How to warm the brusade house Insulation,Walls

An ancient way to build houses from a wooden bar again became popular in our days. Now such buildings perform the role of not only country houses, but also full-fledged dwellings for year-round residence. Well, in order that in the wooden house it was warm in winter, it must be insulated. How correctly insulate the brusade house, we will talk in this article.
Warming of walls at home outside
General recommendations
As a rule, wooden buildings are taken to insulate from the outside. This allows not to engage the indoor space of the premises, and also does not allow wood to go. The insulation of the brusade house outside is necessary for several reasons:
- The thermal insulation of the building protects the walls from heat loss, reduces heating costs.
- High humidity, heavy frost and other unfavorable surrounding factors are not terrible home.
- When doing thermal protection walls, you can simultaneously set siding, which will change the appearance of the house at the request of the owner.
- As already mentioned, the outer insulation does not reduce the inner space of the rooms.
When performing such works, it is important to consider several points:
- correctly select thermally insulating material, calculate its thickness and the required amount;
- accurately comply with the installation technology;
- do not forget about the creation of a hydro and vaporizolizing layer;
- it is necessary to handle the wooden walls to protect them from insects, fungi, burning and other harmful effects.
The insulation for the brusade house must comply with certain requirements:
- be qualitative and durable;
- easy to handle and install;
- safe for health, environmentally friendly;
- do not burn.
So that the insulation of the brusade house was effective, and the construction served you for many years, listen to the following recommendations:
- In no case do not use raw material. The insulation must necessarily be dry and pre-treated antiseptic. If the walls are covered with wet material, wood will begin to mold, rot, collapse. It will take fungi and microorganisms in it, and in time, the bars simply come into disrepair.
- You can warm the walls of a wooden house only after a complete shrinkage of the building. At such a shrinkage, as a rule, takes at least 1.5 years. If you take the construction earlier, as a result of seeding logs, cladding is deformed.
- Mount the heat insulating material can be only on the prepared walls. This means that all deep cracks and chips should be smeared with a putty, and the wood itself should be impregnated with antiseptics and antipirens.
How to insulate a brusade house outside: creating a mounted facade
Among the methods of thermal insulation of log buildings, the construction of a ventilated facade is considered the most popular method, the reason for this is the advantages of this method:
- the mounted facade is easy to install, it takes a relatively little time to work;
- after insulation, the wall can be bred by various decorative materials: clapboard, porcelain stoneware, siding, boards, rush profile, etc.;
- this method of insulation does not allow the walls to mold and collapse, the dew point moves for the outer wall;
- resistance to temperature differences, humidity, precipitation, as well as excellent sound insulation should also be attributed to the indisputable advantages of the hinged ventilated facade;
- a similar design is durable, its period of operation reaches 50 years;
- when insulation of the walls, you reduce energy consumption for heating.
The outer insulation of the brusade house in a similar way can be described as follows:
- So that the moisture was accumulated in the wood of the walls, the gap between the insulation layer and the decorative finishing material is made, that is why such a facade is called ventilated. To create airspace on the wall set the crate. To make it, on the surface at the beginning put marks where the bars will be attached later. The width between them should correspond to the width of the sheets of insulating material, and the thickness of the BRUSEV is selected depending on the thickness of mats.
- Setting the marks, the logs are attached to the walls using self-tapping screws. The accuracy of the fulfillment of the crates is tested by the construction level and plumb. It is especially important to ensure that all the bars are located in the same plane - this will help subsequently make a beautiful, smooth and high-quality siding.
- When the elements of the crates are fixed, the insulation sheets are paved between them. They are tightly pressed to the walls and fix the dowels.
- To ensure the necessary airspace, on top of the crate and the insulation layer nourish the wooden plank. The thickness of them should be such that the clearance turned out to be at least 5 cm.
- After laying the insulation, finishing decorative siding finish.
Warming houses sprayed materials
Instead of leafy insulation, you can use and sprayed isolation, such as eco-friendly or polyurethane foam. Equata is a cellulose substance that is produced from recycled paper, boos and boric acid. The advantages of such a material can be considered:
- environmental friendliness and hygiene;
- good resistance to moisture;
- excellent thermal insulation and sound insulation qualities;
- fire safety;
- non-toxicity;
- uselessness;
- excellent vapor permeability;
- the ability to fill even the smallest slits in the walls.
Equata has the form of the crumbly mass, compressed in briquettes. Before use, such briquettes are opened, their contents are poured and dried it.
If you want to use polyurethane foam as insulation, check out the pluses of this material:
- like eco-art, polyurethane foam fireproof;
- it is characterized by good sound and thermal insulation properties;
- it is considered an eco-friendly type of finish;
- the life of its operation is quite long, and during the whole period the material does not lose its properties;
- polyurethane foam is not subject to rotting, the mold is not formed on it, insects and microorganisms are damaged;
- easy installation is due to the fact that it does not provide for the use of special fasteners.
For insulation of walls by spraying, you will have to get a special equipment. It can be bought, but you can rent and save money. The process itself looks like this:
- Even before purchasing the material, it is necessary to calculate its required amount. For this, measurements are made of the area of \u200b\u200bthe working foundation, and the consumption of sprayed insulation is taken into account.
- Then on the wall of the log house from the outdoor side, a crate of wooden boards or metal products is mounted. Subsequently, this crate can be attached to the decorative finishing material.
- Using a special installation, between the bars of the crates are sprayed with water moistened with water or polyurethane foam. Often, when the wool is soaked, adhesive substances are added to the water, which will allow the insulation to hold on to the surface.
- Processing the walls of the house with a pneumatic sprayer, the material is left to full pouring.
- After that, the excess insulation is cut off with a knife, and siding is mounted on top of the crates.
Brusade house insulation outside, video:
Thermal insulation of the house from the inside
Is it worth insulating a wooden house from the inside
Few people are solved by mounting the insulation on the inner surface of the walls of the log structure. The insulation of the brusade house from the inside is not popular for several reasons:
- This method of thermal insulation of the building can lead to the accumulation of moisture in the walls, which is why wood will hide, mold and collapse. It is extremely unwanted to use a similar method in baths and saunas, where the air is constantly saturated with water evaporation. In winter, when wood freezes, the dew point is located between the walls and the insulation layer, as a result, condensate accumulates there, which destroys the structure. If you create a good ventilation system in the house, then such problems can be leveled.
- The second reason why the walls of log houses are rarely insulated from the inside, lies in the loss of useful area. The space of the rooms is reduced at least 3-4 cm on each side, and it is especially noticeable in small rooms.
- The insulation layer also hides the natural beauty of the log cabin, which does not like lovers of natural interiors.
However, sometimes the owners of wooden houses resort to a similar method for various reasons. Some, for example, do not want to hide the appearance of the house under the layer of insulation and siding. Someone wants to bind the inner walls by any decorative material. Regardless of the reasons, the technology of internal insulation of the premises should be in good faith, so as not to spoil the wooden bars and not shorten the life of the construction.
The better to warm the brusade house from the inside
For thermal insulation of the inner walls, only eco-friendly materials should be selected that will not be separated into the air toxic substances. For example, foam for a similar purpose is not suitable for several reasons. First, it does not possess vapor permeability and does not allow the walls to "breathe". The room is absolutely insulated, it does not have a necessary natural air exchange. Secondly, the foam during combustion highlights very poisonous substances into the air, so in the event of a fire, it is considered extremely dangerous material.
It is possible to heat the walls of mineral wool. It is environmentally friendly and does not burn, has good vapor permeability, high thermal insulation characteristics. The most significant drawback of such a heater is that small particles representing the hazard for respiratory tract are distinguished into the air. If the wool is closed by a layer of film and finishing finish, then you can not pay attention to such a minus.
Very often for the inner warming of the walls are used completely eco-friendly and safe materials: flax, jute, wool. Such insulation means are economical and effective, protect the building from cold and foreign sounds, provide good air exchange through wooden walls.
How to insulate the brusade house from the inside with their own hands
- First of all, you need to carefully examine the walls on the presence of cracks, chips, damage, the quality of cacopa. All disadvantages are eliminated, cracks are smeared with putty. Dirt and dust with logs are cleaned, after which the bars are impregnated with antiseptic compositions. If electrical wiring passes along the walls, it is also checked and, if necessary, repaired.
- After drying the antiseptic impregnation in the walls of the gaps canopate. For this purpose, the jute fiber is used, which is shoved into the gaps using the chisel.
- Before heating the brusade house, it is also important to take care of the creation of vapor barrier. So that the thermal insulating material is not impressed, it is taken from two sides to cover the layer of a steam insulating film. Because of this, the humidity in the rooms will increase, to avoid, you should arrange good ventilation in the house.
- When laying a steam insulating material, it is placed in a smooth face to the wood, so that the moisture from the logs did not impregnate the insulation.
- The next stage is the installation of the crate. Wood bars or metal blocks are stuffed along the bearing walls. The step between the boards should be equal to the width of the matte of the heat insulating coating. In the corners of the room mounted angular racks, so that the angles turned out to be smooth and beautiful. The crate is fixed on the walls using selflessness, with the help of levels check its evenness. If wood is used for the frame, it, like the walls themselves, are also impregnated with antiseptics.
- Between the details of the crates laid the sheets of the insulation, for example, mineral wool. From the roll of the material, the fragment of the desired length is cut and installed between profiles or bars. It is desirable that the width of the sheet was 1-2 cm more than the distance between the parts of the frame. Running, cotton wool fills all the space and does not require additional fastening. If the insulation itself rests on itself not very reliable, you can fix it with a dowel.
- From above on the Minvatu, another layer of vapor barrier film is stacked. Its fragments are laid out the mustache and in the fields of joints are connected by scotch. To the insulation, the vaporizolator is naked by a stapler. Remember also that the film needs to have a rough side to the inner space room.
- The final stage of work is the finishing of the walls. The easiest thing is on top of the crates to install plasterboard sheets, after which they can be painted, cover with decorative plaster or caught with wallpaper.