Install metal pillars yourself Construction,Building materials

Over the past recent years there has been a tendency, the essence of which is the personnel of the territory of the territory. It is safe to say that such events without unnecessary concerns can be carried out personally, as it is hardly possible to allow some serious mistake. Moreover, the owners who create fences are confident in their high quality. Often hired workers who often belong to major firms may not only carry out work poorly, but also to allow various errors. Due to these same mistakes, the fence may begin to deform, or to become unsuitable for further operation. Ultimately, double costs will be easily avoided.
People who believe that it is almost impossible to carry out the creation of a fence, just not focusing in this matter. Therefore, before carrying out such events, it costs soberly to assess the situation, and, most importantly, thoroughly study the technology of creating a fence. Again, the technology itself is quite simple, but care is required and the ability to analyze the situation.
In addition, unambiguously will not be superfluous assistants, since the process of erection of the fence, despite the relative simplicity, is laborious, and the more workers' hands there are, the rather the process will end.
In this article, we separately analyze the issue associated with the installation of metal pillars, which are the basis of most fences around private territories. We will also consider the specifics of the preparation process for the creation of a fence, and, accordingly, the installation of pillars.
Features of the use of metal columns
As you know, today there is a tremendous amount of materials that can be used in construction work, and in other activities related to repair and similar processes.
If we are talking about major fences created on the basis of brick or stone, then with this situation, the metal poles are meaningless. The specificity of the question is in general style in which metal pipes simply do not fit. If a stone fence is created, then on a similar basis and the support components of the fence should be created.
It is worth saying that metal poles are more reliable, and, most importantly, cheaper to create a fence. To install the fence, one of the existing metal profiles will be required, which will create all the conditions necessary for the durable existence. If we talk about the fences yourself, the pillars are best suited, then it is worth noting that it is often fences from corrugated or any other metal components. Accordingly, the metal poles are a kind of component of the fence frame, and the material that represents the enclosing component can be almost any. The most important thing is the possibility of high-quality consolidation of this material. For example, if you return to the most professional flooring, then this material is the best suitable for creating a metal fence. Metal supports are not only well combined with the whole design, but also provide full reliability and durability of the design. In fact, materials that are good options enclosing part of the fence, a lot, enough to go to the construction store or supermarket, and already there to make a conscious choice. It should be borne in mind that when using metal columns and general fence dimensions must be appropriate. It is worth considering a step between the columns themselves, as well as the overall height of the fence. We will talk about this in more detail later in this material.
I would like to say a few words about the outer component of the fence created on the basis of metal pillars. Of course, such a fencing is unlikely to fit into the exquisite medieval style of the site, however, for many owners, creating a plot based on metal columns, and, for example, a profile, the appearance of the fence is modern. He really fits well in modern territories, which are based on various plastic and metal building materials.
If you speak directly about the best combinations of materials, it makes sense to pay attention to the ready-made options for sites, photos and other materials a lot in the worldwide network. Based on this information, you can implement the overall style of the site, including the fence. It is possible to say with full responsibility that with such a situation you can get a decent stylistic territory, as well as save money, since it is often people paying great money to designers conducted by the whole process from the very beginning.
Specificity of creating enclosing design
- Before talking about choosing a pillars to create a fence, you need to pay attention to the marking of the territory. This is an extremely important stage, since, after analyzing the site, some conclusions can be made, and it may be possible to change the overall logic of the fence.
- We are talking about the very places where metal poles will be located. They must be located on the ground where there are no obstacles and other difficulties. For example, a detailed plan for the position of the fence was created, however, when creating this very plan, it was not taken into account that the fence is on the path of large stone, which cannot be shifted with his own hands. There may be a huge amount of such situations. On a particular site there may be some other object that creates serious difficulties.
- After a careful analysis of the plot was carried out, it is necessary to pay attention to the very seats for the location of metal columns. With the help of ropes and pegs, you can create a visual marking. It is important to remember that the step between the metal pillars should be the same. For example, you can take a distance of 2500 mm as the basis. However, this is not always the most optimal value, since in the process it may turn out that the fence is too large, so step is appropriate to reduce. This question is regarded individually, so it is extremely difficult to give a general assessment.
- On the basis of the markup would be clear what is the number of pillars is necessary to create a complete collection. It should be remembered about the size of the section. Not expect the very dimensions of the fence, which consists of all walling. It must be borne in mind that one size may depend on another, so the situation should be approached comprehensively.
- Regarding the choice of the pillars themselves, then, as we have said, there are profiles that belong to different national standards. It remains only to find a supplier of products and buy all the necessary volume of material. It may not prevent a few posts in reserve, which will use the materials in the case of unforeseen situations. column diameter may be about 50 mm. However, this is only an average value, which is enough for most of the activities related to the fences. If you plan to create a large fence, it is possible that the post thicker is better to choose. Often poles deep into the hole created by the workers to such a value, there is no problem in operation is certainly not to be. Post profile itself can be either square or round. It's not so important project, whose fate would veil the profile features.
concreting pillars
- Installation of metal fence posts through concrete is a versatile manner, which applies equally for many years often. In addition, concrete is accepted not only metal poles, but many other designs. The essence of this method lies in the fact that the hole is dug sufficiently deep (approximately 0.5 m). For this process, it is advisable to use a special drill, the effectiveness of which is greatly enhanced if the soil is moistened. It is worth noting that if the fence is massive, it makes sense to increase the bit depth -. 20-30 cm With regard to the deepening of the column, the recess should be enough for 1/3 of metal products.
- Unfortunately, sometimes there are situations when the soil on which it is necessary to install metal poles, is a problem. In this situation the bottom of the well must be partially fill ballast layer which is approximately 20 cm. Often, the need to provide such a layer occurs, if it is a high water table. In such circumstances, the ground will have a little different condition, not the best way affects the constructions.
- The space that remains after the creation of the rubble layer, and may also be some other components, it is necessary to concrete. It is extremely important to pay attention to the fact, then the metal pillar must be placed perfectly, because otherwise difficulties may occur when creating a enclosing structure. Simply put, the fence will be in no better. It is worth understanding that the pillars must correspond to some one level, and at least it should concern two neighboring units of the material that were concerned in the ground. In this case, it is normal to place the enclosing material (which can be, as we have said, professional flooring) will be extremely difficult.
Scoring carrier pillars
Often the hosts make a decision to use scoring metal poles, and this process is often simpler and practical compared to the previous option. By itself, the metal structure of the pillar is a trim of the pipe, one end of which is brewed. The guide structure is in the pipe, so it becomes possible to accurately strike and deepen the metal structure into the ground.
For clogging, it is often used by the construction called "grandmother", which has impressive weight, and often for the process requires several working hands.
Installation of screw piles
Screw piles can also be called metal columns, but the method of their installation is somewhat different from what was discussed in past descriptions.
It is important to keep in mind that the use of screw piles is a cheap and practical way that is used in a wide variety of conditions. Screw piles, as you know, have a screw component, with which the metal element is deepened into the ground. As for the deepening itself, this process is often carried out manually using special devices. Often, 2 people are required for the process. In addition, you can pay attention to special technique, with which you can screw the piles extremely quickly and efficiently.
Other details
If we talk about the most optimal option among metal columns for the fence, it is worth understanding that for different conditions it can be certain pillars and mounting methods.
First of all, the hosts pay attention to the external component of the future fence, as well as its reliability. In the event that you need to create a truly reliable support structure, then it may be the most reasonable option to use screw piles that are immersed on a greater depth, and at the same time guarantee high stability of the design. The very first option associated with the concreting pillars from the metal profile is simple and optimal if it is planned to create a small metal fence.
By and large, too serious differences between these types of metal columns do not exist, therefore experts advise you to choose the way that you can easily spend within a particular area using two or three workers.