Warming windows with your own hands Window

Over time, after installing windows, the material dries out, which is why cracks and gaps appear in the frames, as well as between glass and strokes. Such problems are mainly becoming noticeable in the cold season, when the air through all sorts of windows is in the apartment. Although in some cases these gaps play the role of ventilation, which takes superior heat. However, if this is not required, then you need to warm the windows. For this there are many ways.


Warming windows for winter with paper stripes (newspaper)

This is a very old and time-tested "Dedovsky" method. Previously, old newspapers were used for this purpose, which were sealed with large window gaps. In some cases, the paper was first twisted in the tube, after which they were wetted in water and then neatly pushed into the gap. All joints of the window sash with the carrier frame, as well as the joints of the glass with the frame were sampled by conventional paper strips, which caused a solution from the diluted household soap. According to such technology, wooden windows were insulation.


  1. In the spring when trying to tear off the paper, paint peeling along with it.
  2. Sometimes parts of paper remain on the frame, which are difficult to launder without damaging the coating.


Warming windows with wool and cloth strips

In this case, the method of insulation of old windows of cotton (mainly technical) is pushed into the resulting gaps, then they are sealed on top with laid tissue stripes. As a heat insulator, air is used here, and, more precisely, its bubbles that are in the cotton. Instead of the fabric strips, modern tapes are often used to insulate windows designed for their clamp.


  1. Wool easily pulls out of the gaps.
  2. Fabric strips will not harm the paint and do not leave on the frame of the traces.
  3. A fairly cheap way.

Insulation foam rubber and scotch


The foam rubber can be used to effectively insulate the windows in which large slots are available. This will ensure closing tightness. Wat in these cases will no longer help. For insulation, according to this method, you first need to glue the foam rubber on the perimeter. Then the paper tape is pasted on top on the frame. Today there is a special foam on the adhesive side. Such insulation can serve until six years, after which it will begin to collapse.

Sealing paraffin slots

Paraffin can close only small gaps in the frame. For this, the material must first melt, then, taking into the syringe, fill it with the slots. With large slots, it is allowed to use the rope for the linen, which is pushed into them. After that, poured with paraffin. This method can be used both to warm the windows outside and from the inside.

Swedish insulation technology

This technology insulation technology was named after EUROSTRIP material, which was once invented in Sweden. Another name of the method is "Sliding Seal Technology". In fact, it is more than a simple warming for the winter. Most of all this method is suitable for the definition of "partial reconstruction of windows".


  1. Long service life - 15-20 years.
  2. The windows can be opened even in the winter season.

Before insulation, the window should be rinsed well and dried. Small slits in the frames or between the window glass and the strokes are closed with a sealant. It is important that it is applied at a room temperature from +5 to +40 degrees.

Before putting a cartridge with a sealant in a special pistol, you first need to cut down the nozzard on it. This tool will allow you to apply even in hard-to-reach places. If the sealant accidentally hit the frame, then it can be removed using a cloth moistened in gasoline. If he got on the glass, then it is easier to remove the knife. To insulate the beefing, a special insulation with a tubular profile is used. The structure of the tubes and diameter should be selected individually by the size of the gaps.


The sealer has its markup:

E - Seal for closing gaps from 2 to 3.5 millimeters.

P - to close the gaps from 3 to 5 millimeters.

D - for gaps from 3 to 7 millimeters.

To determine the size of the gap, it is possible between the window sash and the frame to clamp a piece of plasticine woven into the cellophane.

Warming windows by the seal - this is, in fact, partial restoration. Therefore, such work is best to entrust professionals. If the windows have twisted, and the wood fucked or at least slow down, then the repair may be expensive. Warming in the Swedish technology is designed only to those windows that did not forget to care for. Otherwise, for the price, such insulation can cost almost as much as new plastic windows.


  1. First of all, the sash should be removed from the loops.
  2. After that, on the perimeter of the frame with the help of the cutter, the groove is selected.
  3. In the groove you need to roll and glue the seal.
  4. Then the sash must be penetrated back to the loop.
  5. If the old window, then you may need to also replace the accessories or align the window geometry. If everything is done well, then such a sealant can serve from 10 to 20 years.

Warming of slopes of windows


Most often, this is done by strangling in the clock of the mounting foam for insulation of windows. After drying it, it will be necessary to trim the surplus. For this purpose, it is also possible to use a smelter prepared from two parts of building gypsum and one piece of chalk.

Warming windows foam

Polyfoam is a relatively inexpensive building material that can also be used to insulate the windows.

Would need:

  1. Foam leaf.
  2. Reinforced grid made of fiberglass.
  3. Plaster.
  4. Adhesive solution.

The sequence of work is as follows:

  1. Glue the foam outside on the slopes.
  2. Fill the slots with adhesive composition.
  3. Cove the surface of the foam with a special reinforced grid made of fiberglass.
  4. Cover the resulting design layer of plaster.
  5. Fix if you need a foam with special plastic compounds.

Modern insulation technology


If you need a high-quality insulation of windows for a long time, then you can use the achievements of modern technologies, namely synthetic seals or silicone sealant. For the insulation of windows, the lever syringe is best suited. In order to use the sealant, put enough tube with it in this syringe and pressing the lever pressed the desired amount of silicone. In order for the sealant to be noticeable with random getting on the glass, you need to choose transparent material for such works.

The process of insulation consists of the following steps:

  1. Remove glass. In order to remove wooden strokes (fastenings) that hold the glass, you need to use a flat screwdriver. Fasteners first should be lifted throughout the perimeter of the frame, after which it is possible to remove the bottom, then the side, and then the upper one. After that, the glass itself is removed. In order not to cut down, it is better to carry out such works in the plated gloves.
  2. Clean the seat of the junction from dirt and dust.
  3. Apply to the perimeter of the frame of the sealant. To do this, use the syringe.
  4. Install the glass into place and secure it again by his strokes. Perhaps you have to use new staps, because the old one is often broken during the removal.
  5. Simultaneously with insulation, it is convenient to carry out windows repair. For example, you can clear the peeled old paint, change the accessories and sharpen cracks.
  6. A little differently insulated windows in places where opening elements are adjacent. To do this, use a special sealing cord - a flat tube made of soft rubber. She has one side is covered with adhesive composition and closed with a removable tape. Some varieties of tubes are manufactured not only from soft rubber, but also from other materials, for example, foam rubber.
  7. Similar tubes are available in dual form. They can be fixed as one by one, having altered and immediately both. The sealing tube should be put in such a way that the frame when closing pressed it at right angles.
  8. Despite the fact that these tubes are soft enough, after they are mounted throughout the perimeter of the frame, they will create significant resistance. Because of this, sometimes the frame has to be additionally posed. Often the cracks are so great that even the sealing tubes cannot be tightly installed there.

Warming with heat-saving film

Film for insulation of windows - a fairly new material. She passes the light inside the room, but it does not produce infrared radiation. It is due to this that the heat is saved. Such a film has two sides, one of which has a metal shine. When gluing it is important that the metal side is directed to the street. Only so she will work. Sticker material must be braced on the frame. With a careful approach, the stickers are practically not noticeable on the window.

For this variant of the insulation of the plastic window, special films are used. It is worth saying that they are expensive and not in all construction stores are on sale. Sometimes instead of it uses a conventional polyethylene film. In any case, the material closes the entire window. This can be done for the windows of the veranda, in the economic premises and in the country. It is important that the fixed film is evenly stretched throughout the surface. It is necessary so that no edge can exhaust the wind.

When choosing a film usually takes into account:

  1. Requirement for transparency.
  2. Frost resistance. Inquire the seller, what temperature the film is calculated. Material that can withstand long-time low temperatures, usually has a yellowish tint.
  3. To attach the film to the window frames is often used industrial stapler. This tool can make a fairly reliable fastening. It does not matter whether the windows are insulated with their own hands or with a specialist, the film will gradually break from the stapler brackets. To this not happened, it is recommended to put some gasket under the bracket. For example, you can use a cloth or plastic isolent. The length of the bracket should not be more than 8 millimeters.

Warming windows: photo


Warming windows with your own hands
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