Installation of solar panels Climate

The development of modern technologies made it possible to obtain alternative electricity by using natural resources. Solar panels convert the energy of the solar source into the power supply resource. The complex of such a device is separate photovoltaic parts, which, when connected, give the desired power. Panels for the preparation of solar energy differ from each other by the type of material from which they are made. At the moment there are five varieties of these batteries that we will tell in this article.
Varieties of structures
- The greatest distribution today received batteries made on the basis of photoelectric polycrystalline elements. The demand for this type of alternative energy resources is explained by the most optimal ratio of the cost of the product and the amount of energy obtained with its help. This kind of variety can be determined by the blue color and the crystal structure of the forming parts, and the installation of the solar battery in the country will not be a homeowner of special work.
- The following species are panels formed by single-crystal photoelectric details. They are superior in their effectiveness the previous polycrystalline type, however, the installation of solar cells at a price is significantly higher. You can distinguish this type of panels by polygonal form of filling parts. It should also be noted that it is quite difficult to fulfill the battery area with such polygons, therefore, as a result of the structure, individual elements have a greater specific power than the battery.
- Solar panels made on the basis of amphoric silicon have a relatively low performance efficiency. But they use in definite demand due to the fact that they produce the cheapest energy.
- Products from Cadmium Telluride also have a minor power. The basis of the manufacture of panels is based on film technology. Semiconductors in the amount of several hundred micrometers are applied to the surface with a thin layer. With relatively low efficiency indicators, such batteries differ in sufficient power.
- Another type of solar panels are products based on CIGS semiconductor. The batteries of this variety are also made according to film technology, but they are more effective than the panel of the previous type.
Advantages and disadvantages
You can highlight the following positive aspects of the installation of solar panels for the home:
- Quite a long service period. In this case, the performance indicators do not deteriorate.
- These technology rarely fail and, accordingly, practically do not require service.
- Equipment for home or apartments such an alternative source of electricity will provide an opportunity to significantly save gas and electricity costs.
- Solar panels are characterized by simplicity.
As deficiencies, solar panels should be allocated:
- high cost of the product;
- batteries are inferior in efficiency to traditional energy sources;
- also, to synchronize the energy obtained from batteries and traditional energy, it will be necessary to install additional equipment, which will entail costs;
- panels for solar energy cannot be applied to those devices that need greater power.
Principle of operation
To determine the choice of panels to obtain solar energy, you should familiarize yourself with several nuances of their actions:
- First of all, it should be understood that the amount of energy that batteries produce cannot directly depend on the efficiency of the product. All types of solar plants are capable of given the same power. The difference is that for devices that have greater efficiency, it will take less space.
- So, for example, 8 m 2 Monocrystalline silicon panels will give 1 kilowatt energy. To obtain a similar result, when applying a battery from amphoric silicon, it will be necessary 20 m 2 Products.
- In addition to the area of \u200b\u200bthe battery, the final result of the energy generation is also affected by the intensity of solar radiation.
Installation of solar panels
Panels are mounted on a special design. Thanks to it, the photo cell system is able to withstand the atmospheric effects, such as strong wind gusts, and the necessary angle of inclination is ensured. This design is divided into several types:
- The first view is inclined. It is designed for installation on any type of roof skate.
- The second is the horizontal design, which is mounted on flat roofs.
- The third type is presented by a free standing model. Installing solar panels on the roof of this species can also be made on the roof of any type.
The process of installing solar battery is as follows:
- For fixing the framework frame, metal coolers with a size of 50x50 mm are required, as well as coolers for spacer stroke 25x25 mm thick. Due to these parts, the design obtains the necessary strength, stability and the required angle of inclination.
- A frame with a bolt with a diameter of 6 and 8 mm is assembled.
- Under the roof coating, the design is suspended by sprinkled with a size of 12 mm.
- In the coal, you should drill holes in which you need to secure the panel with screws.
- In the process, it is necessary to ensure that there are no skews in the frame. Otherwise, glass can burst due to overvoltage.
- The installation of the solar battery on the balcony is carried out according to a similar principle, except that such a design is suspended on the inclined frame. It should be fixed between the end and bearing wall, on the sunny side of the building.
Recommendations for the process
In order to obtain the maximum efficiency of the panels in the process of operation, some recommendations should be followed:
- As a rule, batteries for obtaining alternative energy are installed on roofs or walls of buildings. In some cases, special supports are applied for installation design.
- In all cases there should be no dimming. The batteries should be placed so that they do not get a shadow from trees, neighboring houses, etc.
- It should also be considered that the installation of panels is carried out by rows, so you need to take care that the upper rows do not darken the bottom.
- The danger of shadow falling on the product is that it will cause partial or complete cessation of energy generation. In addition, there is a possibility of formation of "feedback" currents, which in turn provokes a device malfunction.
- For the efficiency of the battery, the correct orientation relative to the Sun has a special meaning. It is necessary in order for the surface of the battery to receive the maximum stream of sunlight. It is necessary to calculate the necessary orientation based on the geographical location of the building. For example, if the installation is carried out on the northern side, the panels must be mounted in the south direction.
- Also during the installation process, it is necessary to take into account the angle of inclination of the product. It should be determined, also focusing on the geographic location. The angle should be equal to the latitude of the building. Since the sun, depending on the season, changes its height above the horizon, it is necessary to provide for the adjustment of the angle of installation of solar panels. As a rule, the correction accounts for about 12 °.
- Mounting products should be so that access to them. These designs do not require special care, but from time to time they must be cleaned of contamination and snow. As you accumulate, the rain divorces, dust and residues of snow are able to reduce the installation efficiency.
The energy generated by the battery cannot be used directly in any instruments. To get the voltage, install the inverter between the panel and the consumption network. There are three solar connection options:
- The first option of the solar installation scheme involves an offline connection. This method is the most suitable in those places where there is no centralized power supply system. The autonomous system form rechargeable batteries with high power. The principle of their action is to accumulate energy during the daytime and sunny weather. After that, flows are sent to the network when there is a period of insufficient lighting.
- The second way is the backup connection. This option is used where there is a centralized network of energy supply. A backup connection, as a rule, performs the role of an additional source of energy and is applied in cases where the main sources due to any circumstances fail. Also, this system can be used to stabilize the electric current passing over the network, in the event of a decrease in its characteristics.
- The third option is to connect to the network and involves the production of excessive energy of the Sun and the subsequent entry into the network for sale.
Batteries that allow electricity with solar energy accumulation are quite a convenient alternative to save traditional resources. Installation of solar panels with your own hands is sought for each homeowner, it is only worth considering some rules and features of the workflow. But making a decision on the installation of such equipment, it should be understood that these batteries also have disadvantages. This is a significant cost, low efficiency in the cold season and a small efficiency relatively with traditional sources.
Installation of solar panels in video is shown below: