Dismantling of wooden floor with his own hands Floors

Wooden floor - The most secure sexual coating, but not eternal. Old rotting boards can harm health. When complying with the correct installation and operation technology, the wooden floor serves from 50 to 100 years, but requires repair and with a complete replacement time.
Reasons for dismantling wooden floors:
- lifetime;
- fungi, insects;
- increased humidity;
- mechanical damage, etc.
It is possible to dismantle the wooden floor with your own hands without excess costs.
Preparatory stage
When planning a dismantling of wooden floor, you must consider:
- Roar, noise.Time for holding work is better to choose on everyday days, in working hours, so as not to disturb nor native nor neighbors.
- Dust.Under the old wooden floor there is a huge amount of dust, which is very harmful and in the process of work settles around the room. It is important to protect yourself, performing work in special work clothes, mask, headdress, gloves and glasses. It is advisable to limit access to the premises of people with diseases of the respiratory tract.
- A helper will need.It will work more convenient and faster.
- Rubbish.It is worth considering pre-warehousing place in advance, deposancy options / garbage collection container to the disposal site (garbage bags, car, cargo machine, etc.). To protect other rooms, interior details from garbage.
When the preparatory stage of the organization of work is completed, you can proceed to the dismantling of the wooden floor with your own hands.
From the tools for dismantling wooden floors will be needed:
- nail-holder;
- scrap (fombus) or toporist;
- pliers.
Can come in handy:
- screwdriwer set;
- electrolovka / hacksaw to divide the long parts with a slightly short;
- little boards, plywood slices, bars;
- chisel;
- mounting foam to close the slots between the overlaps and walls after the end of the dismantling.
Procedure for performing work
- free space from furniture, decor items;
- dismantle the old plinth;
- remove ventilation grilles and decorative structures that can be on the floor;
- dismantle the upper flooring;
- fully remove the draft floor;
- maximum clean the room from the construction garbage;
- make a wet cleaning of the room, given that dust from under the old wooden floor settles even on the ceiling.
All these items are included in the dismantling price of the wooden floor by a third-party organization. If you wish, you can refuse to independently perform any stage and trust professionals. The volume and cost of work depend on the design of the floor and flooring.
How much is the dismantling of the wooden floor by professionals in your room you can find out by calling a specialist at home to estimate the cost of upcoming work. Most often this service is free.
Technology performing work
The technology of making dismantling of wooden floors is different depending on the purpose:
- It is not planned to use old materials in the future. Repair and partial replacement in cases where the coating materials came into disrepair, or glue or very large nails were used when it was installed.
- It is planned to be reused. When it is planned to replace the individual elements of the flooring or the coating will be used again in the other room.
The second option somewhat complicates the task. In the first case, when it is planned to replace all materials of the flooring or it is not possible to preserve the integrity of old plinths and genital boards, the technology is simple.
With the help of a nail and other tools, plinths and floorboards in the fields of their attachment are used as quickly as possible. Then the boards and nails are disposed of.
Video dismantling wooden floors will help to visually present the whole process:
Wooden floor dismantling technology when it is planned to reuse materials
- Number all the elements so that the order of re-laying completely coincided with the initial one.
- Remove the plinth around the perimeter of the room.
- In order to reduce the likelihood of damage to the materials in the pressure places of the nail tool under the tool, the boards or pieces of plywood are put on the tool - if the large-size nails are used during the attachment, then plywood, or small boards are replaced by the Bar of the desired thickness.
- Dismantling the plinth in order to exclude his breakage should be started from the edge, as close as possible to the point of attachment.
- The first attachment is most often found at 10-20 cm from the wall.
- At the place of attachment, the plinth is raised to a height of no more than 3 cm, and then go to the next mount.
- When the nail is impossible to pull out in the usual way, you can remove the layer of wood around the hat with the help of a chisel and pull out a nail-cutter, clinging to the nail heap with a support for a bar of the required thickness.
- If the plinth is fastened with screws, then instead of a nail-made screwdriver.
- When the plinth is attached to the wall, and not to the floor, then the technology does not change, only the place of support is the wall.
- Dismantling of boards - you should start with the board most remote from the entrance door, or with the narrow the width of the leftmost board.
- A nail-cutter from the side of the wall is raised the edge of the board and is raised to height not more than 3 cm.
- Righten the board with a hammer. Previously, not overlapping the nails, put the plywood or a thin board in place.
- It is a nail to pull the bunch behind the protruding cap, with a support on the Faneru, a board, or a bar.
- Repeat the procedure at other point of attachment.
- Pull out the board from the next, still attached boards, and remove.
- If the distance between the wall and the first board does not allow the nail to the nail, then in the wall or in the chalkboard opposite the place of the attachment, drill the grooves of the required size, taking into account that in the subsequent it can be blocked by a plinth.
- Another option If it is impossible to put the nail between the first board and the wall lies in the removal of wood around the fastening caps. Nails are removed, upliving them directly for the hats.
- The second and subsequent boards are deleted similarly (see paragraph 11).
Making repairs, it is desirable to solve all the problems of your sex, and not to hide them under a new flooring. Do not comprehend this time. Everything can be done independently without unnecessary financial costs.