Glass matting - process feature and technology Useful advice

Normal glass is boring. Revinct your interior and add bright colors using patterns on glass and glass matting. Matting - this work is very interesting. From the first seconds, you will immerse yourself in a special atmosphere of creativity and can independently revive old scratched glasses available in your bathroom or other rooms.
Why is matting so popular?
First of all, every person who wants to make his room is unusual, seeks to beauty. Benefits of matting:
- Without paints, you can make any matte pattern on a glass surface.
- Matte glass skips enough light and gives your interior some mystery.
Necessary materials and tools
Standard matte glass, which can be purchased in stores, such as glass pads with painting, branded glasses, doors and wardrobes with glass inserts are manufactured using special tools - sandblasting machine and a number of other auxiliary means. The device "draws" on the glass, and then, after a certain time, the picture is manifested and the matte glass is obtained and the specified pattern.
With your own hands, at home, you can perform work with a special paste for glass matting. The paste you can buy in special stores.
If you do not have the opportunity to purchase this paste, you can do it yourself. One of the daily methods is matting glass using ordinary sand and water. Still use of Georgics. The technology is as follows: we smell the sand on the glass, pour a little water and start work. After completion, you need to install on the glass, straight on top of the sand board, and then, also on top of it, cargo. This homemade version of glass matting will not be durable, because the sand is a rather rough abrasive.
Preparation for matting
So that you succeed, and the result exceeded all your expectations, it is necessary to prepare to work to work.
- Clean our glass from dirt, dust, possible divorce and paint residues (if any). Degrease the surface can be alcohol.
- We will provide a good light near the workplace, all the nuances and details look at well.
- The room in which you work should be ventilated.
- In the cleaning of glass (preliminary stage), the solvent and other substances on it cannot be used.
- Think your future drawing, make stencils for glass matting or make them yourself from dense cardboard.
- Keep the syringe at hand (on 20 cubes), it will help you apply a paste to matting carefully.
- Prepare a spatula rubber or plastic to distribute the paste evenly on the surface of the glass.
Paste glass matting technology
Matting glass is quite expensive. Total one of the drawing of the picture in specialized firms will cost you from thousands of rubles and more, depending on the complexity of the pattern and surface area. We will perform glass matting yourself.
- We need - work surface - glass or mirror.
- Special paste.
- Rubber gloves.
- Alcohol.
- Rubber spatula.
- Foam urban.
- Water (preferably running).
- Good air circulation (open the window or window).
- Special film for making screen pattern.
Getting to work:
- You have to be invented a drawing. If you have not yet decided, go to the Internet expanses and choose a picture. Stop your selection on the vector image in which all lines are closed. If you are not able to you, go to the designer, it will make the desired drawing and on a special tool - the plotter will cut your stencil.
- As mentioned above, at the preparatory stage, degrease the surface with alcohol.
- We glue the finished stencil on the glass / mirror, try to glue without distortion. Be careful, avoid moisture, water can become our enemy.
- Gently smooth the film so that there are no bubbles with air. If they appear, neatly pinched them with a thin needle and scroll the surface.
- So that the minor details of our stench did not move, smooth it carefully, holding the hand. You can put on top of paper and smooth without it.
- Gently remove the film.
- Next, we work in gloves. We take a paste and apply it to free areas. We try not to splash the paste so as not to get on the glass where matting is not assumed.
- If you accidentally drunk a little paste into a unnecessary place on the glass, remove the extensive spatula.
- Quickly distributing the paste on the surface and leave for 15 minutes. Pasta must go well.
- After removing the surplus paste and recover it back to the jar.
- Remains wash off with running water and wipe the sponge of the foam rubber.
- Then you need to carefully remove the stencil, take a sharp knife and pitch the edge of the stencil.
- If you do not immediately do it, the film can permanently stick to the surface.
- If you are hard enough film, heat it a little ordinary hairdryer for drying hair.
- After removing the stencil, we need to wash the surface with water and rub.
Matting glass. other methods
At home, you can also make matting of small, non-volumetric items using a spray. Perform a beautiful pattern, pattern or ornament, for example, on glasses, glasses, vases and candlesticks can be quite easy.
Spray for glass matting is sold in creativity stores or art shops. How to perform matting, you can read in the instructions.
Well established itself fluid to matting glass Glassmoz, it can be mashed a large area of \u200b\u200bglass or non-smooth surfaces.
Consider the technology of applying fluid on the glass:
- Perform degreasing glass.
- Wipe it with a cloth with a cloth absorbing moisture.
- Take the plastic container and fill it with water - they do it for "fitting" for matting liquid (immerse your product, such as a winegrade in water and you will see the level of immersion).
- Pour into the container liquid for matting and lower the fuels.
- Exposure time - 15 minutes. Do not overeat and do not remove before!
- Get your subject when the time is over.
- Liquid can be merged back into the jar.
This method is suitable for complete glass matting, as well as for applying a logo or inscriptions. To do this, cook stencil or cut drawing / inscription from self-stilek film. That plot that closes the film and remains not processed, that is, matte.
Art mating of glass involves the creation of an individual, unique drawing, increased complexity. Such a drawing, like applied drawings using stencils, will be durable. To wash off, it is almost impossible to consider such a picture.
In the technology of artistic matting technology, three options are distinguished: applying flat, relief and volumetric.
At the first method of applying, complex hardware technology is used using chemical glass matting. With the help of volumetric application technology, the masters achieve the volume of the drawing, its relief.
Newbies, as practice shows, ask many questions. Consider the most significant:
- Pastes, sprays and liquids contain acid? Acid do not contain, but it is necessary to work in a ventilated room.
- Is it possible to use (drink and eat) dishes used in work. You can, if you wash it well.
- What glass can, and what can not be mashed. You can make any surfaces, both painted and clean, as well as glass dishes, glass inserts in the doors, cabinets, automotive glass and even crystal products. You can not make glass heat-resistant, Pyrex firms. If your glass surface is marked with such a badge, you do not need to try to mock it.
- What temperature should be indoors so that the matting procedure is successful? First of all, you need to know that it is necessary to store the glass matting agents at a temperature of 18 degrees and 30 heat, but not higher. At temperatures below 18 degrees, the composition can begin crystallization. If you missed this nuance and pasta (spray) began to crystallize, lower the bubble in heated water. The cooling of the drug on its properties is not reflected. The room temperature should be from 18 to 30 degrees of heat.
Try, experiment, train in the applying of a matte pattern, and you will have a unique opportunity to make an unusual gift to your family and friends.
On this video you can see another version of glass matting:
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Many thanks for clarification and video. If I succeed, then there will be something to do at home. I am very glad that I found you! I wish prosperity!