to cope more easily than with concrete or cast iron.
- The fence-frequency set by the traditional style creates a good shadow on the site, which can damage plants. But, if your cottage is a place to relax, and for not growing garden crops, it can be considered an advantage.
Types of fences
The design of the fence and materials for its installation are selected by several parameters:
- The final value of the fence. When calculating the cost of installing the fence, not only the cost of the main materials, but also the payment of delivery, unloading, work on the installation of the fence and the export of construction waste after installing the fence is taken.
- The design of the entire site. The fence must be harmonized with buildings located on the site. With brick houses, the fences of brick or natural stone are better looking. Wooden fence is suitable for a wooden house from a bar.
- Purpose of fence. A deaf high fence serves as not only an insurmountable obstacle for thieves and vandals, but also is able to protect your territory from prying views.
Deaf fences put out of wood, brick, natural stone, professional flooring. Also, a deaf fence can be concrete or made of modern materials - Besamers or BRIC elements. Bescorn blocks are made of a mixture of sand, gravel and cement.
Brick elements are concrete blocks from which you can post pillars for the fence, or fulfill the entire fence completely.
A good option is a combined fence.
Do not forget that the deaf fence between summer cottages is allowed to put only with the resolution of neighbors. By law, you may be made to remove such a fence - this is extra nerves and waste of funds. Consider your plans with neighbors. It is possible that they will not only be against, but also take part of the expenses for themselves.
Fences from chain grid, metal and wooden stakenik, forged cast iron miss the light and allow the territory to be ventilated. From the neighbors you can close the live fence - this does not contradict the laws.
How to make a fence-fence with your own hands
Calculate and select material
The calculation of the material depends on the method of installing the fence. There are two methods for installing a fence-paling. Traditional - when the third part of the log is deepened in the ground, and the combined - installation of logs on the foundation. Depending on the method of installation of the fence, the length of the log is selected when buying.
The most suitable material for fence-palocol is a tree of coniferous rocks.
For the fence, the frequency will need rounded logs of one diameter. Calibrated log - the second name of such logs. The names are different, the essence of the same. The logs are processed on the machine, with which you can get logs of one diameter and with a smooth surface. On sale such logs with a diameter of 70-250 mm are called "Pencil".
Cylindered logs are sold by packages. To calculate how much logs need, divide the length of the fence in the circuit meters to the diameter of the log. Be careful - on sale size logs is indicated in millimeters.
The fence from the logs with a diameter of 70 mm will look neatly, but will be less durable than the log of 250 mm in diameter. The optimal option is 150 mm - not too rude and cumbersome, and at the same time reliably.
When choosing a log length, we note that with the traditional method of installing a fence-palking, the third part of the log goes under the ground, it means that two thirds are left to the height of the fence. Buying a log of 2.6 m long, you can put a fence with a height of 1.7 m.
Operating procedure
- Preparation of logs.
The tops of the logs must be sharpened by an ax. The sharpening is made at an angle of 30-40 °, so that the log is similar to a large pencil.
Next should be treated log. All logs completely handle the antiseptic or special impregnation from rotting. The logs are installed close to each other, and after installing the fence it is impossible to completely process all the logs.
That part that will be in the ground are treated with hot bitumen. You need to handle bitumen, not strictly third part of the log, capture another 15-20 cm, which will be above the ground. Also for this purpose you can use the creosote.
- Trench preparation.
Drop the trench in which the logs will be installed. The trench should be depth equal to the third part of the log. At the bottom of the trench, put a crushed stone for drainage with a layer of 10-15 cm.
- Installation log.
The logs are installed in a trench close to each other. After installing each 3-5 logs, fall asleep the trench of the earth and tightly tamper. In order for the land is better to ram, pour it with water.
It is possible that someone will seem to pour a trench with concrete-installed logs more reliably than the mumbling of the earth. Concreting logs for fence-palocol is unacceptable. Tree and concrete have different characteristics of increasing and reduce dimensions in response to temperature differences. Between the concrete and the log is formed by the space in which water falls. This moisture will not evaporate - it means that it falls inside wood, which over time leads to rotting and destruction of logs in the fence.
- Fastening logs with cross-colashes.
To enhance the strength and stability of the fence at a distance of 20 cm from the ground, and at the same distance from the top of the fence, transverse crossbars are nailed.
- Additional processing of fence.
After installing the fence, a varnish or paint is applied to the logs to improve the appearance and to protect it against moisture.
Installation of fence-paling on the foundation
The second method of installing the fence-palocol allows you to extend the service life of the fence.
No matter how hard you tried to protect the tree from rotting - it is completely impossible to do this. A part of the log that is in the ground will start collapse over time. If the fence is to install on the foundation - it is easier to save it.
And the view of the fence on the foundation is more modern, and its service life is much longer.
On the perimeter of the fence should be tested. Install the support poles and rig a trench. The frequency logs are bonded by sections and are strengthened on the foundation.
When installing the fence on the foundation, the location of the logs can be both vertical and horizontal.
To save funds, it is possible to establish the so-called false palopol. For such a fence, a hill, or boards are used. The oversized smooth boards will serve you longer. The smaller the roughness on the board - the less opportunity to linger there by moisture.
An ordinary wooden fence on the device differs from the fence - frequenzes by the presence of flights and pillars for fastening the fence.
Poles for a wooden fence can be placed metal, or lay out brick pillars - a lot of options. The main thing is to correctly install pillars: metal concrete, and the foundation will be required to install brick columns. It can be said that the main part of the fence is hidden land - it is precisely that the stability of the fence depends on this hidden part.
When choosing a fence, consider that the fence-frequency will be well complemented by a good wooden house. If you have on the cottage - non-zealous buildings from bricks or packed houses - it is better not to spend funds on the frequency. Even with proper care for the fence, its service life is small - 5-10 years.
This looks like a fence - frequency.
How to make a wooden fence