Mirror ceiling with their own hands. Design Choice, Installation Features Ceilings

Modern ceiling products that are offered by various companies are able to surprise any person. Due to its attractiveness, mirror ceilings have gained a tremendous prevalence. In addition, a considerable role was played and gradually decreasing prices for this product.
Mirror ceilings on sale You can find a lot of varieties, and definitely one or another option is suitable for a particular room. As practice shows, the owners often make a decision to base the design of their room precisely on mirror ceilings, which are set to the common tone of the room.
In this article, we will consider in detail the specifics of the choice of mirror coating for the ceiling, and also analyze the peculiarities of the repair so that the mirror ceiling is the most attractive part of the dwelling.
Types of mirror ceilings
If a few years ago, a decent mirror ceiling was limited only to a pair-three options in a construction store, now the range has increased to unprecedented scale. It can be noted that picking up a mirror ceiling even under the most original style of the room - not a problem.
In addition, you can pay attention to the fact that many manufacturers produce mirror ceilings under the order, so each person can get exactly what is best for the home.
- Classic mirror ceiling. The so-called "classic" among the mirror surfaces for the ceilings lies in the surface of thin glass mirrors. They have an excellent effect associated with the spread of light and visual expansion of space. However, the specifics of using such surfaces lies in the fact that their installation occurs in the tensioning systems Armstrong.
- Stretch reflective coating. In the current conditions and such a ceiling can be called classic, as it is used truly often for many years. First of all, it is worth noting that this is a material based on polyvinyl chloride. The film has a mirror effect, due to which the visual expansion of the space occurs. The strongest side of such a ceiling is resistance to various external conditions, due to which the material is successfully used in a variety of rooms. In addition, it becomes possible to create multi-level surfaces, this is exactly what stretch ceilings love.
- Polystyrene plates. This is a durable and truly durable resource, which often becomes the basis for mirror ceilings. Their strong side is not only durability, but also the simplicity of installation, as well as present in many varieties of plates of the adhesive base.
Obviously, the personnel installation of mirror ceilings is not always possible. For example, if we are talking about stretch ceilings, then here without special equipment it will not be possible to do without it, so the easiest way to contact the specialists for help. You can also try to do everything yourself, but the numerous features of the process can create a lot of problems, including monetary losses if the material is damaged when you try to install.
Main aspects when choosing a mirror ceiling
Immediately after we decided on the main types of mirror ceilings, you need to pay attention to various features that are essential both when choosing and when installing the material. Perhaps even the most insignificant at first glance detail can create a lot of problems. Next, we will focus in detail on each aspect.
- Color solutions. Under the word "mirror", many imply ceilings that look exactly like a mirror, but on a large scale. In fact, the mirror effect is not so large here, but at the same time a variety of color solutions of mirror ceilings are available on sale. It can be silver color, graphite or bronze. There are other options, but they are extremely rare on sale. The silver ceiling cover looks as if it is the finest or translucent layer of foil, the graphite mirror surface has a rich steel shade, thanks to which the impression is created that the ceiling is completely metallic. Bronze coating has golden overflows. Sandblasting elements on such surfaces have recently been occurring more and more. It looks attractive if the room is created in a single style.
- Ceiling height. Obviously, the ceiling height has a tremendous value, since in some cases unnecessary centimeters may not be. If the ceiling is 3 or more in the ceiling, then you can set the design of almost any type, while under the room with a low ceiling there is the possibility of using an exclusively phased system. The essence of this system is to use the minimum of space, and at the same time obtaining the maximum coating effect. It should be borne in mind that low ceilings significantly limit almost any attempts to create an original design, but at the same time it is worth remembering that in a sufficient room, mirror ceilings will create an incredible effect.
- Dimensions of mirror elements. If the room is small or has some other limitations associated with an area or space, then the dimensions of the mirror elements play a tremendous value. Within the framework of the false system, elements with the size of the parties are 30 or 40 cm. Constructions called "Armstrong" consist of squares whose dimensions can be either 29.5 cm or 59.5 cm.
- Using lighting devices. Obviously, lighting in every space plays a big role, so using certain mirror ceilings, we have significant limitations associated with mounting lamps. For example, if the owners decided to use a major suspended chandelier, the only correct solution will be the creation of a ceiling based on the Armstrong system. Polystyrene coatings are successfully combined with small luminaires and chandeliers. Of all this, you can make a logical conclusion that before buying a mirroring for a ceiling or chandelier, it is necessary to analyze the situation associated with the possibility of using the combination of these elements. In the event that the owners plan to create a mirror surface only part of the ceiling, then no restrictions may not be.
- Characteristics of material. Each material used as a ceiling coating has significant limitations associated with the specific space. For example, glass ceilings with a mirror effect are better not to use in the kitchen or in the bathroom. The fact is that under the action of moisture, the material simply will lose its presentable appearance. At the same time, as we have already spoken, stretch ceilings easily carry harsh conditions, but this refers far from all varieties of products, so it is worth studying the technical characteristics of the material before purchasing.
- Price issue. It is so it turns out that the mirror ceiling consists not only from the main material that creates all this effect, but also from the other structural elements. From this we can conclude that the cost of this kind of repair activities may be more than large. Therefore, every owner who does not want to spend too large money can pay attention to those or other design variants, as well as the types of mirror material. Savings may be more than impressive if you understand the specifics of the material, as well as consider possible vendors. Fastening, suspensions, solutions and much more should be included in the counting of the cost of repair work.
Types of mirror ceilings
Obviously, the mirror ceilings themselves cannot be used as part of the repair process, since everything is based on structures or several other mounting options. It is clear that the installation plays an important role, since all this happens on the ceiling, where the quality of work should be more than high. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the main options for fastening the mirror material:
- Based on glue. This is the easiest installation option, as it takes a minimum of time and money. But at the same time, there is no confidence in the qualitative result. In this case, we are talking about the use of tiles, which is mounted on the cleaned concrete surface. Also, plywood (preferably moisture-proof) or drywall can be used as the basis, but only if the ceiling itself has irregularities that can create a certain threat to obtain a qualitative result of repair.
- Based on dowels. This option for the installation of mirror ceilings is used if large plates are used as the main material. In the corners of the material, small holes are drilled, then the installation is mounted. In the process, rubber lining should be involved, but only if the mirror plates are small, and they must be placed tight.
- Suspended system. We are talking about a team frame, which is a rather complicated structure. The suspension system can have almost any dimensions, so it is possible to hide any basic ceiling flaw if such a need exists. In the process, special suspensions are involved, as well as the skeleton frame, where mirror materials are located.
- Adhesive layer for polystyrene plates. If we are talking about polystyrene plates, then everything is limited to the creation of a special adhesive layer, which is the basis for the decorative material. It is not necessary to ignore the information that the pre-polystyrene should be maintained in the room where the repair will be carried out. Otherwise, the material in the installation process will begin to deform, which will lead to a complete failure of the repair activities.
Creating a mirror ceiling with your own hands
System Features
In this article, we will consider the specifics of creating a mirror ceiling based on the Armstrong system. This is the most common option that is used in a wide variety of conditions.
In the process, we will need the following components:
- Mirror plates. It is solely on the elements that have dimensions of 60x60 cm or 60x120 cm.
- Profiles. These metal elements have special holes for the suspension. You can find different types of products on sale, but the wall profiles are most often used, and T-shaped - for other cases.
- Suspension. This component consists of a pair of rods that are connected between a curved spring. To date, you can find several options for the execution of this product, but their main essence does not change.
- Fastening knot. Here is meant the use of dowels for self-sufficiency. All this is carried out on the base ceiling.
- Lightning equipment. To create a decent mirror ceiling, you should not ignore the lamps, which create the most attractive atmosphere in the room.
Mirror ceiling markup process
The first stage of the work associated with the ceilings is in the laying of the surface.
- It all begins with the definition of the most optimal ceiling level. Of course, it all depends on the room and height of the base ceiling.
- At the desired level, the corresponding marks are set, which will allow the most accurate installation of all components of the ceiling construction. An equally important part of the work is an additional check with a laser level.
- The next step is to determine the locations for the installation of universal suspensions. The distance between these elements should be about 60 cm. It is necessary to take into account that the weight of the suspensions is more than large. An important task is the need for a design in such a way that the opposite walls of the panel have identical dimensions. All this can be obtained by elementary calculations. In parallel, it is necessary to apply marking, which will indicate the location of the ceiling elements.
Montage Karcasa
As part of the last stage, a small marking was carried out, which allows the installation of a frame.
- Every 60 cm on direct lines the holes are created. In these hairs you need to install suspensions. Also do not forget about the lighting devices for which additional holes are necessary.
- On the perimeter you need to install a wiping corner, step ranges from 80 to 90 cm. The technological holes that make their way straight through the metal are also created.
- The main profiles of our frame should be fixed using universal suspensions. The suspensions called the "Butterfly" are very popular, as they are adjusted to the height of the ceiling design elements.
- As for transverse guides, it must be remembered that their location should be equal to the dimensions of the mirror stoves. This is either 60 cm, or 120 cm.
Installation of lighting elements
It is important to remember that the lighting is mounted earlier than the ceiling mirror elements themselves.
For an ordinary mirror ceiling, raster lamps are used that create a pleasant atmosphere in the room, and also meet all safety standards. Therefore, they can be used not only in the usual room, but also in the bathroom, and in the kitchen.
Raster luminaires have fixed dimensions that are ideally combined with the Armstrong ceiling.
To connect lamps, a somewhat unusual terminal box is used, which does not allow wiring heating, and, accordingly, will warn from trouble if the ceiling material does not react to high temperatures.
Fastening of mirror stoves
By this time, the owners must already choose mirror elements for the ceiling. By the way, you can find quite a few options for performances for the design of Armstrong. Accordingly, you can use certain combinations to get the most attractive style of the room.
- Mirror tiles are inserted into special cells. Despite the complete matching of the size of the material and cell, it is necessary to carry out everything as carefully. Careless movements can damage the material.
- The cutting of the mirror material is performed using glass cutter. Common measuring devices are used, which will obtain the highest quality part of the material. As we have said, around the edges of the walls, cropped elements must have the same dimensions. This not only simplifies the cutting process, but also creates a good style of the room.
- It makes sense to combine the mirror material with other products. Perhaps if there are a lot of mirrors, it will have too negatively affect the overall impression of space.