How to make a solution for ceramic tiles Tile,Useful advice

Each person who decided to lay a tile with her own hands should first think about how and with what to fix it on the surface. The main role of the ceramic tile is a tile coating device by fastening it on the floor or wall. It is not difficult to prepare it yourself, at home.
What materials will need
The first thing to do is to determine the composition. The solution for ceramic tiles is two types:
- cement-glue mixture made by hand. It is the universal and most reliable material;
- ready dry mixes sold in stores and markets. They are intended only for smooth, twisted surfaces from concrete, brick, wood.
The first option is the most popular. The composition of the cement-adhesive mixture does not depend on where the tile coating is glued to the floor or on the walls. For its manufacture, it is desirable to use purified, large sand and cement. The higher the cement brand, the better the quality solution is obtained, but in any case it should not be below 300. If you use the cement of the brand 300-400, then its sand ratio will be 1: 5, and if you take the cement of the brand 500-600. then 1: 6.
In order to achieve a good surface hitch with a solution, it can be diluted with its PVA glue.
Used sand, in case it is raw, be sure to dry, because Wet will not penetrate through fine sieve at sifting.
By purchasing cement it is necessary to check the release date. If the shelf life has expired or close to this, then surely he lost half of his properties. If the purchased cement does not have packaging, then its suitability can be installed as follows: you need to dial it into a hassle and squeeze, while the fresh will get out between the fingers, and the overdue will accompaniate in whom.
Cement mortar
To make cement-adhesive mortar for ceramic tiles, the technology is used as follows:
- First of all, it is necessary to sow sand. If this is not to do the various pebbles, the fragments of seashells, pieces of clay that may be in it, the solution will fall and the tile, laid on it, may later crack;
- The sacred sand is mixed with cement in the above proportion, pouring water until it does not resemble the dough. After that, the solution is ready to use.
- To ensure a good coupling, you can pour in it PVA glue - 1/2 liter of glue is taken on 10 liters of solution.
An excellent replacement of the cement-adhesive mixture is the finished dry mixture (tile glue) purchased in the store. It consists of cement, sand and a huge number of different chemical additives that give it the appropriate property assignment. From this mixture, the solution for ceramic tiles is made. The price depends, as a rule, from the manufacturer and on the quality of its components.
Dry mixture solution
Work with such mixtures requires accurate compliance with instructions. Adhesive properties of ready-made suspensions are better, moreover, they are diluted with special anti-grapple additives. But all this is true only if the solution is made correctly:
- during operation, it is necessary to protect the respiratory tract using a respirator or a gauze bandage;
- in a clear declined bucket, pour three liters of water 22-24 s;
- the dry mixture is gradually falling asleep into the water, continuously stirring. The finished volume should be about 2/3 buckets;
- carefully stir the composition so that no lumps are left. This can be done with the help of a special whisk;
- to enhance adhesion, dilute the PVA glue solution at the rate of 1/2 liters per 10 liters of composition;
- the finished solution must be given to stand for ten minutes and mix it again.
Types of ready-made dry mixes (tiled glue)
- Universal blend. Enjoys the greatest popularity, it is used to fix the tile of small size. It is usually used to finish the premises by the usual cafeter.
- Reinforced mixture. Its main purpose is the fixation of large tiles on the floor and walls. A characteristic feature of this type of mixture is to ensure a good clutch with a surface and high resistance to different types of loads.
- Mix for pools. With its help, pools and baths are separated by mosaic tiles. This mixture of moisture resistant and includes components that prevent the appearance of mold.
- Frost-resistant mix. Designed for outdoor work. With its help, the tiles are plated the grounds of buildings, stairs, terraces, etc. This mixture is resistant to multiple freezing followed by thawing.
These are the main types of ready-made dry mixtures, which make a solution for ceramic tiles. Photos can be viewed on the Internet on the websites of enterprises selling construction materials.
How to choose a ready-made dry mixture of good quality
There are several criteria for which it is necessary to rely when choosing a finished mixture:
- when buying a finished mixture, you should always check the expiration date and compliance with storage conditions. With their violation, this material may be partially completely spoiled;
- it is better not to acquire a mixture that was produced more than six months ago, because It has a property to be lifted, and may later become;
- where and by whom the mixture was released, also matters. There is a myth that says that, acquiring expensive materials people, overpay for a brand, which is depicted on the package, but this is a judgment far from truth. Manufacturers in the market have long been to resist afloat in harder competition, constantly investigate the properties and compounds of mixtures, improving their products.
- Choosing the type of this material, you should not buy the same for the walls and the floor. There will be different loads on them. It is better not to save and acquire a reinforced mixture for the walls.
With this leadership, any newcomer in the repair and construction issues will be able to independently prepare a solution for ceramic tiles. Video with more visual instructions, see below.
Tip: Despite the fact that in all mixtures the optimal composition of the ingredients is already selected, there are several additional additives that make glue even stronger. Manufacturers do not add them, as it is not cost-effective and significantly complicates the production process. Such additional substances include PVA glue (added to the diluted mixture) and cement (above grade 50).
Recommended manufacturers of finished mixtures
In the dry mixture market there are quite many different companies, but not all of them offer decent products. Among the time proven and reviews are distinguished:
- Ceresit,
- Optirok (Vetonit),
- Atlas,
- Sopro
- Bolls,
- Unice.
The most famous of all manufacturers without a doubt is Ceresit products. This brand is part of the Henkel concern, which also produces goods under the brands Thomsit, Metylan and "moment". The main facilities are located in Ukraine, but products fully comply with the requirements and technical standards. The range offers sufficiently many different compositions that differ from each other with the composition and method of operating the tile. There are frost-resistant mixes for outdoor work and various compositions for porcelain stoneware, fine tiles and other types of tiles.
The Finnish Corporation Optirok offers the domestic consumer Veterit Vegetonit. Given the harsh Finnish weather conditions, the adhesive mixtures are manufactured with an additional margin of strength, so Vetonit adhesives are suitable for work in all regions of Russia.
Polish Atlas is also high quality enough, but it is cheaper analogs. The company specializes specifically on adhesive mixtures, therefore suggests a lot of compounds intended for specific loads. This allows you to optimize the process of mounting the tile so as to maximize its service life.
Sopro is a German company that has repeatedly noted at international construction contests. Of course, the quality of its products at the highest level, in connection with this, domestic distributors will significantly overestimate the cost of goods. It makes sense to stop at the choice of this company, if a large amount of work is required and wholesale purchase is possible. Then the price will be acceptable.
From domestic companies, Bolls and Unis are worthy of attention. Both companies have their own factories in Russia. Products complies with GOST. Since there is no costs for customs and delivery, the goods of these producers are cheaper. But a small experience in this industry allows us to recommend firms exclusively for internal work on the decoration of the walls of the walls. Also, it should be added that the Moscow firm UNIS has not yet has a wide range of distributors, so only for residents of the Moscow region is available.