How to strengthen the foundation of pile Construction

In the course of operation of the building, in some cases, cracks begin to appear on its walls. The main causes of their occurrence can be both poor-quality masonry and dumping basis. Moreover, the second reason is most common. On how to strengthen the foundation of pile, let's tell later.
Causes of damage to the foundation
The reasons for sending the foundation may be several, the main of which are:
- Errors in design. Failure to comply with the construction norms in the calculations of the foundation parameters, depending on the weight of the structure, errors in determining the structure of the soil, and as a result, the incorrectly selected type of base, often lead to its sediment and destruction.
- Violation of construction technology. Incorrect selection of reinforcing materials that does not correspond to the type of soil configuration of the substrate, the quality of concrete, saving on waterproofing materials - can lead to the destruction of the foundation or sending it.
- Changing the composition of the soil. This is a fairly frequent cause of problems with the foundation of the building, especially in the seismic states, and where geological work is carried out, mines or careers are concentrated. Changes in the structure of the soil can lead to the approach of groundwater, which during freezing can create additional pressure on the foundation.
In the event of problems with the foundation of the building, it is necessary to urgently take measures to eliminate them so that its destruction does not happen.
Basic ways to strengthen the foundation
The most common way to work on strengthening the foundation is the fill of the new to the existing one. This method is usually used if the work is planned to do it yourself. The technology of such works is quite simple:
- In the corners of the building, pits are digging with a depth of 0.5 m greater than the lower mark of the foundation. The size of the pit should be so to completely detonate the angle of the building.
- The reinforcing mesh of structural reinforcement is placed on the bottom of the resulting pit. The grid cell should not exceed 200x200 mm. After that, the pit is poured concrete. Such devices are called "bulls". As a rule, such a procedure turns out to be enough to strengthen the foundation.
However, if this method does not help, it is possible to reinforce all over the perimeter:
- To do this, it is necessary to conditionally split the foundation throughout the perimeter on equal sections with a length of no more than 2 meters. Then, on one of them there is a trench width up to 0.5 m and a depth of equal depth of the foundation.
- Then with the help of a perforator in the old foundation, the holes with a diameter of 12-14 mm and a depth of 400 mm in which the valve is inserted. The latter should perform from the old foundation at least 200 mm. It is based on an armature frame with a cell size of no more than 200х200 mm, and the trench is poured with concrete.
When carrying out such an operation, it is necessary to remember that digging the trench in the next site before the concrete dry on the previous one can not be dried. At this time, you can work on the other side of the house. It is necessary to pay attention to the weather. It is not recommended to start work if the period of protracted rains is nearing. An open foundation may suffer in this case. It is also possible to carry out work at the air temperature below + 5 ° C and above + 30 ° C - this can reduce the strength characteristics of the foundation.
The reinforcement of the foundation is carried out in a similar way, not only in the case of its destruction, but also if it is planned to be completed or redeveloped at home with an increase in its weight.
Strengthening the foundation with screw piles
With the development of new technologies in construction, more technological methods of strengthening emergency foundations have become available. One of them is the strengthening of the base with piles.
At the moment, the technology of applying screw piles has been gaining great popularity to strengthen the foundation of the building. They are used in areas with an inhomogeneous soil structure. The uniqueness of the technology is the device of the pile itself, namely, the design of the blade, thanks to which it can withstand a huge pressure - up to 25 tons.
It is worth noting that this method is quite expensive, as it requires special equipment. That is why it is carried out, as a rule, professional builders.
Order of work:
- The first stage in the work of work is to conduct research and calculations. It is necessary to determine the density of the soil along the entire length of the foundation, for which the point samples of the soil are taken, in which its humidity and density are determined. Upon receipt of contradictory results, additional samples are analyzed.
- Based on the inspection of the soil and the state of the foundation, the number of required piles, as well as their placement of their placement is calculated.
- The question of making additional measures to strengthen the foundation, depending on the degree of destruction.
- An additional volume of concrete is calculated in the case of concreting piles and the need for additional stops.
- The second stage in strengthening the foundation with the help of piles is to enhance the corners of the building with the help of "bulls". In the corners of the building there are subpopters to completely talk the foundation. Then it is washed from dirt and give a day to dry.
- After that, the reinforcing belt was built at the angle of the building in such a way that the reinforcement rods come out from under the foundation in the trench. At their base, the reinforcing belt is constructed in the trench itself.
- Then, two or more piles are screwed to a certain depth of the building in the soil to a certain depth, which are welded reinforcement bars. As a result, a monolithic metal structure from piles and a reinforcing belt is obtained.
- Concrete poured into the pitpusal. Pouring is made in two stages. At the first stage, the concrete is poured on half the height of the initial foundation and compacted with the help of a vibrator. After drying the first layer, it is possible to set the formwork less than the size of the pit and pour the rest. Thus, it is possible to reduce the consumption of a concrete mix.
- The next step is to strengthen certain sections of the belt foundation. On the entire perimeter of the base, a trench of a width of at least 0.5 m is digging.
- Complete opening of the foundation and its gain is made gradually, the entire wall is not allowed at the same time. To speed up the repair process, work can be carried out simultaneously from different sides of the building.
- The depth of the trench must be equal to the lower level of the foundation. If the project for carrying out additional gravy of the foundation is provided, the trench is deepened, however, the ground under the foundation itself is not touched.
- If, after opening the foundation, defective sections with breakaway concrete are detected, they must be deleted. Depending on the location of the collapsed areas, change the installation sites of the piles.
- The next stage in the ground at an angle to the foundation is screwed steel piles. This is done using special equipment, namely the drilling-crane mechanism, which is installed on self-propelled installation.
- After graduating from the installation of piles, the reinforcing design is installed in the recovery and is filled with concrete. When concrete on one site freezes, you can proceed to work on the following.
Thanks to this complex of measures, the strength of the foundation increases one and a half times, which allows to hold the house.
Strengthening the foundation of boronobiling pile
This method is in the drilling of deep discovers at an angle to the old foundation, their reinforcement and fill with concrete. The use of such technology allows to achieve excellent results in a relatively short time, namely, increase the strength and stability of the foundation for sending, and the destructive influence of soils. Also, such a method is perfect for strengthening the foundation with an increase in the floors of the old building.
The order of work with this method is as follows:
- Depending on the analysis of the soil and the state, the places are selected enhancing the foundation of pile. In certain places, external and internal wells with a diameter of about 160-240 mm and at an angle of 45 ° were placed. For this use special drilling stools. Drilling continues to the onset of solid soil rocks.
- The reinforcement frame, harvested in advance, lowered in the well at its depth. Then, under high pressure (approximately 1-4 MPa), a concrete mixture is poured into the well, which compacts the structure of the soil and strengthens the foundation.
Advantages of this technology a lot:
- It allows you to strengthen not only the base of the building, but also the remaining bearing elements (walls, overlap, etc.).
- Due to the redistribution of the load, the foundation becomes much stronger.
- This technology can be used for any type of buildings.
- When repairing the foundation, this method does not require a large spectrum of earthworks, which allows it to be used in places of tight construction.
- After repair, additional waterproofing of the foundation is achieved due to blocking groundwater inflows, which favorably affects the foundation.
- Due to the unlimited depth of drilling, this method is applicable in areas with the most complex composition of soils.
Of the disadvantages of this method, it is possible to allocate only the need to use special equipment, which makes it impossible to do such a repair with your own hands.
Recently, the injection method of enhancing the foundation has been greatly popular. Buroorexy piles for the enhancement of the foundation differ from the boron-born smaller diameters and the absence of reinforcement. This method is to drill a well-diameter well, which will take place deep into the ground, crossing the lower part of the foundation. Then, high pressure in the well pumps a solution that fills the cracks at home and emptiness in the ground under it.