Choose a motor-cultivator Instruments,Useful advice

More recently, gardening equipment, mainly consisted of a simple set of items: a shovel, a rake da chopper. Now times have changed, there was a more efficient modernized machinery, which exempts from heavy physical labor and saves time for more interesting activities. One of the most popular holiday units a tiller. Its popularity is due to versatility, reliability, ease of operation. The low weight and compact dimensions allow cultivators to use it on small plots. There are various modifications of the cultivators. That the selected model is fully met all expectations, it is necessary to consider not only the cost of cultivators, but also the value of land, the soil, the amount of future work and physical training user.
What is different from other types of mokultivator cultivators
Hoe - universal small technical means for mechanization of earthwork in suburban and rural areas. Cultivation is performed by a rotary apparatus that loosening the soil without the formation of turnover, grinds and embeds the weeds, are uniformly mixed with the soil complex fertilizers. Cultivator for continuous use preplant soil plowing, leveling the soil surface, removal of earth crust.
Cultivators are three types of cultivators, tillers and elektrokultivatory. They differ in structure, size and functionality.
Electric Cultivator - pros and cons
Elektrokultivator equipped with an electric motor. Power tillers are the lightest and compact means garden mechanization. They are connected to the mains, they are designed for loosening the soil in the beds and in the greenhouse, but not suitable for serious plowing a large area of \u200b\u200bland. An advantage of the electric garden cultivator is the lack of need for refueling and maintenance simplicity. Elektrokultivatorov The disadvantages are: a small drive power limited cable length and locate outlet radius processing small depth loosening, inconvenience with hanging cable. Functionality elektrokultivatorov limited due to the lack of additional attachments.
Cultivator equipped with a petrol engine called cultivators. Compare electric cultivator can only be cultivators ultralight class. Both types are suitable for cultivators cultivated soil on a site size of 2 to 5 hundredth, care for plants and weeding. Due to the ancillary equipment cultivators are able to perform a variety of agronomic performance.
walk-behind tractor
Motoblock is a more powerful cultivator with hinged equipment, also with a gasoline engine. It differs from the motor-cultivator with structural features. In motor cultivators, the cutter cutters are fixed on the work shaft. Motoroblocks the engine is a separate module on wheels, which establishes this or that equipment depending on the type of work. The hardware mill includes a milling cutter, a plow, a snapper, snow removal dump and even a seat cart. Some manufacturers include motor-blocks in motor-cultivator subclasses. The motoblock is a more multifunctional technique.
In addition to cultivation, it is used for plowing, enclosing plants, cutting a bed. And the attachments expands the list of agricultural work, including unrelated to the processing of the Earth. For example, making grass mowing, cargo transportation on the trolley.
Compared to the motoblock, the motor-cultivator is easier, compact, maneuverable, which is especially convenient when caring for flower beds, processing rows between the beds, shrubs and trees. A small cultivator will be able to manage even a teenager, which is problematic with a motor-block weighing 70kg. The motor-cultivator weighs from 10 to 55kg, the capacity is 1.8 - 6.5 liters. With such a "assistant" you can plow 2 weave of the country area or 1 weave of virgin land in an hour. Thanks to rotation milling and special attachment, the motor-cultivator performs many agro-technical works.
Motor cultivator functions
- Ruffle earth without turnover.
- Weeding. The cutters come into the ground for 3-10 cm, crushed the roots of weeds.
- Grinding in the soil of complex fertilizers. Uniform mixing fertilizers in the soil.
- Grass mowing.
- Plugging of plants.
- Digging potatoes.
- Grinding weeds.
- Watering with water pump.
- Deep plowing plow.
- Transportation of goods (fertilizers, building materials, crop) weighing up to 300kg using a cart and trailer.
- Soil aeration.
- Cleaning beveled grass lawn rakes.
- Cleaning intercutric slots on tracks with a special brush. Cutting edges of lawn landing.
Classification of motorcultivators
It is customary to conditionally divide motor-cultivators for four types, depending on the weight of the unit and engine power:
- ultralight
- lungs,
- medium
- heavy.
Ultralight motor-cultivators
Representatives of this class have an engine with a capacity of up to 1.5 hp. and weighing up to 15kg (sometimes to this type include models weighing up to 20 kg and motor capacity up to 3 l.). They loosen the earth with a maximum of 8cm and are quite suitable for work on small platforms (flower beds, beds, ramks). A small grip (20-30CM) gives the motor-cultivator mobility and allows you to carry out and can be carried out in narrow places and inflicted corners of the site.
They have a two-stroke engine, which is refilled with a mixture of oil and gasoline or a four-stroke engine that uses pure gasoline. The four-stroke engine has a number of significant advantages: economical fuel consumption, reduced level of vibration and noise. Ultralight motorcultivators are equipped with removable handles, which makes it easier to transport in public transport or car trunk.
Light motor cultivators
The models of this group have a motor with a power of 2.5-4.5l. and weight up to 40kg. Blowing into the ground milling mills of light motor-cultivators is 15-20 cm, and the width of the capture during the soil processing is 20-40cm. The drive in such motocultivators is usually a two-stroke engine using a mixture of oil with a gasoline or a four-stroke motor on pure gasoline. Easy motorcultivator simply disassembled and transported. It is designed for the cultivation of small land in the form of flower beds and beds.
The depth of the soil explosion is 15-18cm, the width of the grip - 40-50cm, respectively, and the performance of the technique is almost twice as high as the super light class. Included with a motor-cultivator is an occupier attached. Light motor-cultivators are effectively used to form a furrow when planting various cultures. The disadvantage of the models of the lightweight class is the effect of "bouncing" when the cutter is immersed in the ground.
Middle Motor Cultivators
Middle class aggregates are more massive techniques. They weigh 45-60kg and equipped with a motor with a power of 4-6l. Due to the massiveness, medium motor-cultivators are stable lungs and more convenient during operation.
The middle class models have a wider grip 40-85cm and a larger diameter cutter. However, a wide capture of the advantage turns into a lack of working in narrow places of the country area. The depth of land processing in medium motorcultivators is 25-28cm.
For rotation, only four-stroke engines on pure gasoline are installed on such motor-cultivators. Middle Motor Cultivators can be equipped with some types of additional attachments. The combination of small size with high power allows the use of medium motor-cultivators and in bed and on the field. In the design of medium models, installation and front and reverse transmission is possible, which simplifies maneuvering in small areas. Motor-cultivators of medium-sized work with a skipper and a small plow. To ensure the required traction force for the plow and the occupus, the cutters on the shaft of the gearbox are replaced with metal wheels with primer plates.
Heavy motor-cultivators
This class includes motor-cultivators weighing over 60kg and engine power 6l.s. and more. The depth of congestion of the cutter into the ground is 30cm, and the width of the processed strip of earth for one pass 1m. Heavy motor-cultivator forces processing any type of soil, and cultivated, and virgin. For such heavyweights, a huge range of attachments with various functions is available. On heavy motor-cultivators, collapsible cutters are installed, which allows you to adjust the width of plowing.
Heavy-class units are equipped with a four-stroke engine and gearbox, which significantly increases the range of their application. As a mounted device, a revolving plow, a disappearance of a cultivator, towed trucks for cargo weighing up to 300kg is used.
Heavy motor-cultivators are used for earthworks and in summer cottages, and at the gardens with a large area. There is a common misconception that controlling such an aggregate requires large physical forces. In fact, heavy cultivators have enough power and their own weight to pull the plow, a potato fleet or a trailer without additional effort. Heavy models of motor-cultivators are calculated for the largest number of attachments. Cutters for heavy aggregates are considered additional equipment (hitch).
Externally, the hardware technique is different from the average availability of rubber wheels.
What is written in the serviceport
When buying a motor corrugation, it is necessary to study the main technical characteristics specified in the instructions:
Engine power
Engine power is measured in horsepower (hp). It depends on the performance of the motor-cultivator: the area of \u200b\u200bthe cultivated earth, the ability to process problem soils (virgin, loam, swampy soil), the size of the capture, the depth of blasting and the ability to mount attachments. The higher the power of the motor, the size and weight of the motor-cultivator, the greater the performance. The power of the engine of ultralight models is only 1l.s., heavy motor-cultivators - 6,5l.s., large motoblocks reaches 9l.s.
engine's type
Four-stroke engines are equipped with medium and severe motorcultivators. Ultralight and light models are commonly equipped with a two-stroke engine. The two-stroke motor is more compact and easier, but more consumes gasoline and less environmentally friendly.
Motor cultivator weight
The weight of the car along with the engine power affects the depth of the soil. Light motorcultivator performs surface soil loosening.
The massive model thanks to its own severity exercises deep plowing. The weight of cultivators is from 9 to 70 kg. Motor blocks, equipped with special equipment, achieve weight over 100 kg. Depending on the power of the engine and the masses, four groups of motor-cultivators are distinguished:
- Ultralight (weight 9-15kg, 1-2l power, depth of soil looser up to 10 cm).
- Light (weight 15-40kg, power 2-4l.s., Tillage depth 15-20cm).
- Medium (weight 40-60kg, power 4-6l.s., Plowing depth 25-30CM).
- Heavy motor-cultivators and motoblocks (weight more than 60kg, over 6l.s., Treatment depth 30cm).
Depth of loosening
The depth of entering the cutter into the ground in the process of plowing land depends on the weight of the machine and the power of the motor. Light cultivators handle the soil to a depth of 5-15 cm, heavy - to the depth of 30 cm.
Width capture
The width of the grip is called the strip of the processed land in the process of cultivation. For preparatory earthworks under the garden, motor-cultivators with large grip width are preferable, since the rate of earth processing increases. For work in the alarms, we use minimage to avoid damage to plants.
The most small, ultra-light and mobile motor-cultivators have a capture of 20-30cm, in large models, the capture width reaches 100 cm. Some motor-cultivators have a complete set of narrow cutters specifically for processing rows between the beds.
When buying a motor corrugation, it is important to pay attention to the power ratio of the motor and the width of the grip. For four-stroke engines, a ratio of 20cm per 1l.s is recommended, and for two-stroke motors - 30cm per 1 liter. For example, for a motor-cultivator with a four-stroke engine with a power of 3l.s. Credit width is not more than 60cm. If the width of cultivation exceeds the recommended value, then the unit is overloaded and its rapid wear.
Devices for maneuvering
In some modifications of motor-cultivators, the "reverse" function is provided (reverse). Ultralight models have a special portable handle, which is especially convenient when turning and turning the machine.
On medium and heavy type motor-cultivators, a gearbox is usually installed, which adjusts the speed of turnover of the working shaft rotating the mill or wheels. The gearbox is necessary if in the design of the model the optional wheel installation instead of the cutter, since the rotational speed of the cutter is greater than that of the wheels. Transmission allows you to adjust the depth of the cultivation of the soil: from plowing on low revs (100-130 ° C) to surface loosening and grinding of weeds at high speed (280-330 ° C).
Clutch and gear
The clutch and gearbox serve to transmit torque from the motor to the working shaft. For light and ultralight models, the automatic centrifugal grip with a worm gearbox is characterized. The disadvantages of the worm gear models are: the complexity of moving the motor-cultivator with a pressing clutch (mill or wheels do not rotate) and poor-quality material from which the gear gear (brass) is performed. The chain gearbox and belt clutch are usually installed in the middle-class designs and proven themselves in the process of operation. Professional massive motor-cultivators and motoblocks are equipped with a clutch with a frosting coupling and gear (gear) gearbox. Such a transmission is the highest quality and, at the same time, complex in service.
It is important that the reducer is covered with dustproof elements, which will extend its service life.
On cheap models, a gearbox with a hermetic case is not available for maintenance. When breakdown, it is necessary to replace the entire gearbox, and sometimes, and the motor-cultivator itself, since the engines in such models are short-lived and cannot be repaired. In order not to buy a new motor-cultivator every year, it is better to stop the choice on an expensive, but high-quality model.
Energy intensity
This parameter characterizes the efficiency of the technical means. Energy intensity is calculated on 10kg weight of the unit and maybe: low - less than 0.7 liters; Normal - 0.7-1l. and high - more than 1l.s. at 10kg weight.
The most secure is the JPF model with a switch (and not by the button!) "Stop". And even more reliable, with a snake in the form of an emergency lock lever, in this case it is enough to remove the palm from the control handle. The worst option is the "Stop" button. To stop the motorcultivator, you have to press the button with your finger and hold until the engine is completely stopped, which is problematic in extreme situations
Complete with a motor-cultivator are often accompanied by skateboards and soils. Geuttoes are special wheels that are installed instead of a cutter to increase the grip with a soil with a lightweight cultivator. Hinged equipment, expanding the functionality of the motoblock, is usually sold separately.
Engine Brand and Motor Cultivator Manufacturer
The most common Chinese cultivators: MTD, EFCO, Kipor, Solo, Pubert. Most models of European trade brands are collected in China. They are characterized by a lower price, but in quality almost do not infer the analogues of the European assembly. Domestic Maltivators Krot (Moscow), Neva (St. Petersburg), Tarpan (Tula) are enjoyed by great purchasing demand.
They have an acceptable price, represented by many modifications, are equipped with engineers of American and European production, adapted to the features of the soil of the middle strip of Russia and successfully compete with import models.
Italian motor-cultivators (Castelgarden, Efco, Meccanica Benassi), German Solo, Gruntek, Swedish Stiga and Danish Texas are in great demand among European models. As a rule, they are equipped with engines Briggs & Stratton (USA), Tecumseh (USA), Honda (Japan), Lombardini (Italy). Foreign motor-cultivators are more expensive, but less demanding when servicing.
Prices for motor-cultivators
The easiest "amateur" motorcultivator will cost 5-10 thousand rubles, a heavy "professional" motoblock costs one hundred thousand rubles and more.
Choose the right motor-cultivator
When buying a motor corrugation, it is necessary to take into account the size of the land plot, the presence of buildings, plantations, the fitness of the soil, the planned mode of operation, the types of agrotechnical functions and their own financial capabilities.
First of all, you should decide on the type of drive. If there is no access to the source of electricity near the land plot, it is best to stop the choice on a motor-cultivator with a battery. For sections with an area of \u200b\u200bmore than 20 acres, a motor-cultivator with a gasoline engine will be suitable.
Motor cultivator performance is calculated as the land processing area per unit of time. It depends on the power of the motor and the width of the capture. When a motor-cultivator is selected, it is important to correctly determine the required specifications. It makes no sense to buy a motocultivator with a performance more than required for the area of \u200b\u200bthe processed area. Dachnik, the owner of six hectares of the earth, there is no need to acquire expensive professional equipment, and, on the contrary, a farmer running on the size field with hectares, without a powerful motoblock can not do.
Classification of land
For convenience, all agricultural sections are classified as follows:
- "Motley" - 20-30 acres, divided into several small zones (3-5 acres) of various purposes (garden, flowerbeds, lawn, shrubs, ridges for vegetable crops).
- Small - 30-40 acres, have two - three zones of 10-15 acres of various use.
- The average - 50-100 acres, are discharged under one - two cultures (for example, legumes and potatoes).
- Large - over 100 acres.
For summer cottages up to 3 acres, light motor-cultivators with a 1-2 hp engine are more suitable. Middle Motor Cultivators with a power of 3-6l.s. Designed for land from 6 to 20 acres.
For plowing areas with an area of \u200b\u200bmore than 30 acres, heavy motor-cycultivators with a powerful engine in 6l. The speed and quality of work also depends on the magnitude of the motorcultivator grip.
For large sites, cultivators with wide grip are chosen. For weeding, the rows between the beds or trees need a grip width in less. On some models, the width of the capture is regulated by the permutation or replacement of cutters. The more powerful the cultivator engine, the faster the rate of earth processing.
Mini-motor-cultivators have a mass of no more than 11 kg. They are auxiliary tool for surface (no more than 15 cm) earth treatments, due to low weight, they are not able to overcome the resistance of the soil. Such motor-cultivators prepare the beds, flower beds, plunge and loose plants. For a plot of land of 7-8 acres, the ultralight, light or medium motor-cultivator is chosen.
Selection is determined by the tasks that are scheduled to perform with motorcycles. Ultralight with the depth of processing up to 8cm and easy cultivators are suitable for ripping, hilling, care perennials, cutting grooves for vegetables, weed control, digging tree trunks rings, lawn care. For the production of moldboard plowing and digging up root crops will need an average power tiller 4-6l.s.
soil Features
Apart portion size selection for garden equipment is essential structure of the soil. The greater weight of the cultivators, the greater the depth of cultivation, easier work on heavy soils, and for the movement of the cultivator do not need to push. When choosing cultivators important to consider the type of soil. So mills for processing of virgin soil have a special design. The data sheet provides a depth of information processing for normal soil.
For clay soil tillage cultivators used in weight from 25 kg. For large parts of clay preferably motoagregat with more grip and the rear transmission. Reverse helps pull the cutter cultivators Jams in the ground. Engine power should be at least 5l.s.
For swampy and moist soil become a powerful high-quality equipment. As a result, adhesion to wet clayey earth metal cutter cultivator increases traction resistance and plunging cutter into the ground. This leads to wear and deterioration of the art plowing. If the treatment to be a hilly area, pay attention to the possible angle of cultivators. Some models operate under any bias, others only when tilted no more than 20 degrees.
motor cultivators
Motoultivatory with a gasoline engine harder to maintain, create noise and vibration are charged with a special oil and fuel. Model with two-stroke engine has a simpler and less expensive device, but consume more fuel.
Ultralight cultivators models with petrol engine suitable for small suburban areas. These tillers are easy to handle row spacing and greenhouse beds. Automatic clutch device and quick launch make this model easy to use.
The reliability of the cultivator depends on the quality of the engine. Garden technique is mainly equipped with engines from leading world-famous companies. As a rule, manufacturers are installed on motor-cultivators of third-party engines: B & S, Honda, Subaru. Own production motors are used relatively rarely. Determine which of the engines is better, it is very difficult. All manufactured engines are divided:
- amateur
- semi-professional,
- professional.
Engines leading world companies are used for installation and on domestic motor-cultivators, which makes them competitive compared to foreign counterparts. An important value is the design of the gearbox. The chain gear is considered to be more reliable and resistant to large loads than worm. However, for a small garden, a motor-cultivator with worm transmission is quite suitable, with a high-quality engine it will last long time.
The engine is chosen in accordance with the intended intensity of the use of technology. It is worth asking whether there are spare parts and which prices on them.
The advantages of domestic production cultivators are: an acceptable price, a variety of attachments for performing a variety of functions, no problem with spare parts.
There are models of cultivators with a gearbox that does not require maintenance. In them, transmission is served with oil and there is no need to replace the oil during the entire operating time. But in many domestic and foreign motor-cultivators, the gearbox requires maintenance. In such cases, the oil level in the gearbox is checked immediately before starting work, if necessary, a motor or transmission oil recommended in the brand instructions is added. It is necessary to replace the lubricant every 25 hours of operation.
Fuel consumption
Motor-cultivators consume from 0.4 to 2 liter of gasoline per hour. The greater the power of the motor and the weight of the technique, the more fuel consumption. The most popular lung and middle-class motor-cultivators consume approximately 1.2l per hour. Four-stroke engines use less gasoline than two-strokes. The motor with the top position of the valves more economically spends fuel. Fuel consumption also depends on the relief of the plot and the composition of the soil. When buying a garden motorcultivator, it is better to immediately take gasoline and oil.
Depth of soil processing
Most motor-cultivators have a useful feature for regulating the depth of processing mills. Shangling soil cultivation avoids damage to the roots of plants. The adjustment is used in the cultivation of solid ground: the first pass is made at a low depth, and the second is already on the required value. The processing depth regulator is two types: control handle and pin, which is inserted into a special hole of the regulator. As a rule, three levels of depths are provided plus position for transporting the motor-cultivator.
Motor-cultivator cutters
The performance of the motor corrugation is affected by the width of the capture and power of the motor. The width of the grip is determined by the size of the cutter, so it is better to immediately buy a roll of mills of various widths for processing sections of different areas and shape. Type of soil should be taken into account. Special cutters are used to process virgin.
The mills of the cultivator are made of high-strength materials and can serve over 15 years. Cutting cutters are extremely rare. Nevertheless, there are cutters for any type of motor-cultivator. The quality of the motor-cultivator affects the location of the cutter.
The aggregate with the front cutting cutter is driven as a result of their rotation. Working with such a motor-cultivator will require some effort. It will be necessary to keep the tool with two hands, lifting the handles to adjust the depth of plowing, follow the uniformity of the movement.
If the motor-cultivator is lightweight, and the soil is solid, then for immersing the cutter into the ground, it is necessary to apply to the unit on top. Contrary to popular belief, in fact, heavy motor-cultivator is easier to manage. The minimum effort will require a heavy motor-cultivator on wheels with rear cutters.
Hinged equipment
For each model of the motor-cultivator there is a specific set of attachments. Before you buy a motor-cultivator, you should find out which attachments are suitable for this model.
Hinged equipment significantly increases the possibilities of the motor-cultivator. . Most often in the additional complete set includes:
- Vehicle wheel (or wheels) for axial motorcultivators. It prevents the aggregate to burn the unit during operation.
- Skapper (plow-rider). Consists of the lemch of the V-shaped form. It serves to lay a furrow when planting vegetables, soil loosening around plants.
- Potatoes - Plow for potatoes, undermines tubers and pulls out on the surface.
- Disappearing mills. Designed for high-quality cultivation of heavy soil.
- Grocery plow and its modifications: a Grocery Plow with the Certifier; Bilateral Grocery Plow with the Certifier.
- Senfather.
- Aerator. Pierces the soil for the flow of oxygen, water and fertilizer to the roots of plants.
- Cutting harrow.
- Lawn rakes for cleaning "felt" from dry grass and surface roots with lawn.
- Nozzle for sweeping.
- Dump knife - nozzle for snow cleaning, garbage and dirt.
- Wheels with pneumatic machinery for better motor cultivator.
- Weight for wheels.
- Grunate.
- Snow removal mill.
- Cart.
Equipment for hitch is sold separately, so when choosing a garden technology, not only the prices for motor-cultivators, but also the cost of auxiliary configuration is compared. Multifunctional motor corrugation must have sufficient power. Additional attachments for easy low-power cultivators - no more than butafory.
Motor-cultivator with a weak engine and small weight is not able to effectively use such equipment. Light motor-cultivator is ideal for surface cultivation of the soil. For plowing land with a plow or harrow power 1 - 2l.s. And the weight of 16-40kg is clearly not enough.
No model of the motor-cultivator is capable of carrying out all types of garden work. Therefore, when buying a country motorcycle, it is important to define priorities and choose basic functions. For medium and large land plots, a medium or heavy type motor-cultivator is suitable with additional hits. The only feature that such a cultivator cannot perform is a mustache. Therefore, for such farms, the optimal option is two motoblock: ultralight - for weeding and heavy with maximum performance - for all other works. For the work of "Pestry" sites, the ultralight motoblock is most suitable.
It is desirable that the motor cultivator has a reverse. The models of light and ultralight species there is no reverse, but there must be a portable handle for lifting and reversal of the unit in the desired side. The operational capabilities of the machine are significantly expanding, if there are two and more front transmission.
Viking Motor Cultivator
This model is made in Austria. The universal unit, drives up, cortex, loosening, digging rooting root. Viking model range is constantly updated with new developments. All modifications of this brand have a stable design, reliable items and precisely selected tools. To protect against damage, serves a rigid housing with a solid casing and double polymer linings with. The casing of the gearbox is made of aluminum, the worm shaft is made of tempered steel, a worm wheel - from a bronze alloy.
The handles are covered with non-slip rubber, which allows you to confidently manage the unit. Front and rear control levers are equipped with automatic protective lock, which eliminates a power failure. When the front transmission is turned on, the rear is blocked - and vice versa. For convenient delivery to the place of operation, the VIKING HB 585 Motor Cultivator is equipped with two rear wheels. The aircraft air intake device feeds air purified from dust for engine operation. A special three-level limiter ensures accurate promotion of the Motor Cultivator by Kae.
Motor Cultivator Neva
The small-sized MK-100 MK-100 Motor Cultivator and other models are produced by the famous Russian manufacturer of small motorized agricultural machinery CJSC "Red October - Neva"
MK-100 (name according to GOST) is used for loosening, alignment of the soil, weeding, making complex fertilizers. The use of mounted adaptation is largely expanding the technological capabilities of the motor-cultivator. The products of the brand "Motothechnics" Neva "are sold in 250 stores and is serviced in 160 service centers of Russia and CIS countries. Nevi models have installed engines of world manufacturers:" Subaru "," Briggs & Stratton "," Honda ".
Motor Cultivator Mole
Motor Cultivator Mole is produced on machine-building enterprises. Moscow. Mole is the most famous representative of the garden technology, as it is produced from Soviet times. Now Mole is an advanced small-sized device, which processes the soil by milling without turnover. The cultivator loans to a depth of 25mm, harrowded, aligns the soil and passes the aisle. Managed simply and effortlessly.
Motor cultivator Mole takes little space when stored, it is convenient to transport it in the trunk of a passenger car. The functionality of the machine is significantly expanding due to additional attachment tools for dipping, weeding, mowing grass and even water supply.
Motor Cultivator Tarpan.
Tarpan is a whole series of motorcultivators of various modifications (Tulamashzavod). This universal small-sized unit serves for the mechanization of heavy earthworks on household plots. The processing of the soil is carried out due to the rotational cultivator. With the help of a motor-cultivator, Tarpan produce ground loosening, grinding and sealing of weed grass, uniformly mixing with soil of complex fertilizers for the entire depth of plowing.
The last models of Tarpan are equipped with a four-stroke engine of the internal combustion of the company BRIGGS & STRATTON (USA), which is characterized by reliability and economical fuel consumption.
Thanks to the automatic centrifugal clutch, the Tarpan Motor Cultivator is disassembled into two units, which makes it easier to transport.
Large engine power 6l.s. It corresponds to the level of the middle class, which makes it possible to effectively cultivate heavy clay soils.
Motor Cultivator Texas.
Reliable and easy-to-use TEXAS (Denmark) Motor Cultivator is used to cultivate country sites and small fields. A huge range of additional hits allows you to perform almost all types of cultivation work. Thanks to the removable handle, the transportation and storage of the tool are simplified. The location on each side of three cutters significantly increases the quality of the processing of the Earth.
Powerful engine, removable robust steel mills, the reliability of the main nodes make it possible to effectively cope with the most difficult tasks and ensure long-term smooth service.
Pasche with pleasure!
Spring is already on the threshold. All gardeners and gardeners are actively preparing for the new season. It is worth thinking about buying a motor corrugation. With such an indispensable assistant and work in joy and the result is excellent!
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Can I find out more about Viking 585?
585 This is the same VH 540, only a little reducer changed and appearance.
In that year, he took 4061b "Centaur", the flight is normal. Yes, and it is cheaper than the viking.