Wall pastry technology with wallpaper. Master Class Wallpaper

Wallpapers remain on leading positions among finishing materials. And it is not by chance. They not only give the room aesthetic appearance, but also combine and complement the selected design. And also allow the wall to "breathe", eliminating the room from the greenhouse effect.
Casting walls by wallpaper is carried out by specialists - professional painters under the direction of the designer who created the interior layout. Control all stages of work with a brigadier. To avoid alterations, specify all the requirements before the start of the pasting.
Deciding to update your apartment, save and make it yourself. Preview the walls that will be rewritten. Choose a view of the wallpaper for the room. Each of them the advantages needed for certain premises. Some are more suitable for children - paper. They are considered the most environmentally friendly, inexpensive. Other for kitchens - washable. Moisture-resistant surface is resistant to wet cleaning.
Modern designers combine not only styles, but also types of wallpaper. Smooth and rough, embossed, brilliant can be combined. It is desirable that the width of the combined rolls is the same or proportionally differed (twice as fewer). It is more convenient in work.
Types of wallpapers for walls:
1. Paper.
- two-layer. Two interconnected paper canvases. They are divided into smooth (with a smooth surface), embossed (with a pattern);
- an image is applied on the paper layer from above. A large drawing is glued in parts and is assembled as a puzzle;
2. Acrylic. A layer of foam acrylic is applied to the bottom layer. Thanks to the non-solid coating, the canvas has a grungy look with a typical pattern. Durable acrylic layer protects wallpaper from damage.
3. Three-layered wallpapers. After their removal on the wall remains a layer, which is further used as a basis for new wallpaper.
4. Vinyl. A film from polyvinyl chloride is applied to the base layer. This type of wallpaper is not toxic, it is capable of hiding minor defects on the walls.
5. Wallpapers for painting. This is a way out for those who want to make the walls of the room painted without consequences. The simply painted wall is not easy to return to the source view. The paint "eats" into the plaster. In the future, you will need to take paint with plaster. Wallpapers for painting allow paint to five layers. If necessary, they are easily removed and glued new.
Some types of wallpapers have an unusual coating (metallic, fiberglass, etc.).
Choosing wallpapers, look at the labeling (special icon). In accordance with it, glue and method of pasting are chosen.
Having methods:
1. Job. Two canvases combine the edge to the edge and glued. This method glued almost all modern wallpaper. The main thing - on the labeling should stand the "glue online" sign. This means that when applied glue, the cloth is not stretched and the seams do not disperse.
2. Vangest. Each subsequent sheet is located with a displacement to the previous one by 1-2 cm. Most often so glued the photo wallpaper.
For a better clutch and moisture resistance, a little PVA is added to the wallpaper glue.
Preceded by salary prepare the surface. Remove the old coating. Paint and whitewash paint to plaster. Otherwise, the wet from the glue "residues" will fall along with new wallpaper. Slip over the seams on the walls on the walls (if any). All holes and cracks by putting off putty. Drops grind out the sandpaper.
Remember! It is impossible to glue the wallpaper on a freshly water wall. The increased alkali content leads to the formation of yellow spots, and excessive moisture to the formation of bubbles. Completes the primer preparation phase.
Modern designers are not limited to one type or color of wallpaper. There are often projects, where at least one wall differs in the texture from the rest. Combining incompatible, it is possible to achieve the effect of "increasing space".
Would you like a mosaic or fresco on the wall? Now they may not even make experts. The stores present wallpaper with coating identical to real frescoes. They glue on ordinary glue, as well as normal wallpapers.
Using the walls of the walls with different wallpapers, the space, combining or separating it, is zoned.
Close the windows and doors before walking. A draft - the enemy of wallpaper. Do not open windows before drying.
Wall pastry technology wallpaper:
1. Prepare wallpapers. We view all the rolls for defects, on color compatibility and pattern.
2. Measure the strip. Measure tape measure wall. Transfer the size to the wallpaper. Consider that the combined pattern requires a length of length.
3. Do not cut off all sheets at once. Put several cloth on the floor as well as they will be pasted, check the correctness of the picture. Only after that cut off. In the room with curves or ceiling, the measurement of each canvase is required separately.
Some types of wallpapers (for example, fiberglass) are cut off from the roll only after gluing to the wall.
4. Place the place of the first strip. Markings are applied using a plumb. This line will be a guideline.
5. Apply glue. Thin wallpaper do not require prior applying glue on them. Just glue on the wall. The dense sheets are lubricated with glue and are folded with the smeared side inside and leave for a few minutes to soak. Only after that they apply glue on the wall and glued the prepared canvas.
6. Customize the drawing. We apply a sheet of wallpapers to the previous, already glued and docile in the drawing.
7. Wallpaper smoothing. Your task is to drive out the air and excess glue from the wallpaper. This is done with a roller or a dry cloth from the middle to the edges. The top layer with a pattern or spraying is not resistant to rubbing. Therefore, drive out the air, carefully without clicking.
The cost of pasting walls with wallpaper varies depending on the complexity of the walls and the number of types of wallpaper. The cost of the work of the professional brigade includes the preparation of walls to pasting and cleaning after completion. Sorry with the contractor all the nuances. Those who want to save can independently prepare the walls and remove the room after pasting. It will be necessary to pay only for the salary. If you have time to repair, do everything yourself. Believe me, it will not be difficult if you adhere to the flushing technology.
You can independently embody all the fantasy in the interior. Manage yourself, hit everyone with your imagination. Good luck!
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Not bad article. And I thought it was no longer fashionable.