Stone Shelter, properties and features of the material Building materials

In the spacious stone, the shellite has acquired many "names": shell, shell, rikushnyak, limestone, Crimea. However, its essence does not change from the variety of titles - this popular material has many advantages in the construction of material and there are almost no shortcomings.
The sewer is a natural stone of white, more often than milk color, which is based on strong armor and sinks of marine inhabitants. The solid age of the breed has more than 550 million years. The main places of its deposit are the layers of the Devonian, coal and Jurassic periods. Large mining careers are located on the Crimean Peninsula, there is also a stone on the territory of Azerbaijan, Dagestan, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine.
Types of stone
The main component of the natural shelling is lime. The form of the stone is determined by the etiology and composition of the mineral rock.
- The oolite sequent is formed by small minerals of a spherical shape, bonded, like fishing icons.
- Pisolite is a stone formed by spherical pebbles with a pea. Each "pea" has a kernel, a grain chuck or a piece of shell.
- Educated by sedimental calcite Mineral - Travertine. Lime tuff call travertine with porous design.
"Attractive" quality stones-shell
- The natural rock is considered an inert substance, since the neighborhood with other building materials is absolutely indifferent to him.
- The seven can be boldly facing the marches of porch staircases and terraces, without fear that the coating will soon deteriorate - this dense and solid has a worthy period of abrasion.
- Limestone is not afraid of fire, heat-stroke.
- Breed, unlike many other building materials, creates a positive background for human health. The shellman enriches the space around itself with iodine and salt by bactericidal properties. In the "four walls" created from the shello, the tide of energy is felt, the general immunity of the body increases, nervousness disappears.
- Thanks to air layers in the structure of the sewer, there is a low thermal conductivity indicator and excellent noise insulation.
- Stone treatment is an easy-to-see process. If you wish, you can cut the stone plates of any size. The material is even cutting with a manual saw. In addition, the surface of the sewer does not require special leveling - due to the porous structure it is leveling under pressure from the fastening mortar.
- The sewer is the only one of its kind a durable protective barrier from radiation. The level of the natural radiation background of the stone itself is 13 μg / hour. This low indicator is considered neutral.
- The breed is well absorbed by pathogenic particles.
- In the sewer's room will never settle dampness - frost-resistant material will serve about 70 cycles. The rock "breathable" the structure, which is why the excess moisture is not delayed there, and the sewer himself remains durable and unharmed for a long time.
- The price of the stone seven is acceptable for any wallet.
- No doubt is a 100% environmental level of material.
However, no matter how solid there was a list of the positive qualities of the shelling, nothing is forever, so in order to maximize the service life of the stone, at the end of the building process it is treated with a special mud and water-repellent solution. If the facade of the building "looks" to the street with a lively movement, not to do without a oil-based solution.
Disadvantages of shells
There are not many of them, and they can be adjusted.
- The stone requires a careful relationship, and its transportation is caution and certain transport rules. If it works with an eye in dark, it tends to quickly turn into a bit of stone pile.
- The shell can not boast a large bearing capacity. During the construction site of the house from several floors, the problem is solved by setting under the plates of overlapping Armosov.
- But perhaps the most essential, disadvantage of the mineral is its inhomogeneous structure. Different layers of rocks from one career differ from each other density and stone structure. Therefore, when buying a shell need, you need to be extremely attentive, selecting the party of the same in the characteristics of the mineral. Why is it so important? The inhomogeneous structure of the sewer often hides in itself a variety of end-to-end and open pores. They significantly reduce the indicators of the heat grumbling properties of the structure - no one house will be reached by such a wall. "
Stone Stone Stone for Building Building
Physico-chemical qualities, the shade of the stone is determined by the region, the specifics of the field, the geological horizon. This is relevant for all minerals of sediment nature. To understand what the strength of the wall is from this material, whether it needs in additional processing, as the stone will perceive the influence of dust and dirt, how depends on its condition from moss, acid rain and omnipresent microorganisms, you need to thoroughly study its properties.
Depending on the qualitative features, the following basic brands of the shells are distinguished: M-15, M-25, M-35. The smaller the pores, the harder stone and, accordingly, the higher the indicator of its mechanical strength, the higher its brand.
Marking limestone depends on the compression force, which the historical process of geological formation was on the stone, as well as on the specifics of its chemical composition. The strength of the sewer is due not only to its structure, but also the presence of a binding substance - in this case it is lime, in different brands of stone contains from 25 to 50% of the limestone component. Often the natural composition of the sewer "dilutes" the sand - from 5 to 40%. For the use of stone in construction, these indicators are directly attributed.
For example, if in the sewer a large percentage of sand and little lime, it will be a stratum structure, and the stone itself differs in fragility and high flowability. Minor volumes of limestone and sand elements also do not add to the crust of positive sides - such a mineral is characterized by a nosed composition with large pores, a low level of resistance to mechanical damage and invalid moisture and air permeability. Walls of this type of stone will miss the cold and dampness into the house.
- The most "successful" for the construction area is an option is a stone-rikushnyak marking M-25. It is also suitable for the construction of one-story houses, and for the construction of two-story buildings, as well as to fill the walls of multi-storey buildings with a frame-monolithic construction site.
- In the brand of the shellishment of M-35, mechanical strength and proportion is greater than that of M-25. In this regard, such material is in demand mainly in the construction of one-storey, basement, foundation.
- M-15 brand is used in the construction of walls that will not experience a significant load, it can be interior partitions. The stone of this brand can also act as a filler for the production of light concrete.
How to choose high-quality stone for construction work
It is necessary to visually evaluate each stone for the presence of open pores, and also pay attention to the severity of the limestone - an instance is suitable with a weight of at least 16 kg, as it differs in a sufficiently dense structure and a small porosity. You should not neglect careful learning the quality certificate of meterial.
The surest way to evaluate the density of the sewer - with the power to knock the stone about a solid surface. The number of pieces to which the mineral will split after impact, objectively indicate its qualities. So, no more than three broken parts indicate the dense shell of the M-25 brand. Stone M-35 brand can not be broken in this way at all. The more the density of the natural material, the less pieces and sand as a result of impact.
Application of the sewer
In the assortment of materials that are used for the facing of exterior and inland walls, as well as for the construction of the walls themselves, the sewer takes not the last place. Therefore, if you, drawing up your home or cottage, reflect on the eternal question "price-quality", risk buying the shell stone - he justifies himself at 100.
Stone treatment will not pick up a lot of time and effort, for which it especially "loves" small architecture: the shellman often finds the application in the manufacture of balaasine, eaves, columns, complex decorative cladding elements. The "shell" plates cover fences and decorative fences, lining the walls in residential buildings and saunas, decorate the door and window openings. For brick walls, the rikushnyak can serve as "fur coats" for insulation. In houses built using a seven, there are no rodents, and rooms with a high humid environment (bathroom) never attack mold fungi. Natural stone "as a native" falls on fireplaces, barbecues and stoves.
The standard block size of the shellular stone is 380/380/380 mm, its mass is about 16 kg. The walls erected from this material are mainly 40 cm thick, and the house does not necessarily inspire. The facade of the facade is not needed and frequent cosmetic files - the sewer for a long time retains its attractive appearance. Special impregnations, so-called hydrophobizers, which helps the material to resist such external "stimuli", as dust, dirt and moisture, are relevant in caring.
The use of the sewer allows you to install overlaps from any material: wood, reinforced concrete, metal. On environmental considerations, preference gives, of course, beams made of natural wood. In places with increased seismicity of the wall around the perimeter "ishing" by the monolithic masonry of reinforced concrete and overlapping is installed on top.
The shellucas stone palette displays the entire gamut of pastel soft shades. The mineral of milky gray, clean white and pink colors looks particularly effectively. In the skillful hands of the sculptor with non-standard and courageous thinking, the sewer acquires intricate forms: the semantic load of the retro room is complemented by small, as if on the ambulance hand with the stone statues, and the style of High-tech will find its mapping in massive sewer's vases.
Spring walls, grotto and cascades are constructed from the shellucas-stone stone. In the atmosphere of the residential section, the shellman easily makes a note of primaryness: moss and soil decorative cultures are perfectly taken on its porous surface. Limestone effectively stands out in the total composition of the patio and advantageously emphasize the basic elements of the garden. For example, the stone sewed in the photo became the main material for the construction of the fountain.