How to choose a street gas heater for giving - useful tips Climate,Useful advice

The beginning of the summer season coincides with the melting of snow. Greenhouses and greenhouses, greenhouses and rarels are erected. The end of the season of the country "recreation" also coincides with the snow, only to fall out and forcing the agricultural process. The first frosts retreat and make it possible to continue working, but the crop already dies. The same problem happens in early spring - an unexpected freezing destroys gentle seedlings, kills the color on the fruits-trees. Use the people's method - burn fires all night, not everyone managed, and the owners of the plots began to pay attention to gas heaters.
Using a street gas heater for giving
Gas and infrared heaters were not created for gardens and gardens. They were used to heat open terraces of street bars or cafes. So the institutions extended the season of the Pete's institution and increased profits. Only later on the hitrophic heaters fell attentive view of the dachas and came insight, how to save crops and extend the agricultural season.
Functional features of heaters:
- Saves young trees and shoots creeping plants from sudden frosts.
- It is used for heating not heated seating on the open ground during the day heat and night frosts.
- For not characteristic of the terrain of thermal-loving plants. Ripening of this variety requires constant heat up to September. August is already beginning to frighten with cold night mist and even in the herbs. In such conditions, eggplants, watermelons, melons, Bulgarian peppers do not have time to mature, they need extra warmth. The gas heater is placed next to the garden and creates a comfortable medium for temperature.
- For heating daily chickens, ducklings, turkey.
- Protection against the icing of the porch and the track to the house. The gas heater quickly molds ice and retains tile coating from mechanical damage.
- In the cold time, it is used to heat the open veranda if a party or home dinner is suitable.
The scope of the heater is extensive. Each user will find independently a few new items and will add them to this list.
Gas heater. Street gas convector
The design of the gas street convector is visually similar to the standard heating radiator in the apartment. Convector have on the wall or under the windows. Manufacturers guarantee the protection of the dwelling from falling out the exhaust and combustion products when using this type of heater.
The source of fuel is the main, balcony liquefied gas. A special adapter mobile and quickly translates the unit from one type of gas to another.
The air mass passes between the combustion chamber and the casing, heats up, will rise up the pipeturization and the samoter enters the heating place. There is almost instant warming of the surrounding space.
Advantages of a convector on gas:
- Air heating is fast. Allows you to protrude not a heated room for 10-15 minutes.
- Periodical use. For example, only on the weekend or with a sharp drop in temperature. Not stationary, not a cyclical installation.
- Automatic system for maintaining specified temperature parameters in the range from + 13 to 40 C.
- Fireproof casing. Thermally stable material of protective and decorative casing is not heated above + 60 C.
- Economical fuel consumption. Having reached the specified parameter, the system automatically loosens the burning intensity.
- It is provided for automatic shutdown of the unit in the event of a gas pressure drop or an unexpected burning stop.
Disadvantages of the aggregate:
- For places without a gas pipeline, you have to additionally spend money for the delivery and transportation of cylinders.
- The hot casing with an inappropriate contact burns the skin.
The average price of a standard convector from $ 40. The cost of a convector with a fan heater from $ 80.
Catalytic street heater
The catalytic heater works on two types of fuel: gas and gasoline. They are designed to warm out the premises of any purpose: economic attacks, residential rooms, hangars, sheds, cellars. Maximum heating area - 20 m 2.
The principle of catalytic combustion - the combustion of fuel from the surface, without flames and noise, is characterized by the release of a large amount of calories and instantaneous heating of the surrounding space. The main fuel for installation is the liquefied propane-butane gas mixture. The catalytic surface made of fiberglass material acts as the main heating element. The catalyst of the combustion process is the inclusion of platinum.
Advantages of the unit:
- High fire and explosion safety.
- Effectively and quickly warm up a small amount of air.
Modern models without metal catalysts show the high efficiency of the oxidation of fuel and highlight 2-3 more heat. Models of catalytic heaters with an elevated fan heater increase the possibility of heating volume. Power of such modifications up to 5 kW / h.
Disadvantages of the aggregate:
- Limitations in volume. Models are guaranteed by the manufacturer reading the maximum heated space. Over the recommended heating efficiency falls.
- The inclusion of metals leads to the release of inorganic volatile salts.
- When developing a catalytic surface, a costly replacement of elements is required.
The average cost of installation from $ 115.
Street gas heater. Infrared aggregate with ceramic burner
Infrared heaters of modern design are used as a natural or liquefied energy source. Types of gas infrared heaters:
- Light. Ceramic heater, radiating temperature Over 800 C.
- Dark. Catalytic heater emitting temperatures up to 600 C.
The difference between the infrared heater with a ceramic burner is an open flame at the exit from the device.
Benefits of the heater model:
- High heating capacity in comparison with other models of street heaters.
- The plate has a long service life, from 45 000 hours.
- Do not overcame air.
- Uniformly distribute heat.
- No power source is required.
- Easy installation and dismantling.
Disadvantages of the aggregate:
- High price. The average price of $ 550.
- The need to equip the room for storing gas cylinders.
Infrared gas heaters are operated for heating large volumes and areas. Summer households or big greenhouses, this model will help save livestock and vegetation and bring quick payback. A wide range of heaters promotes the selection of an optimal model for specific conditions. Fasten infrared heaters on the walls, ceilings, embedded in the floor and niches.
A popular and inexpensive model is the Gas Street Craft H1108x heater. It attracts a combination of functionality and aesthetics. Performing the main purpose - heating, the installation fully decorates the interior. Beating in the frame of glass and metal Live flames creates the illusion of the fireplace heating. The installation power is enough for the heating of the room to +25 seconds in 2-3 minutes. In the open space, this temperature is held at a distance of 60 mm within 15 hours. The cost of installation from $ 450.
Lantern Street Gas Heater for Dacha
For connoisseurs of resting in the air, an ideal outdoor heater will be a lamppost unit. The device is simply and independently connected to the gas supply system Gas capacitance is embedded in the manufacturer in the leg. The heater maintenance comes down to timely refueling. In models involving the work from the gas cylinder, it is not recommended to perform an independent initial connection.
- Easy operation.
- Mobility installation.
- Small fuel consumption.
- Local local heating.
- Small output power.
- Frequent refueling of low capacity.
The average price of models from $ 10.
Heater-stove with a mini-gas cylinder
The unit is intended for mobile movement on public or personal vehicles. A variety of a portable gas heater. Scope of the mini-stove on gas:
- For short-term stay in the frost.
- For temporary heating of the cold room.
- For heating a frozen pipeline.
- For internal heating of tents, hunting houses, borrowing, etc.
Advantages of the model:
- Compact design.
- Small weight of the aggregate.
- Mobility installation.
- Affordable price - from $ 20.
- Working hours is limited from 3 to 5 hours.
- Affection for source of energy.
- Low power.
How to choose and buy a street gas heater
1. Select the gas heater in form.
- two forms of gas heaters are common on the market: pyramidal and flying. The flooring is considered traditional, initially there were only such heaters: a cone unit with a cap on an elongated leg. Instead of a circle in heaters, the lower base is performed in the form of a stem of a different height. It hide a gas cylinder with a volume of 25-30 liters, designed for continuous use within 24 hours. Use in the maximum mode in practice is rare. More often used a flying gas unit for temporary heating of the greenhouse at night. This volume of fuel in this case is enough for 4-5 nights. Application for heating the place of rest involves the use of the installation is only 3-4 hours per day. Fuel volume in this mode is enough for a week and more. The distribution of IR rays in these models has the direction from top to bottom, around the glass flask;
- pyramidal form - the merit of modern designers. The stylish pyramid unit is installed for heating, and as an interior decor. In these models, IR rays have another distribution path: a kind of heat post, starting at the soil surface and rising up to 1.5 m. This is due to the design features: the fire is in an elongated flask and evenly heats it and the air in the height of the glass evenly. From a random burn with a contact with the flask, a protective grid around the glass is installed. This defense protects the glass from mechanical shocks.
2. The choice of specific modeles of heaters.
- the main criteria when choosing a model are factors of portability, work resource and power indicators.
Tips to pay priority when buying a gas heater for giving:
- The presence of wheels. The total weight of the installation is large. Transport and move the unit often, sometimes at a considerable distance.
- Installation safety level. Get information at the place of sale. Learn whether this model provides automatic shutdown of gas in emergency cases: the flame is blown by the impact of the wind. Ask additional automation functions, ideally the heater is supplied with a shutdown system with a sharp slope and fall.
- The reflector device is the main indicator when choosing a heater within the brand. The proliferation zone of IR rays depends on the diameter of the reflector: a large diameter gives a wide radius of heat propagation. The most rational and powerful are heaters with a sectional reflector. When fails with one of the sections, it is enough to replace the faulty and not to repair the unit completely.
- Installation power. The capacity indicator is selected from the specific heating object. Large area or volume - powerful heater. For example, an installation with a capacity of 12 kW gives good warming within a radius to 6 m. According to the reviews of the model of the model with this characteristic is optimal and in heating and in the cost-effective consumption of fuel.
- Adjustability. Heaters are equipped with two adjustment methods. The first is fixed. It allows you to make the gas supply is stronger or weaker. The second is smooth. Allows you to independently determine the supply of gas and temperature level, given the surrounding conditions. Smooth feed is considered a profitable option.
A gas heater for giving, regardless of the model, allows to align the ambient temperature to a maximum of 10 degrees. In the installation room show higher rates.