Mounting curtains on plastic windows Window

Have you already replaced old dilapidated windows new? Now turn a curtain! All these clothespins, hooks are not reliable and do not even withstand the weight of Tulle. Consider alternative curtains for plastic windows.
Consider the types of curtains on plastic windows:
- Rolled
- Roman
- Cassette
- Plisse
- Roller
Rolled curtains were popular in Soviet times, but then a little forgot. Designers are increasingly turning to past technologies and subjects, taking the basis of the past experience, bring it to perfection with the help of new technologies. This also touched the rolled curtains. Previously, it was a monophonic canvas wound on the roller tasteless and uninteresting. The main function was to protect against light and extraneous eyes. Now rolled curtains are made from all sorts of materials and textures. Can be used as an additional protection against "eyes of curious neighbors" and as an independent window design. The price of curtains for plastic windows varies depending on the material used and the quality of the mechanism. Some manufacturers "put the price for the trademark, so buying, focus on the components, and not on the" loud name ". Quality is not always a high price.
You can see a rolled curtain in detail on the video:
Roman curtains are attached to the window or above the window opening. In the open form look like a flat cloth, folding, turn into elegant folds. Combining them with ordinary curtains, you will have a wonderful "set for windows." There are no restrictions in color and texture. Choose, you need simple monophonic curtains or textured with ornament.
Roman curtains do it yourself? Not a problem!
You will need:
- Textile
- Rake (for weighting)
- Plastic rods or strokes for windows
- Nutka
- Rings
- Lipucca
- Braid
The width and length of the curtains are equal to the width and length of the window (at the request of the length you can increase). Long Roman curtain will give the room of elegance and chic. We make marking on the fabric. On the bottom and on top of 10 cm. Plus the allowance on the seam is a pocket for a weighting agent. Between them after the same distance blacksmith lines. From the wrong side of the markup, we sew the braid so that then turning the rods. In the braid, evenly distribute rings and sew them. To the top of the fastener of the velcro. Other fastened to the bar on the wall. It can be wrapped by the same cloth used for curtains. We produce threads, as shown in the scheme and curtain ready, it remains only to hang it.
The curtain curtain system is a conventional rolled curtain system protected by a cassette. They are attached to the window. When opening the curtain, moves along with the sash.
Pleated curtains resemble shutters, only made of cloth. Colorful and unusual look pleated curtains in two colors. This allows you to quickly and easily change the appearance of windows and to focus on other colors of the interior. Combine the light transparent curtain with embossed pattern and a dense, does not transmit light, so curtains Pleated will "work" as an independent design of the window does not require combining with curtains blinds.
Want to make a paper pleated curtains with his hands? Forward!
Needlewoman and handyman can make paper analogue pleated curtains yourself. For the manufacture takes about thirty minutes, but what a result! You will need:
- A roll of paper in the width of the window
- strong thread
- 2 line in the width of the paper
- Awl
- 2 adhesive hook
- Glue
- button
Desirably, the roll paper corresponds to the window width. In a pinch, you can do two curtains. The paper length must be doubled to exaggerate the length of the window. Cut off. One edge is pasted to the line and begin to fold the paper into the fold. When finished, glue the second edge to the second line. Allow the glue to dry out a bit. Fold the workpiece so that the paper is stacked tightly in an accordion, and the line was around the edges. Do the two sides of the hole in the structure core. You must pierce and ruler and paper. Take the thread, to make a loop fastener, the other end is inserted through the hole (thread should be a wide margin). On the other hand we do the same. Reserve loops on top. The lower ends of the thread passed through the two holes buttons (it will keep the blinds folded, and would not let her move out).
Take the hooks (at them from the back side is the adhesive composition) is detachable protective film and smoothly fastened to the frame. We hang our curtain hooks. The ends of the thread at the bottom can be decorated with a bead or a brush. Paper curtains decorate as desired. Why not paint their colors? Entrust it to the children, let them show their talents. As you can see, to make them simply, change their mood, or shall describe a holiday. Believe me, the guests will be amazed.
Roller blinds are quite compact and thus easy to use. They can be mounted on the window sash. They will not interfere with the flowers on the windowsill. Make your life personal, neighbors do not have to participate in it. Practical and comfortable in the kitchen, living room, bedroom and even in the balcony. For each room, choose your type of roller blinds, so you will emphasize the individuality of each room.
To date, there is a manufacture of curtains on plastic windows under the order. Remove the sizes on your own or trust it by a specialist, choose a fabric drawing (if it is paper plot) and make the curtains that will only have.