Installing window fittings with your own hands Window

The windows are a mandatory design that is available in each structure and a residential building. Installation of window fittings does not represent much difficulty even for beginner masters and this process can be performed on its own. To do this, you need to familiarize yourself with the peculiarities of the technological process, which are presented in this article.
Features of window structures
Today the construction market offers accessories for window frames from wooden and plastic material. To make a weighted choice, consider the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.
Advantages and disadvantages of wooden windows
Among the advantages of operating windows with wooden frames, the following can be noted:
- Wood is an environmentally friendly material. In addition, it has good thermal insulation and sound insulation, as well as a micheology property.
- Due to the processing with special protective compositions, windows made of wood acquire fireproof properties.
- Also modern wooden structures are distinguished by durability due to the processing of special impregnations.
As deficiencies, such factors can be distinguished:
- high value of material;
- his instability to the defeat of microorganisms, rotting;
- gigroscopicity.
Positive and negative sides of plastic window structures
The installation of window accessories on the windows of plastic material should be taking into account such features of the structures:
- Products have good thermal insulation characteristics, as a result of which the financial costs for housing heating will noticeably reduce.
- These designs also possess sufficient tightness. It will prevent the penetration of noise from the street to the room.
- Modern polymer material from which windows are running, throughout their service will allow to avoid domestic worries associated with the care of the design. For example, a homeowner will not have the need to perform painting frames to improve their appearance; He does not have to warm the windows before the winter period is to avoid the penetration of the cold in the housing.
- Designs have a long service life. At the same time throughout the service, they will not lose their functional qualities and aesthetic appeal.
- The cost of windows from plastic material is lower than their wooden analogs.
Despite such a number of advantages, disadvantages of plastic windows are also not deprived. In particular, it is possible to distinguish such factors:
- insufficient ability to pass air, as a result of which moisture accumulation occurs;
- in the case of mechanical damage, plastic material is not subject to recovery;
- another disadvantage of plastic is the large coefficient of its expansion. That is, with a significant increase in temperature, the window will expand, and with a decrease in temperature indicators - shrink. As a result, the probability of cracks appear.
Window accessories varies according to several criteria. Depending on the material of the profile, the classification is carried out in the binding, which can be made of various raw materials. In addition, accessories are divided according to its purpose for a certain form of the window. According to this parameter, distinguish:
- rectangular fittings;
- trapezoidal type;
- arched shape elements.
The design of the accessories consists of the following details:
- The basis of the mechanism that is designed to install the handle. By turning the knob, the remaining design details are obtained. The installation position of the handle can be medium or the installation can occur at a certain height from the bottom of the window.
- Corner transmissions, the function of which is to transmit the movement. The basis of this element is 4 units of plates that are not connected to each other, but their work is performed jointly. These plates are placed in a special clip, which has a curved at an angle of the form. The parameters of the plates are selected taking into account the creation of a uniform load, which will contribute to the durability of the construction of the structure.
- Scissors whose task is to secure a sash staying in the open state. In its composition, the scissors have the details, the installation of which is made on the frame, as well as sash. When the window is closed, these parts include one to another due to the presence of a constipation of constipation. At that moment, when the window remains in the open form, and the scissors are disconnected, frame and ended parts are connected by means of a special traction.
- The upper loop serves to mount the folded components on the surface of the frame. These elements are connected to a scissor fragment of the frame and interact with it with an open window.
- The lower loop contributes to the fastening of the sash in the field of the lower section. It is also a support for the open window when tilting and turning.
- The folding plate for the constipation, which is mounted in the corner of the lower section of the window. It is opposite to the loop, located at the bottom of the frame. The task of this plate is to create a support for the window when it stays in the tilt position. This part is mounted on the frame and functions simultaneously with the folding constipation.
Elements for locking
Installation of window fittings today can perform any homeowner, since such parts are presented in a wide range. The prevailing majority are the outdoor devices. Their mounting to the window is performed using screws. Here it is necessary to pay special attention to such moments:
- Screws must come to window frames. For wooden windows, special fastenings of the tree will be required, and a self-made screws will be needed for a metal frame. It is also important to pay attention to the length of the screws. The larger the length of the product, the more firmly the device will be performed.
- In addition to the elements of the outdoor installation, products are used, for the installation of which you need a hole for a born or groove for the locking bar. The process of installing a handle or a bolt for locking, having two threaded lobs that need to score into the holes drilled in window sash, takes a longer time. But this option is characterized by more durable safety terms.
- If we are talking about the frame, the height of which exceeds 1 meter, for more security reasons, it is recommended to apply certain approach to installation. It is better to install two details in this case that will be locked, as well as apply two latches.
- If the mounting plate has holes, an option for replacing a regular pin to the stopper, which will be shocking on the lock. This will provide an opportunity to fix the sash when opening in any position and thus perform ventilation.
- On tree sash, latches can be installed on the surface of the frame, as well as their insertion. When installing overhead latches, fasteners, locking strips are performed on a frame staying in a fixed state, and the latch is attached to the sash that opens. To set the items that locked the key, you will need a drilled hole or recess, cuttered with the help of the chisel.
- For fixing the latches, the locking of which will be produced on the lock, you will need holes on the frame and sash. In addition, on the surface of the frame, an opening will additionally need a hole that will perform the function of the well for the key.
- For windows that rise and descend vertically, some types of latchs for the windows of the folded look are suitable. Also possible is an option for installing a tie bolt that can simultaneously fix both sash.
Features of the mounting process
The replacement of window accessories is performed on a pre-welded sash with brazed holes. During the work, you should focus on the manufacturer's instruction. At the first stage of work on the frame, retaliatory planks should be installed, as well as frame fragments of the lower and upper loops.
Installation on the sash must be performed in such a sequence:
- Initially, the mechanisms for angular gear should be installed.
- Then the main drive is fixed in the open position. It should be selected by articles according to the sifting size. The drive is divided into variable and constant type.
- Depending on which type is used, the apparent rail is cut on one side or from two. At the same time there are holes for fasteners. When chopping should be taken into account that the design elements should be able to move throughout the contour.
- At the next step, set scissors.
- Next are mounted with deposits and frame fragments of loops. The sash should be mounted on the frame and check how much the window works. If there is a need, accessories should be adjusted.
- If the rotation of the handle with the open position causes difficulty, this suggests that an error was made when cutting parts. To eliminate malfunctions, it is necessary to dismantle the problem elements and install them again.
- In the process of configuration, the design is undesirable for intermediate gears, but they are not always possible to avoid.
- The minimum number of parts conjugation nodes provides a more reliable operation of the mechanism.
Additional fittings
To date, there is a wide variety of additional details, the use of which is largely expanding the functional abilities of windows. In particular, such details include a comb, which ensures such functions:
- The installation of this element of the fittings will give the opportunity to open the rotary sash to the required value and fully adjust this process.
- The use of a comb is quite effective for ventilation, since the result is achieved quite easily, and the technology itself is easier than applications.
- If there is a comb, the window is easily fixed in the right position and air flows into the premises formed to the room.
- Due to the presence of the sash limiter, the full opening does not occur. The mechanism of the limiter is mounted in such a way that it is absolutely not visible and besides this is resistant to various mechanical effects.
Another additional element to the accessories are the handles of different design and color scheme. Such a wide selection of parts will allow you to choose the optimal option according to the interior of the room. Also possible installation of the handle with the lock. It performs the same functions as the usual handle, but has such a difference as the ability to close on the key, regardless of the position of the sash. This will provide additional safety.
How to replace the window accessories with your own hands can be seen on the video clip: