What is energy-saving paint paints and varnishes

Today, building stores offer their customers various materials that have both the necessary functions and useful. Among such goods, a new paint material is presented in the construction market - energy-saving paint.
The main function of such paint is to preserve the heat of the surface to which it is applied. Such paint is a new generation product. The history of such paints is mentioned back in the 70s, when it became necessary to isolate the outer surface of the spacecraft. Then the famous NASA company has developed such a material. Subsequently, the unique paint began to apply for different areas of activity. In particular, it almost completely replaced the need to warm the pipes.
What consists of
Energy saving paint includes two components:
- Powdered balls (spheres).
- Resin.
One such ball has a diameter from 10 to 200 microns. By the way, the percentage of the microspheres in the paint depends on this indicator, which directly affects its characteristic.
Not so long ago, no one knew about such a paint because it was used solely to cover the American military equipment. And only quite recently in Russia began to produce such paint for use in housing and communal spheres.
Despite the fact that the Russian market presents a wide selection of various heat-saving materials, in particular, insulation, paint is the only unique material that does not miss the cold outside the structure. It works on the principle of heat accumulation, which comes out of the room to then give it back.
Important: The heat-saving paint "works" in a duet with a warm floor, which has an infrared film structure. Thus, when a warm floor was laid in the room, heat will not penetrate into the lower rooms, and the accumulation will be returned back. If you comply with such technology, then you can increase the thermal coefficient of the room by 40 percent.
How to apply
How it will not sound strange, but the paint is applied to the surface in the same way as an ordinary paint using a roller, tassels or a special device with a sprayer. Paint with the effect of energy saving has excellent clutch performance. It easily covers any surfaces:
- wood;
- metal;
- concrete surface;
- brick;
- rubber;
- from cardboard;
- from glass.
In order to obtain the maximum expected paint effect, it is applied in several layers. Paint technology provides for a coating in three layers. If the consumer wants to save, and it is worth noting that the price of paint is quite high, then it will not receive the desired effect of conservation of heat indoors. By the way, this indicator is easily checked: if the paint is not applied in three, but in one or two layers, then the surface has not even color, and therefore, it makes no sense to talk about the direct assignment of paint.
Before applying enegoss saving paint, the surface must be carefully prepared: remove the garbage, dirt, rust and degrease. The surface temperature should be at least seven degrees and not exceeding a hundred pombetes degrees Celsius. Paint can be applied in any way. After applying the first layer, in ten minutes a thin film is formed on the surface, which dries over the day. And only after complete drying of the first layer, the following layer is applied.
Painting consumption when working with roller makes up half a square meter, a sprayer - one hundred grams less. One liter of paint allows you to cover about 2.5 square meters of the square.
Paint in action
Paint with the effect of energy saving is not destroyed under the influence of high temperature. It is able to withstand the maximum temperature to 250-260 degrees Celsius. This means that it can be successfully used both on the facades of buildings and on various communications located outdoors.
Simple example: If the paint is covered with pipes passing outdoors and ensuring hot water supply of the population, the temperature in the pipe can increase by as much as 6-7 degrees!
By the way, domestic builders are already successfully used by energy-saving paint in action. As an experiment, a microdistrict was highlighted in Kazan. In the city, according to the state program, 15 residential buildings were insulated with paint. And it is worth noting that energy savings turned out to be essential!
The principle of work paint is clearly shown in the photo:
Pluses of paintwork
In addition to the fact that the paint can significantly save costs for heat, it is an excellent protector of corrosion surfaces. Also, the paint does not allow you to penetrate inside moisture. And a few more important advantages:
- The paint has a beautiful shine, and thus increases the attractiveness of the treated surface.
- It does not cause allergies and is quite easy to operate.
What the paint looks like, you can look at the photo:
About minuses
The most significant lack of paint is its high price, great consumption. In addition, thermal insulation paint can not be used in a hermetic room, which is well heated, as it will be unbearable in the room.
About diversity
The construction market presents a fairly large number of colors from different manufacturers. Also paints are classified by types and varieties. But most of them have a single component: microspheres from ceramics or glass.
Also as part of the paint there is a special putty with the effect of insulation. By the way, in addition to the paint, you can purchase special additions based on ceramics, which can be added to the paint to enhance the heat resistant effect. This type of additive looks like an ordinary white powder consisting of small "balls" - granules. The mixture is environmentally friendly and does not contain harmful impurities. Powder melts at a temperature of more than 1600 degrees, which indicates that in a pair with paint, you can achieve higher indicators of heat conservation.
Scope of paint
The paint with the effect of heat resistant, which covers the walls of the buildings is universal. Such building paint can be mixed with different types of building mixtures that are used as a finish. And this is not the entire list of materials that preserve heat. In addition to paint, there are special wallpapers, which will save twice as much heat. If the outside the building is covered with a special layer of plaster, and on the walls are applied in three layers of paint for outdoor work, then heat-saving wallpapers will be maintained from the inside.
The principle of protecting the heat of the paints is that in the winter period, the coating of such paint will allow to maintain heat indoors, and in the summer, on the contrary - not to skip the hot air.
The paint is widely used not only as a protective coating of walls of buildings, its scope has been significantly expanded in recent years and use it:
- for roof staining;
- fences;
- karnis, balconies and loggias;
- showers and other premises that are not heated;
- pipeline pipes;
- bridges;
- reservoirs for water storage, gas and other flammable liquids.
The energy-saving paint has a residual scope due to its economic effect. The service life of the surface painted by energy-saving paint is up to ten years.