Floors creak what to do Floors

Wooden floors, whether it is a parquet or board, with time begin to creak. There may be several reasons for one, one thing is clear: the creak is annoying and it must be eliminated. We will try to figure out why the floors creak and with ways to get rid of this problem.
Why crept floors in the apartment
The reasons for this phenomenon are as follows:
- Violations of sawn drying technology. Over time, the residual moisture evaporates, and wood changes its shape. As a result, cracks and cracks appear. During the operation of the flooring rubs each other, creak arises.
- Excessive distances between festivals lags. The load on the floorboards makes the boards fuse, and they result in each other.
- When the floor is used, thin boards were used (the thickness of which is less than 40 mm), which are not able to withstand the load per capita.
- The wear of the parquet of parquet can cause drying parquetin and the destruction of glue. Subsequently, parquetin compound becomes less durable.
- When laying a shield parquet and leaf flooring, no compensation gap along the walls was not left. Expanding with an increase in air humidity, the wood material is breached and crept.
- Nails, which are nailed by the floorboards, do not hold them in place due to wood drying.
- Wear or swelling of the flooring from dampness.
- There is no layer of heat and noise insulation between lags. Mineral wool slabs are capable of significantly reduce noise.
What if the parquet floor creaks
Parquet floor repair methods There are two. The first suggests a complete smoothing of parquetin in compliance with all the rules. But this method will require large physical or material costs (if you invite specialists). The second method is easier and is performed as follows:
- Initially, parquet is examined, and the marker is scheduled where the creak appears when walking. Most often, such places are visible: the parquet is lifted, and when walking on such sites, creak arises.
- Parquetins in several places are drilled through a drill running on low revs.
- A screws of at least 6 mm with a diameter of at least 6 mm are screwed into the holes. Screwing must be stopped immediately after reaching a concrete base: it is impossible to allow the floor to raise even stronger. This is how additional backups are created, which will reduce or completely eliminate the creak.
- Hats of selflessness do not cut off: after a few days they will need to twist a little. After that, the self-tapping screw is cut off with the surface of parquetin, and then masked with a putty, selected in color.
A small embroidering may disappear after the cyclove and filling with a spacion mass, mixed with small sawdust. Varnish will additionally secure the surface. As a result, parquets will lie tightly to each other.
Another way to eliminate the vicious parquet involves the use of cement or plastering mixture. Phased process can be described as follows:
- In parquet, which "sends" when walking, drills through a hole with a diameter of 6 - 8 mm.
- We prepare a liquid cement solution or plastering mixture. Their consistency should be such that the composition can be gained and squeeze through a medical syringe.
- In the hole pour the solution, allowing you to go out. Fill it is necessary until all empties under parquetina are filled.
- It is necessary to fully freeze the solution before continuing the floor operation.
- The hole needs to be masked with a putty on the tree of suitable color.
Important: Before drilling and filling out with a solution of emptiness under the following elements of the parquet, it is necessary to make sure that the effectiveness of this method of repair, vapor the first strip. It is possible that you will have to fully transfer parquet.
If the wooden floor of the board creaks
This is usually suitable in country houses. If the wooden floor creaks, what to do? First of all, you should stock up the necessary set of tools. For work it will be necessary:
- drill or screwdriver with a drill function;
- electrolovik;
- hammer;
- self-tapping screw;
- wood sawdust;
- nail-breeder.
It is necessary to establish the cause due to which the creak is distributed. Often helps the replacement of nails on the self-tapping screw. The latter are screwed next to the holes left after the extraction of nails.
The number of self-samples may be more than the number of nails. If the floors crude in the apartment and after the work done, it means there are other reasons. Consider how to eliminate defects.
- Lags are located at a great distance from each other. The optimal distance is in the range of 0.4 - 0.6 m, despite the fact that the thickness of the boards is at least 40 mm. In order to eliminate the creaking of the flooring, it is necessary to put additional lags between the main lags. We will have to dismantle all the floorboards, and after the installation of Lag - return them to the place, replacing nails with self-draws.
- For floorboards used thin boards. Such a defect can be fixed with a filling of sheet material in several layers. Moisture-resistant chipboard, plywood, OSB is used. Between the adjacent sheets, as well as along the wall, it is necessary to observe the distance of 5 mm (compensation clearance). The joints of the top and bottom row sheets should not coincide.
- The slots between the floorboards may occur when the "sweep" of poorly prepared boards. To eliminate them, it is recommended to fall asleep talc or graphite powder. Effectively use wooden wedges: they are clogged into the slit, and then eliminate the clearance with a putty mixed with wood sawdust.
- The boards are spoiled by dampness, and the floor will creak. How to eliminate such a defect? It should be found out the reason for the occurrence of dampness. Probably violated waterproofing technology. The boards must be dismantled and laying over the lag of the rubberoid sheets with a little nasha on the wall. After this board (if they were not subjected to rotting), it is possible to put in place by processing the antiseptic.
- All montage rules are made, but the floors will creak. What to do in this case? Perhaps lags and boards are made of different wood rocks and moisture absorb in different ways. You should pave tissue between lags and boards. Such a "damper" will help either reduce the creak, or to completely eliminate it.
- You can eliminate the creak of one floorboard using a mounting foam: it is squeezed into the through hole drilled in the place where the board "walks" is the strongest. It is important not to step on the floor to complete foam drying.
- Thick boards can be brought together with self-draws screwed at an angle at the site of the docking of the flooring. If in the connection site under the boards is lag - instead of self-tapping screws, you can use nails.
How to eliminate the creaking of the floor in the old house
Previously, such a scheme of the floor device was often used: slag (in the form of a filler), on which (at a distance of about 1.5 m) were installed on top of the wooden overlap of thick boards. On top of the columns - rubberoid or only two layers, then - lag and boards of the first floor.
Anchors of the board of the first floor to pull it out. It is impossible: not enough of the length of anchors. To get rid of the screens, we do as follows.
- We purchase a large format plywood sheets with a thickness of at least 15 mm in the required quantity.
- On top of the floor, fill the polyurethane foam substrate: it will not allow plywood to knock on the boards while walking.
- Section of the floor subjected to the highest load, we drag a large sheet of plywood.
- Fresh Phaneur to the fines of the finishing floor with a large number of self-tapping screws, at a distance of 100-150 mm apart. At the same time, one longitudinal row of self-tapping screws is screwed into the place of deflection of the board base, and in a convex place - two rows of self-sides located on both sides of the ridge. In the same way, plywood is attached along the walls of the room.
- Self-tapping screws should be deepened in a plywood sheet so that their caps do not interfere with laying a laminate or other flooring.
In the case of further cladding of the floor with ceramic tiles, GVL is used - a gypsumless sheet. This material is placed in two layers using special glue. Elastic glue is applied and distributed to the toothed spatula, after which the laid sheet of GWL is attracted by self-draws. For the second row of GVL, longer self-tapping screws should be used.
This method is cheaper than the full replacement of the adhesive floor, in addition, it eliminates the need to dismantle the light of interior partitions mounted on the boards.
What if the floors of the chipboard creak
Such a phenomenon is manifested in the case of laying sheet material without gaps between sheets and along the walls. Clauses should be expanded, neatly acting by a disk saw. At the same time, it is necessary to make sure that the saws and screws will not be on the path of the saw.
Another cause of the violep of floors from the chipboard may be the insufficient thickness of the material. You should lay another row of chipboard or phanel plates. It is important that the distance between the lags exceeds 600 mm. Otherwise, the floor will have to be disassembled (fully or partially) and lay additional lags.
Locally repair floors from chipboard can be performed as follows.
- We determine the plot on which the floor begins the strongest and we remove the flooring.
- Electrolovka or disk saw cut the square with the sides of 0.5 - 0.6 m.
- Under the DSP tightly start the bar in such a way that its edges remain in the site liberated from the sheet.
- We establish a fragment of the chipboard in place and fasten with self-drawers.
- Seam in the place of the cut fill with putty.
- We put the floor covering.
In conclusion, we suggest familiarizing yourself with the educational video.