Work with a technical hairdryer. How to remove old paint Instruments

Technical, or construction hairdryer occupies far from last in a set of home master tools. With the help of a hair dryer, you can easily remove the old paint, dry the surfaces, defrost water in the pipeline, to give plastic parts the desired form. An indispensable hairdryer when laying the runneroid - a hairdryer, you can cut rubberoid, warm up, or melted it. The hairdryer is used when installing shrink isolation, linoleum welding, with tin or silver soldering.
With a great desire, you can make a technical hairdryer with your own hands, but the problem may arise at the first stage - from which to make a reliable and safe case. With a sufficient choice of hair dryers, it is better to buy a finished hairdryer.
Work technical hairdryer
When working with a technical hairdryer, be careful. Hair dryer heats air from 300 to 600 degrees. Protective gloves will save your hands. When softening paint hot air, toxic substances are distinguished. Jump the respirator with a coal filter.
Use the technical hairdryer correctly, then it will last you for a long time.
- Do not overheat the hairdryer during operation, every 10-15 minutes arrange a break in operation.
- The closer to the surface being processed, you hold the hair dryer, the more it overheats.
- Do not turn on the hair dryer immediately to the maximum mode of operation.
- Before turning off the hair dryer, switch it to the minimum heating to cool.
- Hands of hair dryer are heated very much, so do not cover the hairdryer on the surface that do not want to spoil.
- Do not change the nozzle until she cooled - you can get a strong burn.
- When removing paint from the window frame, disconnect the strokes and remove the glass. Glass can easily crack when the air jet hit it.
- Be careful when cleaning old paint from the floor. Rassed paint particles may fail between the flooring and cause a fire.
Repair hairdryer do it yourself
All electrical tools have a property break. With minor malfunctions, a hairdryer can be repaired with your own hands. The main work features of the hair dryer are the heating spiral, a fan, an electric motor.
- Try to find the cause of the fault. Perhaps broke the power cord, or burned the wires, burned the spiral.
- Arm yourself with scolding, soldering iron, find the diagram of the hair dryer, which is in the instructions for working with a hairdryer.
- Prepare the surface on which you will disassemble the tool.
- Remember what sequence disassemble the hairdryer. It is very good to use the camera to take a picture of all stages of disassembly. This will help not break her head over where to attach extra details left after the assembly.
- Start by checking forks, electric shuffle, contacts. Replace the cord, buttons or solder wires is easy with certain skills.
- If the engine broke, or the fan is better attributed to the workshop.
Nozzle for technical hair dryer
For convenience, there are special nozzles for a technical hair dryer. Nozzles are made of steel and withstand high temperatures.
Also in the sale during the sale includes devices that will help remove the paint from hard-to-reach places.
There are nozzles for welding, soldering and thermal shrinking pipes. For the soldering thin pipes, the reflective nozzle is suitable.
To warm up and bend the plastic tube use reflex nozzles.
To remove old paint from the surface, a wide flat nozzle is suitable. Protective and reducing nozzles are used to remove paint from the window - they help to direct the air stream to the right place and protect the glass from overheating.
How to remove old paint
For the removal of old varnishes and paints there are many chemicals. The composition is applied to the surface being processed, after the paint softens, remove it with a spatula. The disadvantages of such a method include caustic smell of chemical composition, the inability to qualitatively remove the paint from large areas. The old paint with difficulty can be influenced by even advertised chemicals to remove paint.
It can be cleaned with a surface with a grinding machine or a grinder with special nozzles.
Delete the old paint with the help of a construction dryer is more practical and convenient compared to other methods of cleaning surfaces.
For work you will need
- technical hairdryer
- extension
- nozzle for a hair dryer
- spatula and special devices for paint scraper
- brush
- protective Tools - Gloves, Respirator
Do not hold the hair dryer too close to the surface. From a distance of 5-10 cm Warm small areas. When the paint starts bubble, it needs to be removed by a slurry blade. Plugging blade, unlike a spatula, is more hard, it is more convenient to remove the peeling paint. You can take a narrow spatula.
Do not heated immediately a large surface. For convenience, take the extension cord. From wooden surfaces, paint is removed easier than with metal or twisted and painted. Cheat the room more often.
Keep hair dryer, do not close the air intake holes - it can quickly overheat. When removing paint from the window, the frame is better to remove - it is so convenient to work, and it is easier to get to hard-to-reach places on the window block.
In the right hand, hold the hair dryer, directing the air flow into the right place. When the paint starts to swear and bubble, with his left hand with a spatula, immediately remove the softened paint.
Brush remove small frozen pieces of paint.