Septic for giving with your own hands Construction

Septic tank for cottages - the thing is necessary. Will you stay in a house where there is no sewage comfortable? And if it is not there, then you need or make a septic tank with your own hands, or buy ready.
Sometimes they make a drainage pit with Dedov methods, and then constantly improve it, as water has often to pump off. A modern septic tank, performed correctly, will not cause any trouble, and its service life is almost indefinitely.
Place for septica
Before installing a septic tank in the country, choose a place for it, which will meet all the requirements:
- distance from home - 5 m;
- distance from the roadway - 5 m;
- from the reservoir - 30 m;
- from river or stream - 10 m;
- from trees - 3 m;
- the septic is to have access to the assessing machine;
- the level of septicism is lower than the level of the country's construction;
- the pipe leading in the septic tank is located under a slope of 20 mm for 1 pimpn m.
Cutlery and formwork devices for septic
The device septicism for giving with their own hands begins with digging a pit. But before you start this work, you need to decide on the volume. It is usually taken at the rate of 200 liters of water per day per 1 family member. When the pit for the future septicity is ready, prepare formwork. It should be collapsible, easy to mounted and dismantled. The following materials will be needed for its device:
- oriented chipboard (OSB);
- segments of a wooden bar;
- slices of plastic pipe for sewage.
In OSB, holes are performed using a special device. The diameter of the holes should be equal to the diameter of the plastic pipe - 10 cm. The distance between them from 20 to 30 cm. The oriented chipboard is amplified by a perimeter using a 30x40 mm bar. It is fixed with self-drawing. Additional gain - vertical ribs. The distance between the ribbed ribs is about 0.5 m.
After installing the formwork in the pit, it must be described, again with a bar. When the installation works are made, pieces of the sewer pipe are inserted into the holes, and they must enter the ground at least 5 cm.
Concreting Septica
Preparatory work on the device of autonomous septica for giving was carried out. The next stage is concreting. Concrete is prepared according to the following recipe:
- we take sand and small crushed stone in two parts,
- add 1 part of cement,
- water and all this is mixed.
Concrete construction will be very strong if it is reinforced by its reinforcement.
Half pit poured with concrete, then he dries two days. The formwork is removed and rearranged on. The best septic tank for cottages is two, or even three-chamber. Therefore, when the whole pit is concreted, you need to make a partition. Through it, the second compartment will be destroyed and absorbed into the ground. An opening for the passage of water from the first chamber into the second should be lower than the plot pipe of centimeters by 40.
Finishing work
Finally, in the bottom of the pit to a depth of about 2 m. We make holes, so that the water is faster to absorb into the ground. Cover their grid with small cells and fall asleep with a large rubble.
Ventilation is performed. Its construction is quite simple: a sewer tube is displayed on the surface.
The pit needs to be reliably close.
- We take a reinforced channel or corner as ribs hardness.
- The board is stacked on them.
- Need to leave a hole - suddenly you will have to use the services of an associate machine?
- Now concreting is performed. Do not forget to lay the reinforcement - the lid should be very strong.
Cumulative septic
If the cottage is not often used and the capital septic device seems inappropriate, then as an option, the most primitive septic tank is suitable for the cottage from the tires. It has a simple design and inexpensive - Rather, it will be a cesspool. So:
- digging square boilers;
- spill rim in the tires;
- on the bottom of the drunk sand - 50 cm, then 30 cm rubble;
- we install tires;
- we perform backstage;
- sweep the sewer pipe.
Septic with rings
A good option - septic tank in the country of the rings. Of these, you can arrange one, two or three cameras. Stages of work:
- under rings, pit is digging;
- rings are placed in the pit;
- pipes are summed up.
The remaining requirements are the same as when the septica device is septic in the country from other structures, but, note: to move the rings, we need a technique.
Septic for giving from plastic
To perform a septicch with your own hands, you need time, and if it is not, then here is a wonderful way out: buying and installing septicism in the dacha of plastic. Here and complete tightness, and does not corrosive. But the plastic does not always withstand the load, which creates the lands of the earth above it. The design can be deformed. You can, of course, place the container of plastic into the concrete casing, but it is very laborious, and even expensive.
The septicities of Triton Plastic company are most popular. Made from the highest quality raw materials differ in durability, it is perfectly withstanding the Russian winter, they cannot be corrosion and have high tightness.
If there is no power supply in the country
No power supply, or is there, but with interruptions? For efficient operation, the Septic is not a problem. Septic tank for cottage without electricity cleans the estimates better. Indeed, in such septices you can use anaerobic bacteria. Even if you do not attend the gift of the month three, which means that the wastewater goes into the septicch will not be, the microorganisms will still survive. True, if these bacteria are used to clean the drains, then in everyday life there should be no aggressive chemicals, including chlorine.