White roses in landscape design Plot.

The bush roses will decorate the landscape, give the shadow in a hot day and share with you with your aroma. A variety of coloring, shapes and fragrance of flowers give the garden unique charm.
The great set of varieties allows landing roses with separate bushes, groups and decorate them arches, facades and arbors. With successful placement and proper care, bush roses grow quickly and in the future do not require constant attention.
Features of bush roses
- The diverse shape of flowers is from vintage roses to tea-hybrid terry.
- Long-term lush flowering - from the end of May before the onset of autumn cold. One flower comes to replace the other and the bush constantly pleases with its beauty.
- Scheb roses have a pleasant strong fragrance.
- The bush roses have a variety of color - from gently cream to a saturated lilac. Some varieties are striped flowers and have a different shade.
- Many varieties of bush roses grow very quickly - during the summer period, the plant can reach one and a half meters. Due to the height of about 2 m and spreading branches, bush roses look especially elegant.
- Sustainability to frost and unpretentiousness allows you to grow shrabs even inexperienced gardeners.
Varieties of bush roses
It is believed that bush roses are divided into three types:
- wild;
- old garden roses;
- shrub.
In fact, there is no such strict classification, and very often the bush roses are called parks and rank with plenty, soil-covers and tea-hybrid.
The bush roses are also called shrub and belong to the scramble group.
Schraba are distinguished by bright colors of diverse shape, abundant long blossom, aroma, unpretentious, resistance to frost. Due to the spectacular type of bush, the scars are widely used in landscaping.
Before buying spray roses, make a plan for landscaping the site and based on the plan, select the most suitable variety.
If the place allows, you can land shraba with groups of 3-5 bushes. Growing plants will give the impression of a huge flowering ball. Separate bushes are beautifully combined with low-grade varieties that close the lower part of the bush that does not have leaves and colors.
English roses
Roses, created by the English Selictioner David Ostin, have an affectionate name - Oksna and wide popularity among gardeners.
Roses can be cropped and forming a low shrub, if you need a high wave a bush - cut it only slightly. If desired, the bushes are seated so that they closed the wall or covered the fence.
The colors of English bush roses have a pionic shape and differ in variety of coloring. ABRAHAM DARBY and Graham Thomas varieties are very popular.
For single landings, Burghausen rose is well suited. The height of the bush reaches two meters.
Canadian Roses
For roses of this group, high frost resistance is characteristic. Withstand minus temperatures up to 40 ° with good shelter.
Roses from the Explorer Roses (Jens Munk, David Thompson) have high bushes, and Roses of Parkland Roses Series (Morden Vlush, Winnipeg Parks0 are lower. Different height of plants allows you to combine it profitable.
Morden Centennial is one of the most beautiful Canadian roses. Raspberry terry flowers in diameter have 7-10 cm and are up to 50 petals. Flowers grow in one or brushes at 5-7 pieces.
Soil roses
Soil roses have long shoots. Such roses are able to create a flowering carpet on a large plot, and also apply to the decoration of the arches and arbors. They have small flowers with weak terrain. Due to abundant continuous blossom, are popular when laying up landscapes.
ELMSHORN bush rose begins to bloom the raspberry and pink brushes. In the brushes can be up to 40 flowers. It moves well weather conditions.
Hansaland and Robusta have bright red flowers that are happy with their blooming all summer. Hansaland has semi-world flowers, and Robusta throws inflorescences. These varieties are suitable for creating a living hedge. Spank bushes with green cuttings. As it grows, the bushes grow into width, it should be considered when landing.
The Mozart and Lupo bushes are distinguished by semi-world colors. The flowering is so heavy that the flowers are practically hiding the foliage of the bush. Small red fruits come to replace the colors, which look very beautiful.
Rules landing roses
- Choose a suitable landing area. Roses love solar place protected from winds. The most appropriate soils are weakly acidic or lighted, gumus rich. It is important that the soil waters are not close to the surface of the soil.
- Prepare the soil - clean it from garbage and weeds. Break the soil, make compost, peat, fertilizer and mix well.
- The pit should dig a depth of 20-30 cm below the root system of the plant. In the width, the distance between the roots and the edges of the pit is provided for 15-20 cm.
- Lower the roots into the prepared pit. The root system should be 10 cm below the ground surface. Sweep the soil with layers, each layer spill the water to shrink.
- If you sit down several plants - observe the distance between the bushes. For tea-hybrid roses, the distance is 25-30 cm, for polyanth and miniature - 15-20 cm, for the plenty - from 50 to 100 cm.
- In the first days after the landing, regularly water the bush. Do not give the soil to stop, but do not forget that excessive moisture will lead to the root reinforcement.
- For the winter, the branches of the bushes are thrown into the ground and hide.
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hello! And what varieties of roses in pictures in the last two pictures with wooden fences?