How to install dothor on the door Useful advice

If the width of the door frame is smaller than the wall thickness, then it is customary to install good boards, which are also called dogs for doors. They can be mounted both in new and already existing doorways. These elements play both aesthetic and practical role. For example, with their help cover uneven slopes. In addition, goodholds strengthen the door, thereby preventing pumping.
Basic moments
The panels allow you to hide the space of the jambs when the wall and the door box do not coincide. For the external decoration, the doors usually use platbands, it is impossible to install them from the inside. It is for such places and a decorative elements are used that today you can pick up one tone with the door frame.
Dobly planks can be made with their own hands from a smooth board. For too thick and wet walls, it is recommended to use waterproof BS Fane, which is usually covered with a special self-adhesive decorative film. On this material there are no cracks and separation when processing edges. At the same time, it is quite racks to moisture. Nevertheless, it is usually easier to mount goodness from MDF, which can be easily available today on sale. In them, a longitudinal protrusion is used as a lock (spool).
If you need to install good boards on the inside of the door box, then for this purpose you should use intended for this recess. In some cases, the planks need to be mounted not on a new one, but on the already installed door. In this case, it is recommended to use the filter or padlocks to interior doors. It is important that the assembly of the door itself was very high quality. In any case, when installing in the room, humidity and temperature should be normal. In wet premises, these works are better not to conduct.
There are some non-standard situations. For example, the door jamb may have bias and the deviation of the upper plank from the horizontal is more than 5% of its length. In this case, it is recommended to completely remake the design, and not install doors with good. The existing door box skew speaks about the presence of constructive defects. Them in any case need to be corrected. Otherwise, such decorative panels may be overcome after some time and undesirable slits will appear on them.
The material for good, as mentioned above, usually serves MDF, due to which these elements have many useful operational properties:
- So, they are distinguished by resistance to moisture, mechanical load, and also serve as heat and sound insulation.
- It is also worth noting that they are easily installed and externally attractive.
- In addition, there is no need to finish the shoal stamps.
Decorative panels can be both horizontal and vertical. In addition, they differ by the installation method. Best platbands for doors Mount until the box is installed. It is recommended to measure the walls in advance so that you can choose the elements suitable in size. It is important to take into account that the walls have different thickness. Remember it even before installing the sorry for interroom doors. The dimensions here play an important role. That is why the stage of removal of measurements can not be underestimated. If you do everything right, then all the verge of contact will be smooth.
Methods for installing sobs of interroom doors
A good assembly is assembled from three parts and in the assembly is similar to the letter P. Ways to install these structural elements are mainly different according to the method of their attachment.
In particular, they can be fixed:
- to the wall in the area of \u200b\u200bthe doorway;
- directly on the opening;
- on the mounting bar, which is located between the good boards and vertical planes of the opening.
Dobors usually do not experience heavy loads. Therefore, in some cases, to fix in their special recess, liquid nails are allowed. However, it is most often used to mount the doors of doors. Galvanized screws are used. If dotors are attached from the front side, the hats of self-tapping screws must be hidden so that they do not spoil the appearance. This can be made with special plugs or mastic.
One of the undoubted meritors is the speed of their installation in place. In addition, when installing, the need for wet finishing works, which can be harmful to wood. It is also worth noting that changing the challenges with due conditions of their operation are quite rare. On how to establish a good to the interroom door will be talked below.
Installing Sobor Top Interior Doors DIY
Preparatory stage
First you need to make sure you have the necessary tools:
- In particular, it will require a manual milling and hand-made saw.
- You can do something like a circular. To do this, you will need more clamp with a soft trim, which the saw can be pressed to the stool.
- In order to put good-door on the door, most likely you will need 4-5 strong stuff.
- We will need 6 plates of 30 × 30 mm in size.
- For foam foam, you will need several wedges that can be made from the same rail. Not superfluous will be 5-6 gypsum bands.
When all of the above purchased, you can proceed to work:
- First, the base plane is chosen in the doorway. After that, it should be noted on the floor. This can be done with chalk or pencil.
- Before starting the installation of good, you need to check with the help of the level vertical of the walls. An insignificant deviation is considered to be 4 mm and less. In this case, irregularities can be smoothed with plaster. If the deviation is greater, then when sawing boards by the desired size, you will need to additionally cut them into the wedge to compensate for the detected defects.
How to install dothor on the door
In order to calculate the dimensions of the upper strip (usually it is combined with the top bar - proloce), you need to add the thickness of the speeds twice to the length of the pitch twice. Although, you can put it between them. In this case, the length of the ceiling voltage will be the same as the width of the box. To the value of the height of the right and left element standing vertically, you need to add the thickness of the upper strip.
Phased order of installation work:
- The process of installing the goodholds itself begins with measurements in accordance with the scheme. The board is cut into the desired cuts.
- Next to the assembled door box attach a good plank. Then the box is installed in the doorway. If the boards were fixed to him in advance, then the box is put together with them.
- Now, between the wall and extended by means of good, the base of the door you need to install mounting wedges and align the design in the opening by changing their position.
- Before filling the slots by mounting foam, it is necessary to place space on the swivels and the box bar.
- After installing the good boards, you need to apply plaster, but if there are cracks, then before it should be filled with mounting foam. As a result of frozen and expansion of foam, a pressure is created, which, in particular, affects the door jamb. In order for it from this pressure, it has been overlooked, there are a number of recommendations. In particular, the wedges cannot be removed until the foam finally freezes.
- The process of foaming the foam cracks must pass portion, that is, gradually in 3-4 receptions. Moreover, before applying the next layer, you need to make sure that the previous time managed to frozen well. The hardening process is recommended to monitor and, if necessary, make the necessary adjustments.
- When installing the good, spacers are usually used, which fixes the chalks. However, make sure that they do not deform the door jamb, in particular, did not shift from the place of good.
- It is important that after filling from the outer edge of the foam to the slope there was a small space. If the layer began to perform outside, then filling the mixture should be stopped.
- It will remain sealed gaps between the design and floor. In addition, at the end of the work it will be necessary to install platbands.
The described method of expanding the door block is allowed not only on interroom, but also at the inlet doors. In the latter case there are some differences. For example, a good width will be required. To solve this problem, several planks are connected to each other by means of special adapters or slotted adhesions.
In some cases, the stand with the door hinges is located in close proximity to the deaf wall. The door box can expand in two directions. If there are no restrictions for "opening-closing" of the door web, then the box is usually set flush with an outer plane of the opening. At the same time, the chalks are opposite to this area. If you do everything correctly, the good things should not interfere with the door.
Most methods of installation of these structural elements do not require some special skills from a person, and the owner itself decides, as it is more convenient and more beautiful. Nevertheless, without a careful and neat approach, it is not here.
Subtleties of installation of sobers on metal doors
There are no grooves for platbands on such doors. Of course, they can be installed on their own, but due to the poor compound of metal and plastic it will be done quite difficult. For metal structures, you need to make an additional insert from drywall. To do this, the door frame must first be put on a flat surface. Inserts are fastened with each other, then with the doorway.
Fake offes from the outside, you must temporarily glue the walls of the door box. At the same time, every 310 mm from the vertical side should be fixed with self-draws. Then the horizontal bar must be appointed from above. It is similarly screwed by screws. The result is the so-called extended door frame, which is installed in the opening. When the design gets into place, the voids between it and the wall must be filled with the mounting foam. At the same time, the box itself must be fastened with wedges.
In the repair of secondary housing, the owners often face such a problem as the irregularities of the walls and oblique slopes. Unfortunately, such difficulties are found in the apartments of new homes. In these cases, the decorative expansion usually takes less time and money than full repair. In addition, the door itself after such finishing works looks much better.
The same can be said about the extension of the doorway. If such types of finishes like plaster, sticking wallpaper, painting and putty, over time, can begin to lose their appearance, in particular, crack, then the correctly mounted dobors have no such flaws. In addition, they have many other advantages. For example, they allow you to make the door more luxurious and massive. To do this, you will need to find the panel of one tone with the box. It should visually merge with the rest of the design. The interior room after such a finish will be more saturated, the apartment will acquire an individual "highlight", which is simply impossible not to notice.
To make a beautiful and chic interior, for example, in an ampir style, platbands on the doors, rearranged by means, need to be changed on relief profiles from plastic or gypsum. They have several functional applications. For example, serve as an excellent noise and thermal insulator. If you choose the lining correctly, it will make the house much more beautiful and more comfortable.
Good for doors: photo
Installation of doors with a good: video
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Who would have thought that the installation of goodholds would be such a difficult matter for at least for me. I installed for a long time, and in the end spoiled the good yourself. I decided not to suffer anymore and ordered the company, the master came, it is clear that the master is a professional. Dobra set literally for 2 hours and it turned out so beautifully that I still admire.