Beacons for plaster. Application of beacons for plaster Construction

Modern requirements for the decoration of apartments do not allow for the presence of curves of angles and dilated walls. Not everyone has a desire to hide the ceiling plates with suspended ceilings. Ceilings and walls are equalized by plaster solutions.
What do you need plaster beacons
Especially thorough preparation of the surface requires monophonic wallpaper and decorative plaster. The uneven wall is unevenly illuminated and the impression is created that there are dark spots. Therefore, it is unacceptable to apply decorative plaster on the surface having defects.
The use of plaster beacons facilitates work. It is enough to install them correctly, then using the rule to align the surface with a plastering mixture. Lighthouses serve a kind of guide on which the rule is leading for moving the plaster layer.
Do not attempt to align the surface "visually", without lighthouses. Such a term came up with unfair masters. By doing work yourself, you will spend too much time, and you will notice the remaining bumps and depressions only after finishing and installation of lighting.
By concluding an apartment for repairs, say this item. Agreeing on the alignment of walls without lighthouses, you deprive yourself with the opportunity to make a claim to the quality of work. A reliable master will not work, without installing beacons under the plaster. Unfair can refer to a large consumption of the solution when plastering walls in lighthouses. As a result, you will save funds on five bags of the mixture and the beacons themselves and pay for poor quality. Prove that the work is done badly you can not - you agreed that the Master will be plastering "on the eyes." And this means that you do not have any criteria for assessing the quality of work. "Eye" - he is all different.
Only twisted on beacons allows you to get smooth over the entire plane surface.
What are the beacons for aligning the surface
There are enough special plaster beacons for alignment of walls. They have the name "Light profile", but if you ask the seller's "beacon", you will be understood. Profiles produced aluminum or galvanized. Galvanized coating protects the beacon from rust, so their use is more practical. If you leave such a beacon in the plaster, there will be less concerns that with time the rust will appear on it.
Perforation contributes to the best fastening of the beacon.
Beacons differ in size. Height is 6-10 mm, width 20-22mm, length 2, 7-3 m. The larger the beacon, the more the plaster mixture is needed.
It makes no sense to buy a 3-meter profile if the height of the walls is not more than 2.7 m. Long beacons are more difficult to carry without damaging. When transporting, lay the packaging horizontally, the brought profile cannot be used to work.
How to install plaster beacons
Lights are installed in two ways.
- On a gypsum solution.
- With special fasteners for beacons.
Both ways have their advantages and disadvantages.
Regardless of the fastening method, the surface is cleared of contamination and is ground. After that, it is necessary to determine the most protruding point and make marking.
Using a plumb define the most protruding point. If you can bring down this borger - try to get rid of it. The greater the protrusion towers above the main surface, the thicker will need a plaster layer for alignment.
Installation of beacons with the mounting "Eashastik"
- Lighthouses installed on attachments are more difficult to extract. You will need a perforator. The installation requires more time.
- For mounting fasteners, the vertical markup is made, the holes are drilled every 30 cm,
- Dowels are inserted and screws twisted. Hats of self-tapping screws align in level, then insert special fasteners and the beacon is fixed on it.
- Ease of use of fastening for beacons is that lighthouses can be adjusted - if you can reduce the layer of plaster over the protruding point - the hats of the screws are deepened.
- When using plaster mixture, you can adjust the mounted beacons only before setting the solution.
- Check the solution and apply slaps to the surface.
- Put the beacon into the plaster mixture and align it by level using the rule. Remove surplus plaster with a beacon rib.
- First, 2 beaches are installed at a distance of 10-15 cm from the corners. Then the twine is stretched between them and the intermediate lighthouses are attached at a distance of 1-1, 5 m. The distance Beeee 2 m will require more physical efforts. Do not complicate your work - the installation of beacons does not require much time.
- Check that the lighthouse is installed correctly, laser or usual. A more reliable way is to check vertically with a plumb. Level readings may have errors. The plumb is obeying the laws of physics and never deceive you.
- In addition, you can check the installation of the lighthouse vertically correctly, but it may be that it is sold, in this case, the plaster will go waves.
- Do not proceed to the beginning of work, until the solution is finally grabbed. Otherwise, the beacon will move on your vertical and the smooth wall will not work.
- Building gypsum quickly collapsing and allows you to quickly consolidate beacons. But it is more difficult to work with pure plaster - you need to install a beacon within 4 minutes. It is difficult to do this, so use a gypsum plaster that will allow you to safely work.
- It is not recommended to install beacons for cement mortar - it is lied for a long time.
The device of plaster beacons
If there is no possibility to buy special beacons of milking, you can use another way to install beacons.
The installation of plaster beacons allows to reduce the cost of plastering. The principle of the device of plaster beacons Next:
- In the wall at a distance of 10 cm from the floor and the ceiling holes for plastic dowels are drilled.
- Next twist the screws and stretch the thread. The thread should be from the protruding point at a distance of at least 1 cm and are located strictly vertically.
- The thread is thrown into the solution, the surplus is removed by the rule, applying it to the hats of the screws.
- It is possible to plaster in such lighthouses after the final drying - usually on the second day.
The device of plaster beacons for plaster takes a lot of time. In the process of operation, the plastering solution can be laid on the beacons, the perfectly smooth surface is difficult to get.
How to remove the beacon?
After turning the lighthouses should be removed. Walls over time change moisture, the house gives shrinkage. Lights rust. This will especially manifest on the painted walls. Rusty stains on the wallpaper will not decorate your walls. Due to the shrinkage of the house on the walls there may be cracks.
In order to pull the beacon, you will need a curly spatula and pliers. Find the beacon, make it up with his spatula corner, then hook the pliers and remove it. From fresh plaster beaches to extract easier. Wash the lighthouse to pliers. Do not pull a lot - can turn a lot of plaster.
On the video are given advice, how easier to remove the beacon.
After removing beacons, leak down the plaster plaster; Cement moisture and close the remaining recesses.