Finishing the steaming with their own hands Baths, saunas and pools

The steam room is the main premises of any Russian bath, and therefore requires special attention during construction and finishing. Compeated works will allow not only to maintain heat indoors, but also to get tangible benefits from each procedure. In this article, we will tell you in detail how to properly finish the steam room.
Heat insulation steam
The wage is considered a key room in the bath and requires careful compliance with the rules of construction. So, she needs to pay special attention in terms of thermal insulation, otherwise all the heat will go out through the walls outside, and there will be a little sense from such a bath. The thermal insulation affects not only the performance of the steam room, but also on its finish, since a good thermal insulation material allows you to install the lining from high-quality expensive wood, without fearing that it will deteriorate prematurely.
So, since the main indicator of the performance of the bathroom is a consistently high temperature in the steam room, it is necessary to take care of good thermal insulation. To do this, use a variety of building materials, which is a premium set in the modern market. The choice of insulation depends on the characteristics of the structure and climatic conditions of the area. But whatever material you choose, as a result, a multilayer coating with air layers should be obtained.
What layers should be the wall of the steam room:
- waterproofing;
- insulation;
- vaporizoation;
- inner covering.
We remind you that, depending on the climate and the characteristics of the building, several layers of heat or vapor barrier can be used.
Heat insulation is recommended to start from the walls, closing them with clean unpainted paper. After that, wooden bars or rails, which serve as a frame, which will hold the insulation itself on top of the paper. The insulation is then nailed and the layer of vapor insulation is closed. And only after that you can proceed to the inner finish of the steam.
To learn more about the thermal insulation in the articles " Wall insulation Bath do it yourself" and " How to warm the ceiling bath»
Oven and ventilation
Interior decoration is the final stage of construction, and before sighing with relief and finally shakeped in its own bath, you need to install oven and ventilation. And if the steamer is the heart of the bath, then the furnace is her soul.
For the construction of a bath furnace, the following materials can be used with their own hands:
- chimney red brick;
- chamotte brick;
- natural stone;
- cast iron stove.
Materials can be used separately or combined with each other. If you are not sure that you can cope on your own, there are many firms specializing in the production of bath stoves.
As for the ventilation, it should be quite powerful in the steam room, otherwise the condensate will accumulate, and the air will be sperm. In more detail, the bath ventilation device is written in the article " Ventilation in the bath. Scheme and device»
Finish steam
So, the walls are reliably insulated, ventilation is done, and in the corner of the parley there is a new oven. It is time to start finishing. High-quality finishing of the parley gives not only a pleasant appearance, but guarantees the durability of the structure and benefit from each procedure. The trim task is to create an optimal microclimate in the room and protect the insulation and carrying structures from aggressive temperature effects. And the fact that it will be aggressive doubt do not have to do - not in vain in the old days they said that "couples in the bath fit the ax", because the temperature can reach 120s!
Choosing materials
What material will be able to protect the contents of the walls from the destructive effects of heat and at the same time save from allergies, thermal impact and burns? For interior decoration, a tree is used exclusively, namely wooden lining, resistant to high temperature and humidity.
For finishing, the steam rooms are suitable for the most different wood species, which can be combined and obtaining maximum beauty and benefits. Thus, deciduous rocks are better tolerant of temperatures and greater humidity. Coniferous breeds are better not to use or used partially and carefully, since sticky resins will be released from the temperature of these.
If you decide to use coniferous rocks, make sure that there are no resin "pockets", bitch and other defects, because of them, poisonous evaporations will be released at high temperatures.
Which tree species are best suited for the internal finishing of the steam.
- Birch - has the ability to restore a healthy psychological background, remove the stresses and eliminate the effects of stress. Charges a person with positive energy.
- Larch is the most durable breed, perfectly carrying extreme temperature loads and greater humidity.
- Lipa is a breed that does not require any practically no processing and possessing a lot of advantages. So, she has a nice appearance, an interesting texture and a warm shade. It is moisture-resistant, not deformed over time and longer than all other rocks heats up, which is not suitable for the wage. From the linden turns out not only amazing finish, but also furniture for the bath. Another advantage of wood, when heated, it exudes the wonderful fragrance, which has favorably affects health (treats the respiratory system, clean the body from slags, contributes to the speedy recovery from many diseases). Before use in Parikin, the Lipa requires pre-processing - if it does not cover it with protective compositions, the surface will sweather soon.
Lipa perfectly "breathes", keeping the most comfortable microclimate indoors. It provides excellent sound insulation and reserves all its initial useful properties for a long time.
- Aspen - Since ancient times, the Aspen was considered a magic tree that could "pull out" all the negative energy. She was sitting near the house so that anyone who entered the unkind intentions lost her dark strength and could not harm the owner. The only way to kill the vampire is to stick in his chest aspen. The aspen finish in the steam room also contributes to the speedy restoration of forces. Very often used with birch - one removes the negative, the second - fills good energy. Properly harvested and dried aspen has incredible strength and moisture resistance, it does not have a single crack or flaw in it, and it may be not one ten years old. That is why from Osina most often make flooring in the bath.
Aspen is one of the few trees that is not affected by rotting. Moreover, it has the ability to destroy fungi, mold and eliminate the slightest signs of fermentation - a real natural antiseptic! In the villages, the aspen dies still put into the barrels with cabbage so that it is not spoiled.
As for the impact on a person, the aspen is capable of quickly removing the headache, painful sensations in the joints, tensions in the muscles.
The quality of the finish directly depends on the quality of the cladding used. Make it to be dry, did not have defects, it was a compressed from all bitch and jar. Do not hurry to start work, barely by bringing the lining from the store, and put it in the steam room for a couple of days or at least for a day so that it "enters the resonance" with the microclimate of the room.
There are also such materials, the use of which for finishing the steam-setting steam is prohibited:
- linoleum;
- Chipboard;
- Fiberboard;
- mineral wool plate;
- any finishing materials that are not capable of withstanding a strong temperature and humidity containing poisonous substances.
Wall decoration and ceiling: Highlights
Lining from natural wood wood is the best option for wall decoration and ceiling steam. It has a pleasant and neat appearance, and it is so easy to install them that even an inexperienced builder will cope with it, absolutely unnecessant carpentry skills.
The most important rule that should be remembered - in no case cannot be treated with wooden lacquer or verse. With the first planer of the bath, all poisonous chemicals from these substances will be "fade", and you will get poisoning. In the steam room will stand a terrible smell that will not leave with time, and everyone will have to redo.
Wooden Wooden Wooden Film Technology:
- Before proceeding with work, make the lining into the steam room and leave at least one day so that it adapts to the microclimate.
- If there are tangible wall height differences in the steam room, they should be aligned. The same applies to recesses and bulges. If they are not aligned, then as a result you will have wave-like low-quality walls.
- Mounting the lining should be attached using large screws or brackets, but this method is suitable only for perfectly smooth walls. In most cases, there are irregularities in the walls, therefore, to reduce the risk, it is first installed the crate of the trim.
- The lamp is made of wooden rails of 20x40 mm, mounted 50-100 cm from each other (depending on the size of the steam room). At first fix the extreme bars, smooth them in a plunder and level. Then they should be knitting the mounting thread and, focusing on it, to fix the rest of the rails with self-draws.
- Fastening elements for lining should be as secure as possible. Hats nails or self-tapping screws will go into the room and heat the heat of the oven. That is why it is important that they are made from the materials immunity and large humidity. Otherwise, the careless touch of the skin can cause a strong burn.
Floor finishing in the steam room has its own characteristics. We describe only briefly, as it happens, but more complete information, how to make the floor in the bath can be found in the article " Waterproofing floor in the bath».
The steam room is a special place, the temperature in which under the ceiling can reach 120 ° C, and at the floor level not to rise above 30s. Therefore, the requirements for the materials for finishing floors are not such strict as for walls or ceiling. They can be made of clay, concrete, removed with wood or to be earthen.
The only condition that must be ensured is a quick outflow of water. You should also be seen by the floor with a mat, to build a board flooring or safe cork coating. The most popular materials for finishing the floor in the steam room are polished boards or tile.
Floor finishing technology:
- The floor in the steam room is recommended to do at a higher level than the rest of the premises, raising 15-20 cm. This will avoid the formation of drafts, and improve the preservation of heat inside.
- If you are going to store the floor with a smooth or edged board, first it is necessary to install wooden lags. Lags are attached to brick columns (cross section 25x25 cm), which, in turn, are installed on a concrete solution or a sandy base.
- The edges of the board should be slightly rounded, leaving small gaps between them - it will be easier and faster cleaning.
- The boards are fixed on the crate using special heat-resistant fasteners, which are not able to heat and burn. In no case do not use ordinary nails or nails with plastic knobs for these purposes. It is suitable for products from stainless steel, brass, bronze or galvanized fasteners.
Furniture for the steam room
Interior decoration implies not only the arrangement of gender, walls and ceiling, but also a properly selected decoration - shops, shelves, sun beds and other furniture. It is best to give it rounded outlines to minimize the risk of bruises. Requirements for fastening elements are the same as for floors and walls.
The most budgetary material for the manufacture of furniture is aspen, Lipa - more expensive, but about the exclusive useful properties of this tree already mentioned above. If you like the aroma of needles, it is recommended to attach several pine boards near the furnace.
For shelves-beds are best suited for deciduous, not coniferous wood. The surface should not be resulane, as it is not so much uncomfortable as harmful to health. Shelves should not be less than 5 cm in thickness. They should also be processed by means of rotting and destructive impact of moisture. Furniture, located close to the oven, should be covered by the antitrospective composition.
The surface of the shelves should be no less than 120 cm from the ceiling, since at the top temperature can reach critical marks hazardous to human health. There are no strict standards of the height of the layers - it is necessary to proceed from our own growth and the growth of those who will be batted in the bath. Therefore, many prefer to install the benches of different heights and dimensions, knocking alone into the ground or screwing into the floor, and the other making portable.
Design Parling
The internal finish of the steam room (photo) and furniture designs must create a harmonious design of the room.
Tips for design specialists Bani:
- Paul, walls and ceiling is better to do purely wooden, while maintaining a natural look.
- The multi-level placement of laying and benches gives the room a large aesthetics and practicality. So you can pick up the most comfortable temperature for yourself.
- Take care to organize hangers for clothes, brooms and other bath accessories. You can also make a few shelves near the exit and place for shoes.
- Door handles and other accessories must be made of heat-resistant materials.
- Lighting is better to do soft and neurkim, placing the light source away from the furnace (one or two lamps near the door will be quite enough).
Finally, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the useful material, in which it is described in detail about how to work properly with the materials - finishing the wagon video: