Metlach Paul Tiles: Characteristics, Advantages, Application Tile

The Metlah tile is famous for the fact that at first glance amazing with its beauty, and over time - its flawless functionality and durability. The history of the tile creation has been more than 100 years old, and so far it is one of the most sought-after facing materials. In this article we will talk about why Metlah tiles can safely compete with modern building materials and how to put it properly.
Manufacturing technology
Metlach tiles are used as finishing material in private homes and public places. The tile manufacturing technology was invented in the previous eyelid in Europe. According to its operational qualities, the tile is close to a solid porcelain stoneware, but unlike it it can boast a variety of forms, patterns and colors. That is why from the Metlah tiles are the rarest beauty of the floors, which remain unchanged for decades.
Interestingly: the tile received its name in honor of the city of Metlah (Germany). In the middle of a century, there were large-scale production of ceramic products. Over time, this German tile has become almost synonymous with the Victorian English architecture style. In France today there is one of the few classical industries that have survived to this day.
The main component of the Metlah tile is a special high-strength clay. It is covered with a thick layer of glaze and burn in the furnace at temperatures above 1200c. As a result, clay and glaze are sintered so tight that the tile acquires incredible durability and wear resistance. Thanks to these qualities, as well as resistance to chemicals, tile can be used not only in residential premises, but even in production and on the street.
A wide variety of forms and colors allows the use of Metlah tiles to create original flooring and decorative cladding not only walls, but even furniture. The peak of the popularity of the material fell on the industrial era, when she became the personification of the Victorian architectural style. During the rule of the Queen of the English Victoria, Metlah tiles decorated not only by private ownership, but all the palaces, production, parks and other public places.
Today, despite the technical progress, practically no innovation was brought into technology for the production of Metlah tiles, with the exception of the expansion of the color palette and an increase in the diversity of drawings. In other words, the tile has become only better and richer, retaining all its advantages and practically having lost the shortcomings.
Moreover, the masters devoted to their work try to restore the former recipes of natural dyes and create tile samples identical to the fact that they were used during the Queen Victoria. That is why Metlach tiles are often used to restore old buildings.
Features of use
As mentioned above, the Metlah tile on its operational characteristics is largely reminiscent of porcelain. However, the model range in this case is much wider and more diverse and in form, and in coloring. The sizes of the tile may vary from 3.5 cm to 15 cm, and in shape it happens a classic square, rectangular, triangular, six, and even octagonal.
The various sizes of the Metlah tiles allow you to lay out unique patterns and turn the floor into the artwork of art.
Distinctive characteristics of Metlah tiles:
- This is the hardest ceramic tile from all known today. Even if it drops the iron or wardrobe on it, neither scratches, nor whip.
- The acid-resistant Metlah tile is immunity to the effects of even the most aggressive chemicals used at home.
- Resistant to temperature drops.
- Water-repellent.
- Withstands a constant severe load (you can put on the floor in the garage).
- Durable - and it is not only about the structure of the tile, but also about color.
Metlah tile can be used almost everywhere - in cafes, airports, on the street, in the parking lots, in garages, playgrounds, in the interior, etc.
If you plan to equip the terrace in a country house, it is better for an outdoor coating than the Metlah tiles you cannot find. Of course, a garden parquet could be sought with her, but its cost is much higher, and the service life is less.
Types of Metlah Tile: how to choose
Depending on the structure of ceramics, the Metlach tiles can be thin or coarse. If fine ceramics were used, then the surface of the break surface will be smooth and homogeneous. If it used to produce coarse ceramics, you can see coarse-grained splashes on the break.
If earlier the Metlah tiles were made exclusively by the method of firing, then recently it began to be made by pressing. The composition of such tiles includes clay, lighted into the smallest powder, strengthening and coloring additives, water is not more than 6% of the total mass. The clay mixture is pressed under high pressure, and then cut the cloth on the tiles of the desired size and forms. The extruded Metlah tile is distinguished by high density, low porosity and is used mainly to cladding floors.
The tile, made in the old-fashioned casting method, has one disadvantage - during production it turns out a lot of discarded elements, so this process is too resource-intensive and unreasonably costly.
Today, the extruded tile is extremely popular because the technology allows you to create a product not only a certain form, but also the necessary thickness up to a millimeter. For cladding floors, the thickness of the Metlah tiles must be maximum.
Tile quality
Before buying Metlah tiles, it is important to learn how to determine its quality. It is done quite simply - it is only necessary to carefully inspect the product. It should be smooth, smooth, without cracks and chips, do not contain extraneous enclosures, the surface should be perfectly smooth.
To test the flatness of the surface, you need to fold the tiles with a stack. If you need a tile with an anti-slip effect, pour water on it and check the smoothness. The price of the Metlah tiles directly depends on the quality, thickness and applied pattern.
Tile strength
It is known that the floor tile has higher demands than wall, facade or decorative. It should be resistant to abrasion, keep shape and color as long as possible. The wear-resistance coefficient is measured on the Moos scale, and depending on the strength of the products the digit is assigned. What it is higher, the stronger the tile.
Classification of Metlah Tile for wear:
- Grade 1 is a thin tile that is suitable for flooring in the kitchen or bathroom. On such a surface, it is better to walk barefoot or in slippers.
- Grade 2 - can be used in the buildings of medium passability, hallway, kindergarten or hospital. Not suitable for outdoor use.
- Grade 3 - High Strength Allows you to use this tile in public institutions, laying out the porch or steps to the house.
- 4th grade is the most durable tile that can be used in buildings with high patency, for example, in theaters, metro, restaurants. This tile is ideal for building a terrace on a country area or floor facing in the garage.
Color selection
When choosing a color palette of the Metlah tiles, several factors should be taken into account - indoor lighting, a form of a future pattern, dominating color in the interior, permissible combinations of colors.
So, in small rooms the optimal option will use a light tile. Optionally white, it can be a celestial blue or color of the egg shell, light pink or yellowish. As a result, the space will visually increase, and be in such a room will be easily and pleasant.
The peculiarity of the visual perception of a person is such that if you look at the tiles located at right angles, they will always seem different shade. Therefore, you should not even try to achieve the same color over the entire surface of the floor, even if you used the tile from one batch.
If several colors are used in the room lighting, it will also be reflected in the tile color perception. So, with yellowish lighting, blue glaze will seem with a green tint.
When you picked up the color of the tile, we decided on the pattern, the surface area should be calculated, which will be lined up and purchased a tile with a margin (15% more).
Tile design
Metlah tile has a unique texture and can serve as not only a durable flooring, but also become a real interior decoration. Moreover, with its help you can create a pronounced zoning, if we are talking about small rooms of hotel type or studio.
Laying on floor
If you decide to buy Metlah tiles, burned in the furnace, then do not be surprised if its size will be different. Therefore, it is much more difficult to work with such material than with an even and equal extruded tile.
How to lay outdoor Metlah tiles:
- Prepare the base or draft floor. It should be carefully aligned. Ideally, it is recommended to make a cement screed to remove all cracks and irregularities, as well as increase the strength of the floor itself. If we are talking about a room with high patency or a strong load, for example, about the garage, then the tie is better to strengthen the reinforcing grid.
- Measure the base before laying, paying particular attention to the bending of the room, doorways and places under batteries. Find the accurate center of the floor, mark it with chalk and forth the axial guides in 4 directions.
- Make a preliminary layout of the tile, putting a row by vertical and diagonal of the future coating. Lay out the tiles so far without glue with a small gap (up to 2-3 mm). Adjust the location of the items so that they are asymmetrical as possible to each other.
- The adhesive composition should be applied using a toothed trunk with teeth with a length of 3-6 mm (depending on the thickness of the glue layer). If you are placing the Metlah tile for the floor on the terrace or porch, purchase frost-resistant glue. It is also recommended to make the minimum slope area away from the house to provide a quick and natural flow of water.
- If you are going to lay out the patterned carpet from the Metlah tile, first you should fix the largest elements, and then move to filling the area with smaller items. Consider the fact that different format tiles (with a different number of angles) may differ in thickness, so it is necessary to constantly control the flattering of the surface, hacking some elements slightly deeper, and vice versa.
- Depending on the selected pattern, the size of the intercutric seam may vary from 0 to 7 mm. Usually, the width of the seam is determined at the pre-layout stage of the outdoor image fragment.
- When the tile is laid, it is necessary to wait for a complete hardening of the glue, after which you can begin to grout seams. To do this, it is better to purchase a rapid composition of neutral colors (white, beige or grayish) to not distract attention from the drawing itself. Distribute the grout evenly throughout the depth of the seam with the help of a rubber spatula.
Useful advice: If you are placing the Metlah tiles on the kitchen floor, it is better to purchase a grout, immune to fungus, mold and dampness. The same goes for work in the bathroom or basement.
Tile care
The most remarkable, that, thanks to its impeccable qualities, the Metlah tile (photo) practically does not need to care. Its water absorption is only 0.3%, it means that the material can be used in rooms with elevated moisture levels. But, like any floor covering, the Metlach tiles over time becomes dusty and dirty. To purify such sex it is recommended to use special chemical compositions.
The first "general cleaning" should be carried out immediately after drying the cloud. Use special means to remove cement, concrete, rust and other side-construction "garbage to clean the tile.
Usually such funds can be used on any acid-resistant surfaces - stones, clinker brick, ceramic and Metlah tiles. The exception is marble and the remaining rocks of lime origin, as they have high porosity and can absorb chemicals.
If we clean the tile after laying by ordinary household means for washing dishes or floors, then a thin cement flare will remain on the surface. It is possible to remove it only with more potent chemicals.
To maintain floors in cleanliness and beauty, just once a few days to make wet cleaning with a small addition of detergent on a soap-based basis.
According to tradition, we offer to see the interesting video material about laying Metlah tiles to create an original and durable flooring: