How to make a slagoblock do it yourself Useful advice,Building materials

Today, the slagoblock is the most building material that is gradually becoming increasingly popular. Obviously, this construction resource is far from the most ideal in terms of reliability and some other parameters, but its main advantages experts call the simplicity of production, as well as a low price.
Moreover, very often slag blocks produced by their own hands are used in small construction. Of course, on our own efforts to produce slag blocks - not such a simple task, since in the process it is necessary to analyze a large number of aspects affecting the quality of the product.
In this material we will look at all the features of the production of slag blocks. Also in the article you can find a lot of useful tips that will save or make building material more reliable and durable.
Features of using slagoblokov
As already mentioned, slag blocks are used in the construction of small buildings and other objects. Despite the considerable strength of the material, it is not able to withstand too large loads.
Also, its good sound, as well as thermal insulation, can also be attributed to the positive sides of the slag block. Thus, this material is the best suitable for creating a country house.
Experts argue that with the help of one cement bag, you can get more than 35 blocks. Accordingly, we can significantly save if it was previously planned to build an object based on classic brick.
Preparation for the production of slag blocks
Despite the overall simplicity of the process of producing slag blocks, it is better not to do this events near the house or in the country area, but, for example, in the garage or some industrial plot. In the process of producing building material, we will have a lot of waste, which will need to get rid of.
In order to start producing high-quality slag blocks, we need:
- Sand. It is important to notice that in this case it is best to use the sand of a large fraction. Thus, we will significantly improve product quality, even if other ingredients are far from the most ideal.
- Cement. As already mentioned, we will need only one standard cement bag for the production of 35 blocks. Experts advise the use of high-quality cement, ranging from M400 brand.
- Slag. Obviously, without slag we can not do here. In this case, you will need to use a domain slag.
- We also need equipment for vibratory pressing. Some building stores can detect special equipment that is used directly for the production of slag blocks. A classic vibration table is suitable. Much more important to take care of the forms that will be used to produce high-quality slag blocks.
Filling and shapes for slag blocks
First of all, you need to know that in production it is most important - this is the quality of the finished product. Accordingly, it is necessary to use high-quality components that do not have serious flaws. If they are available, the blocks may have peculiar chips or curvature. The block shape must be perfect.
If the material has a curvature, you will need to use additional resources for alignment.
To create forms, it is best to use the boards. It is necessary to be a peculiar tray, which will become the basis for future blocks. The form must have a specific height, as well as the handles that will be used to transfer the building material. Also, the form should have cones that serve to create holes in slag blocks. To do this, you can use wood cones or large screws, depending on the dimensions of the future building material.
Often, for the release of slag blocks, the most elementary form is used, and conventional beer bottles can be used to create holes in the material. The main thing is that their diameter correspond to the size of the slag blocks.
The production process of slagoblokov
First you need to fill the form necessary ingredients. Most often the composition of the slag blocks is as follows: 7 parts of slag material, 2 parts of large sand, 2 parts of gravel, 1.5 parts of the high brand cement, as well as up to 3 parts of water. Often, various additives are also used in construction. Much depends on the scale of construction, as well as the specifics of the project.
It is very important to follow the ratio of ingredients to get exactly the quality that will allow the use of slag blocks in construction.
After filling the form you need to position it on vibration equipment. Next is activated by Debalance (or vibrator), after which the ingredients will begin to settle a little. After that, it is necessary to supplement the shape of cement, water, slag and other components. Such an event should be carried out several times so that after the production of the slagoblock had smooth sides.
Next occurs the main process of vibrating the mixture, which occurs no more than 20-30 seconds.
Now the form is removed from the vibration equipment, drying happens. Unfortunately, this process passes very long. In some cases, it is necessary to wait until 7-8 days.
However, this is not all. Next, the future slag block should type strength through simple stirring. Accordingly, the unit must be indoors with a stable temperature within a month.
Very often, various plasticizers are added to the mixture, with which the process of the durability is much faster.
As you know, after the production of slag blocks, it is necessary to wait a lot of time before using a building resource in specific tasks. Thus, we will need a large number of forms to release enough building material.
Despite all these inconvenience, it is still worth paying attention to the quality of the material. Only after you are sure that the material has sufficient strength, it can be used in construction. In case of insufficient strength, the blocks may simply fall asleep under a serious load.