Arrangement of loggia do it yourself Construction

A few more than a few years ago, balconies and loggias were used in Soviet apartments as an extra place and often equipped there the storage room there. They stored in the balconies a bunch of things that were not placed in small-scale apartments. There it was possible to see: bicycles, old baby carriages, sledges, glass jars, drawers with tools and other things. It was not easy to get to the desired thing.
Directions of loggia arrangement
Modern designers offer a simple, but very effective way to arrange a loggia.
The loggia and the balcony can be re-equipped for such purposes:
- It doesn't matter, the open part of you (balcony) or closed (loggia), you can make a cozy corner for recreation in this place - put a small soft sofa or chair, coffee table and enjoy sunset or dawn.
- In the side parts of the loggia, you can build cabinets, and all the necessary things and objects will be hidden.
- Often, designers offer the owners to equip the loggia as a cabinet. In this place, you can put a computer table, a chair, make a few hollow shelves for the necessary books and storage of other accessories. Near the table you can put racks (closed or open, optional) and place everything you need for both for work and for recreation. Represent what kind of cozy will turn out? And you will not interfere with anyone, especially in a quiet hour, when there are little children in the house.
- An interesting solution is to equip a small workshop on the loggia, for example, for sewing clothes or drawing. The advantage of such a workshop will be a permanent stay in the fresh air, even if your loggia is glazed, you can always open the window to ventilating and enjoy the sounds of nature and fresh air.
- The arrangement of the loggia can be performed in order to create in a small space of the Winter Garden. Install the shelves on the loggia, containers for flowers. Due to the fact that enough sun and light will come to the loggia, grow flowers and other plants are much easier.
- Most creative hosts living in large cities use an additional loggia area for greenhouse arrangement. Specialists in the arrangement of greenhouses will help to equip the right lighting, heating and placement of boxes with seedlings on the loggia.
If your loggia is adjacent to the children's room, you have a wonderful chance to equip an additional game room on the loggia. Place multicolored wooden boxes with toys, install the shelves. In the summer in this zone, of course, if you allow the area, you can install a small inflatable pool. A good solution is to equip for a baby mini-gym, it is enough to install a Swedish wall, a crossbar and rings. Your child will be engaged in physical education in almost the fresh air. And what is just worth the morning charging on the loggia!
Are you a fan of a beautiful chocolate tan? Equip your loggia for a small tanning studio, install a minibar, place a chaise lounge. And do not forget to open the shutters on the windows!
If the area of \u200b\u200bthe loggia allows, and it adjoins the kitchen - it will be perfectly placed on the loggia an extra space for the kitchen. For example, it is this zone that is used for the dining room in the fresh air. On the loggia you can install a refrigerator (subject to the insulation of the walls and floor heating), shelves and storage cabinets, chairs and a table.
The arrangement of balconies and loggias can be clearly viewed in the photo:
With the arrangement of a balcony-loggia of a small area, one can be converted to a beautiful and functional zone, you must consider the following:
- Glazing. On the loggia it is necessary to install high-quality window blocks. It can be both wooden and metal window frames. Glazing will reduce street noise, as well as several degrees to increase the temperature indoor. No need to try to install window blocks yourself, trust this work to specialists.
- Waterproofing. Performed in several ways: the mounting foam and sealant is filled with slots and spaces between the wall and window frames. This is necessary in order for moisture to be indoors. The inner part of the loggia is needed, in order to preserve heat, to sheathe. For the trim, materials are used: PVC panels, siding, lining. In order for the wooden parts of the loggia to be rotting, they need to be treated with special antiseptics or olifa.
- Decide with the material balcony finishes. It can be a tree, moisture-resistant plasterboard, wood panels, plastic, siding.
- Lighting. This part of the work is not difficult. It is necessary to remove the electric pipe to the loggia and set the lighting devices. For lighting of the loggia, an open wiring is used, it is especially important for loggias, trimmed by natural materials.
- Insulation. The "warm floor" system is considered the most common variant of the insulation of the loggia and balconies. On the top on the warm floor, the floor coating is placed. It can be like an ordinary wooden board and linoleum or ceramic tiles. The system is displayed and connected to the power supply. The second option is the installation of electrical heating devices (fireplace, air conditioning, heater).
We draw on the loggia kitchen
To arrange the loggia, we will need: a set of construction tools, a stepladder, insulation, profile, plasterboard, ceramic tiles, mounting foam, construction glue, switches, electric shuffle and other necessary building materials.
- The first stage of the arrangement of the loggia will be the installation of metal-plastic glass packs. If you decided to warm the walls in advance, you need to warn specialists in installing windows so that they make a small indentation of the walls. This is done so that the warmed wall does not blocked the window itself.
In most standard apartments, fire ladder remained on loggias. They are not functional for a long time, so we boldly remove the staircase and lay the space with brick and concrete solution.
Advice: If you feel sorry to say goodbye to the staircase, and you decided to leave it - carefully balance the place of entry and the release of the stairs (half the ceiling), and the staircase itself can be beautifully realing with a rope, creating an additional walk to the cat.
All the gaps that were in the walls and ceiling should be carefully cleaned with a metal brush and treat with special antifungal solutions.
- Warm loggia. For insulation, the polystyrene material is well suited, it is necessary to decompose on the floor and that part of the wall you decide to isolate.
For polystyrene laying, we use special glue (mounting), we apply glue to sheets and glue by them loggia. All formed gaps need to be filled with mounting foam. Large slots can be laid down by gluing the pieces of insulation.
- Getting started to the floor screed. We apply a layer of special material (parobarrier), fix it with the help of a tape, then lay the grid from the reinforcement and perform the floor screed. Building material - cement. Be sure to withstand the time of complete drying of the screed.
- After pouring the screed, you need to insulate the walls. For that we need a plasterboard moisture resistant and profile. The space between plasterboard is desirable to pave the insulation. We are wearing all the walls of the loggia, including the ceiling.
Do not miss the moment of laying wiring. It must be laid before it is to sow walls and ceiling. Perform markup of sockets and switches, lamps. If you decide to set the hood, swipe.
- After performing this part of the work, we proceed to laying ceramic tiles in the working area of \u200b\u200bthe future kitchen located on the loggia. In the same part, we install the electric stove and exhaust. By the way, the hood may become an excess object in your new kitchen, in just half a meter from the stove you will have a window that when cooking can be opened on the ventilation.
- We carry out the cosmetic finish of the walls and the floor: we smear all the slots, put the walls, perform painting of walls and ceiling.
The floor, in order to save it, was not insulated, so the UFO heater is installed for heating the room.
The result of the loggia can be seen in the photo:
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Excellent informative article - everything is very professional and competently written. I am very useful for future works.
Loggia I advise you to insulate the penplex - this is a modern and high-quality insulation material, which meets the increased requirements of fire safety in residential sites. All work on the insulation of the balcony we did specialists from the company - Lodjiya.ru/. I recommend them, as experienced and competent masters.